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Everything posted by azrael

  1. It is possible since Macross City is the capital of the UN government. But really, we don't know.
  2. Not those Astrays.....
  3. Yep. And it's out of print should any of you want to get it.
  4. Let's see...anything happening on this board tonite..... Guess not...
  5. www.japanhero.com Team up movies don't fit into any series. Their not suppose to. If they fit anywhere, it is usually before the last set of episodes of the current series. For example, Abarekiller is still running the Evorian in Abaranger vs Hurricanger. Since, at the end of Abaranger, Abarekiller joins up with the team, obviously, it is before the end if you must place it anywhere. No. Only the following had team-ups, although I don't remember if any used any sentai footage : Zeo (Ohranger vs. Kakuranger) Lost Galaxy (Megaranger vs. Gingaman) Lightspeed Rescue (GoGoV vs. Gingaman) Time Force (Timeranger vs. GoGoV) Wild Force (Gaoranger vs. Timeranger) Ninja Storm didn't have one as JRock said. Village Roadshow in NZ took over production of PR so they would have to fly the cast of Wild Force down to NZ to film. That would have been expensive.
  6. http://www.anime.net/macross/story/atlas/index.html http://www.anime.net/macross/story/atlas/u...city/index.html
  7. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5492 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=369
  8. http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo...love/index.html http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...hort/index.html
  9. azrael


    http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/anti_un...sv51/index.html We have no rating system on how strong each armor is. However, regardless of that, both sides are using rounds that would penetrate the armor.
  10. azrael


    Bingo. The VF-0, like its decendents, are all-environment. However, the limitation on the VF-0 is it's engines. It's engines are conventional jet engines. Conventional engines don't work in space, at least not for long, i.e. they would be used as rocket engines. Since VF-0s already consume fuel in large quantities, in space, you would not last long. It only looks more advance because this was done after the original series. And IIRC, Mr. Kawamori has commented in the DVD liner notes that prototypes look different when they get to the mass production stage. Look at the YF-22 vs. the F/A-22. The basic design is the same yet there are changes.
  11. I think part of this belongs in the newbie thread... Yes. Their both GERWALK. http://www.anime.net/macross/story/glossary/index.html I see no mention of the arms....
  12. In M+, the celebration was held in March. http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...2040/index.html http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...2009/index.html Yes. http://www.tcp.com/~doi/seiyuu/hayami-sho/roles-anime.html http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ople.php?id=724 VF-0? Kinda. Later VFs? Probably not. Except for the VF-22, possibly.
  13. I don't think we need to go into that.....
  14. Most likely cost. JsARCLIGHT provides a good answer to that. Beam weapons are expensive. Especially ones of that caliber. The VF-4 was the only fighter to have beam weapons as it's primary weapon. Due to it's costs, it was replaced with the VF-5000 as the primary fighter. The operational costs may be low, however the building and maintanence costs out weigh the operational costs. Hence the need to go back to using the gunpod as the primary weapon. Of course. Anything is possible.
  15. I should add that Millia is there for her daughter's upbringing. For the 6 other girls, she was out there fighting all the time and she probably couldn't spend as much time then as she could now for Mylene. For Mylene, she's right there. And I don't think Millia has any grand-children from the other 6. You know, the clock is ticking and she ain't gettin any younger. It's time for the girls to get movin. Papa Jenius is all used up.
  16. IIRC, no. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/yamatoyf19_ib.jpg
  17. HAHAHAHA Your membertitle should be, "Compendium Gopher." Or Father Azrael even. The Compendium is like his bible for this cult which is Macross. Nah, I'm just tired of people being lazy.
  18. I would say it is dependent on mission specifics. In a Macross game, there was a scene in an opening sequence (you can find it on the 20th Anniversary DVD) where you see 2 cannon fodder VF-1As with Strike packs instead of Super packs. Sure you can be a pro, but you can be a pro in a VF-1A and still use Strike packs as opposed to just be in a VF-1S. Also, the Compendium lists the Strike pack (more importantly, the replacement double cannon) as an option to the standard VF-1 Super packs. Therefore, I will say that the Strike packs are dependent on mission specifics more than user preference (with Roy, he could get away with it since he's CAG) with rank having nothing to do with it except abuse of privilege. It does not matter what VF-1 you fly.
  19. Yes, the canopy was designed to open from the front and not from the back on the YF-19. However, in the production model, the Vf-19, the canopy opens from a hinge in the back.
  20. http://www.anime.net/macross/introduction/index.html#updates For the "do-it-yourself" impaired:
  21. Advanced? Maybe.... Figure 1. Pilot from 1/48 VF-1A. Figure 2. Pilot from 1/60 VF-1J "Max". As we can see from the figure 1, the pilot has more equipment strapped on him. Should pads, arm guards, bigger boots, etc. In Figure 2, the pilot is practically wearing spandex with a backpack.
  22. These should be close enough. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/v...oto/strike4.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/ads/ads_models_im11.htm Sorry, but I'm doing some other stuff at the moment so I don't have time to search but these are as close as I can remember.
  23. That explains the reason for the Meltrans....unless I'm missing the point of the thread.
  24. True but, nevertheless, there not essential to the operation of the fighter, which is what I was getting at. Heck, we should also consider that Hikaru's VF had fractures all along the main body as well from all the hits he took. If we consider 2 large holes plus numerous fractures, then Hikaru should have exploded ala Columbia. But for that, I say anime magic. We don't know. Hence the reason it was "unofficial". That depends on the shade of grey. In DYRL?, the FAST packs are a blue-grey. In the series, their a medium/light grey.
  25. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VICL-365 The song is an image song on the Macross II, OST volume 2. You'll find the song there.
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