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Everything posted by azrael

  1. It's still a VA-3C.....
  2. He probably means VAB-6. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/index.html
  3. This would be close to what I believe Anima Spiritia is. It's not a god-like ability. To me, it's a state of mind. The amount of emotion Basara puts into his singing generates a substantial amount of Spiritia-energy. There is no doubt in his mind. The determination Basara puts into his singing is without a doubt, a lot. His mind is clear and focused. When you look at the rest of the group in Fire Bomber, they all seem to be lacking some degree of focus. Mylene is confused about who she loves and how to handle the situation. Ray, after the lost of Stephen, can't force himself to pull a gun or fight as he did. In an episode early in the series, Ray had a chance to pull the trigger on someone, yet he hesitated. Vefidas was wandering without a goal. She started out as a street fighter, wandering the galaxy fighting whoever stepped up to the plate. Basara doesn't seem to have that problem. There are times when the he loses his focus in the series (i.e. the test of the hero), yet he prevails eventually. I would say "doubt" is something Basara has very little of. In many hero stories, doubt is cased upon the hero as a test of his/her ability. If the hero passes, that doubt is accepted or eliminated, making the hero stronger or more determined. That idea is probably one thing that separates Anima Spiritia from normal Spiritia. It's not a god-like ability. It is the drive/emotion of the hero which separates him/her from the rest.
  4. I'm inclined to agree with BoB about your interpretation of Anima Spiritia, wolfx.
  5. http://www.animesuki.com/
  6. Gentlemen, this is a Q&A thread, not a comment thread. If you wish to make comments about how cool Max was in that scene, then it would be best to start a thread.
  7. I believe the newbie thread covers that. In fact, I think someone asked that question.
  8. Or it could be that the Cyclops system only detects a certain things, or certain reactions. http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo...lops/index.html In most instances we've seen it used, it detected AFOS, the missing head of AFOS, and the instance of Sarah singing in the holy spring. Maybe the system only detects uses of Protoculture-based systems (i.e. fold/defolds, Spiritia reactions, etc, etc, etc).
  9. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/
  10. Whoops. Most likely, color scheme. There are many color schemes for VFs as we've seen. This could be one of them. Or it could be just an animation mistake.
  11. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...vf11/index.html There's a little more than just the mono-eye.
  12. Obviously you haven't been here that long...
  13. Mass-produced. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/zentrad...itzs/index.html Variants, however, do exist. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_..._bis/index.html That hasn't been explained. However, Egan Loo can ask Kawamori the next chance he gets. However, I get the feeling it's just something Kawamori pulled out of his ass.... The VF-0D, VF-1D, VF-11D, VF-17T, and VF-5000T-G actually look fairly roomy from the lineart. The VT-1/VE-1 is the only one that actually looks fairly tight. As for the YF-19's rear seat, the seat is labeled as optional, so I would imagine that the seat is normally not there for a reason. For some quick lineart views: http://www.mahq.net/
  14. Nah, people are just lazy. Now for a friendly reminder: The Macross Compendium, the best and most under-used resource for Macross. Mirror for the Robotech FAQ for people who want answer for differences between the 2 shows. Lebhead's site, for people who just found the world outside Robotech. Heck, he even has his own thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=228 And for our own info threads: The infamous HG vs. BW license debate thread. Post at your own risk of not reading the thread first.
  15. Gundam Evolve was really more of a animation OAV. There was no story behind them. The series was more eye candy than anything else so I'm not surprised if it did beat out Gundam Evolve.
  16. Yeah. It starts with an "R" and is produced by some company with the initials "H" and "G".
  17. BTW, found a fan-rendering of the suit. http://www.batman-on-film.com/batmanpics/bbsuitdomain.jpg http://www.batman-on-film.com/images/bbhead1-domain.jpg They need to publish some brighter shots. I wanna see that suit in full light.
  18. Those ears bother me a bit. They look a little too wide at the bottom for their size. From the side, they look relatively fine except they sit a little too far back for my tastes. From the off-center shots, they look a little too meshed in with the head, only leaving a little bit of skull cap. ex. see attached Notice how Jim Lee makes the top of his head more round. Notice here the top of the head doesn't look as round. Although it might be the angle but I think it might be due to the ears being so wide at the bottom.
  19. I think it would be a good time to point out this: http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo...lops/index.html IIRC, Aries says the radar system was based on a theory that OT (OverTechnology) eventually brought to the real world. The Compendium doesn't mention that it existed with ASS-1 either, so I would gather that the Cycolps radar system was a human idea. Yes it does. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/anti_un...sv51/index.html And so does the VF-0. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf0/index.html My guess is, this system is imperfect. It might be nowhere near the YF-21/VF-22's or the YF/VF-19's active stealth system. Hai. http://www.anime.net/macross/feedback/index.html The statement is: Now, this says to me that ECA (Energy-Converting Armor) is avaliable in all modes. However, in battroid mode, the system increases the amount of power going to the system. This is probably due to the fact that a battroid would not have the speed or manueverability as fighter or GERWALK, so the need for stronger armor is necessary to compensate for the decreased speed and movement capability.
  20. I'll have to agree with that statement. I think we need to see the publicity shots....
  21. Different units use different suits. Technology changes over time. And styles change over time. Production-wise and story wise.
  22. However, it was impractical for mass production (i.e. VF-22) due to costs. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...yf21/index.html The "morphing wings" are only a YF-21 exclusive and considering that this thread is about the VF-22...
  23. Oh, you poop on every thread.
  24. In M0, they are also used as a CIWS.
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