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Everything posted by azrael

  1. But that would take the fun out of the thread.... The newbies should still read the Compendium first though, which most don't do.
  2. True, but it just makes it easier to explain why it has a "Y" at the end of it. I could have very well used "Army" but hey, I honestly don't care. There also is this note: http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo...pacy/index.html So in a sense, yes, I can get away with calling a "Space Navy" (since all I was doing was explaining the "y" in SPACY, but i could have also used Space Army)
  3. As I said, noted are......(see previous post). There may be an Army but they have yet to be mentioned in any official publications. Who knows..... A little of column A and a little of column B. As I see it, there are factions (I don't see an actual central authority among the Anti-UN but I don't seem them as just terrorists cells since they have a distinct military discpline surrounding them). In the Americas, they are probably dealing with guerillas (like the ones in Guatamala back in the day). In the Pacific/Atlantic and in Eurasia (and perhaps Australia), the UN is probably facing a much more organized group. I can't really make out the situation in the Middle East/Africa. This is conjecture, of course. The basis for this answer is from scenes in M0 and the Compendium.
  4. Think "Navy". Get it? The "y" at the end? http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo...pacy/index.html No. There are other branches of the UN Armed Forces. Noted are: UNS - UN Spacy (Space Navy, get it now????) UNAF - UN Air Force UNN - UN Navy UNSAF- UN Space Air Force UNSM- UN Space Marines http://www.anime.net/macross/story/glossary/index.html
  5. For that, you'll need to ask Mikimoto. How many kills? Too many....
  6. We made a few comments about it here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8735
  7. Congrats.
  8. There's also the SEARCH button, but you know...everybody who ask questions like these don't know how to use it.
  9. I have the Manga movie edition and can verify that it is a straight VHS-to-DVD rip. As for the R2....I would expect it to look better since the R2 is a raw (no subs).
  10. Well it is Protoculture-based.....like the Zentradi....
  11. 1) 1983. http://www.anime.net/macross/production/mo.../vf1/index.html http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/takatoku.htm 2) Don't know. It may actually refer to the model-type of the protect armor as oppose to any meaning as we have seen various protect armor systems in Macross.
  12. Depends on which cup of tea I want. Do I want something I can sip for a while, or down in 1 gulp.
  13. Graham is a Sith lord. End of story.
  14. And hey, Roy took out 2 Octos before his craft blew up. If there were more, he probably would have taken them out as well.
  15. Just get the Animeigo set. It's probably a bootleg anyways.
  16. We have all the answers yet no one ever bothers to use the search button...first... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=244
  17. Yes. But eventually, they would have to outsource overseas to stay competitive in the market, thereby making layoffs of their animator pool. And then the cycle starts over again.
  18. Not quite. http://www.cadtutor.net/dd/bryce/anim/anim.html ( http://www.google.com/search?q=keyframe%20...F-8&sa=N&tab=gw )
  19. Did we kinda answer this in the newbie thread?
  20. 1) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...nime.php?id=355 http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...eople.php?id=15 http://www.gainax.co.jp/hills/anno/profile-e.html 2) Otaku no Video was made by Gainax, which Anno joined. Remember, Otaku no Video is a parody. There's lots of in-jokes in there.
  21. From my various looks into the anime industry, I would have to agree with that statement. Anime is still just-for-kids. The target audience is still the pre/young-teens. It still fills that range of "for-all-ages" but the target audience of anime has always been for kids. It's much like the sci-fi community. The group maintaining the community is relatively small in comparison to other genres. As oppose to me making another post: But manga/comics isn't anime.
  22. I think it is an exaggeration in terms of cultural aspects but not an exaggeration in terms of economics. If the trend continues, you will find more animators without jobs. Much like the tech industry bubble bursting, you could relate the situation here.
  23. Each series is governed by its own set of rules. So there is no "typical" size among the mecha.
  24. Yes there have been shots inside the sub. Episode 2 had them when Nora was pissed at the tech. In fact, the Compendium indicates how the launch from the sub. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/anti_un...sv51/index.html
  25. No stats. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/anti_un...tadt/index.html But it's big enough to hold at least 12 SV-51 (vertically aligned that is)
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