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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Death Stranding feels like a grinding game from the videos I've seen. Lots of walking through the wilderness, spending time alone with your thoughts and killing tar ghosts. Fallout-esk. Jedi Fallen Order looks like I might enjoy that one. Though of the walkthroughs I've watched, saber combat seems like it needs refinement (or the players posting these walkthroughs really suck). Feels like the saber combat from Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. Coming from Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy, that feels like a step back. And this whole cannot-dismember-people-vs-creatures is garbage. Someone needs to make a mod to allow people dismemberment. And from the gameplay I've watched, I actually want to play Modern Warfare.
  2. I’d call it a copyright violation. I’ll be here all week folks.
  3. I think Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau (mostly...,ok 99%, Filoni) probably gets Star Wars the most. But that's in part because Filoni worked on Clone Wars and Rebels and is a hold over from pre-Disney LucasFilm. This show gives me the same "Ok this feels like Star Wars"-vibe that Rogue One gave me (and that's due to Jon Knoll being another pre-Disney Lucasfilm minion). Maybe it's me but maybe Disney should pull from the pre-Disney Lucasfilm/LucasArts talent pool for Star Wars than the talent they have running it now. As for this episode...it's a pilot episode. Enough to get me interested, but now they gotta sustain that.
  4. It does more to him than it ever will to HG. The incident in question happened well after he worked on RT. Unless this happened while he worked on RT or stemmed from his work then, sure, you could draw a line from that point, but this happened later. And it just cements this guy is a creep and shouldn't work in this field anymore.
  5. Yeah, this has little to do with HG and more with a sexual harassment lawsuit. Meh.
  6. The Gagarin-class looks OK. But it shares a design lineage to the Shepard-class so I'll let that go. The Chimera-class just looks fugly.
  7. At 52 days, there is no more filming unless they magically can get all the actors together. At this point, they should really be finishing up VFX shots and finalizing everything. And yes I have seen the plot leaks on Reddit.
  8. ‘Star Wars’: ‘Game of Thrones’ Creators No Longer Attached to Oversee Trilogy Should probably thank Netflix for this. Apparently they are so tied up with Netflix projects, their status changed from Away to Not Available. Meh.
  9. Naw...really? And that was the whole point of the design aesthetic of the prequels. They start with more curves then make their way to the boxy-industrial look of the OT. The Republic ships eventually become the Empire so the designers start with curvy art nouveau to the industrial design, much like car designs. But whoever the designers of the sequels are don't understand that. And that's the lacking element from the sequel designs. Nothing has changed. It's basically the McQuarrie concept art. There was no imagination in the sequel designs. Much like car design has brought back curves, the designers could have done the same. Modern car designs have adopted an aerodynamic feel to maximize air flow around the car. The sequel designers could have introduced something along those lines...but no. By the time we get to that point in the story (Episode 1), yes, the Republic was at that point of just maintaining status quo. And that's where Palps saw his opening.
  10. Piece of the Death Star landing on another planetary body is possible. In another star system so soon.... Talk about the odds of a planet in the flight path and landing so soon... What about the condition of that wreckage? The exposed parts should have more crispy bits considering it came from space.
  11. Ms. Teschmacher was working for Leviathan, or perhaps coerced by them. One can never know with these secret criminal organizations. In the comics currently, Leviathan has been quietly eliminating other organizations like the DEO, ARGUS, etc. I would get a good kick out of it if they finally brought in Checkmate this season. Jimmy's Guardian suit look like a Knight's work clothes. Concerning Lena, that's the point about her. She tries not to be a classic-Luthor but she sure exhibits a lot of Luthor-traits and she slowly is going over to the dark side. I hope they keep Ma'alefa'ak around as a foil to J'onn. His character needs that. I'm also interested to see what the payoff for his character is since the Monitor brought him to Earth.
  12. Nothing of consequence. A bunch of people posting the Full Frontal.Moe article: https://fullfrontal.moe/kawamori-40-interview/ Not much vulgarity in either spot. Quite tame compared to more hotter topics.
  13. Again, I blame JJ for his stupid remake of the OT (TFA). At least the EU (or Legends) tried to make it work (but with a case of too many authors cooks in the kitchen, it was bound to end up as a mess). Regarding Palps-cloning shenanigans, at least it made sense given the "CLONE" Wars. Pre-Disney Star Wars? The wars could have been on struggle to re-create the Republic after the Empire. But we got Empire-lite and Rebellion 2.0-minus-DLC-addons in these movies.
  14. Hate to spoil the mood but Frank Agrama hasn't been heavily involved in RT since...forever. He's just the ATM. All the ideas come from other people.
  15. And..? Saber fight still looks like sh*t. Palps’ return pretty much negates RotJ. And horses? Really? Horses? This movie will make a ton of money but be “meh” at best. Just throwing it out there now.
  16. While I won’t comment on the hilarity, yes they are just shopping streaming rights around the block. This time it’s FUNMation, next time it’s Crunchyroll, then back to Amazon, then back to Netflix, etc.. It’s musical chairs. Took them to the cleaners? Nah. Probably gave them a standard deal.
  17. I'm gonna agree with Seto here. Good News: It's the China-market!. Bad News: It's the China-market. Seeing all the current issues with other companies (which I will avoid discussing here)....HURRAY?
  18. Probably neither. Just "officially" opening up a market.
  19. Thought it was OK. I give shows a a little bit of time for writers to figure out their actors and and how they work with their characters. I do like the slow approach to the Batsuit morphing into the Batwoman suit. They better say that the Wayne Tower Batcave is only Batbunker.
  20. It’s the hair. The wig they put on Brent Spiner looks off. They should have adjusted it. i hope the called up John Eaves and Mike Okuda to work on the Federation ships.
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