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Everything posted by azrael

  1. That would just be wrong. So awfully wrong. Of course, they could name this foe after a Babylonian god....but that would be even worst. The current plot to Shadow Force (if it even keeps that name) sounds like M7 and various other shows. Exploration force goes out into space in search of something only to encounter a mysterious foe. I'm sure I've heard that type of plot somewhere else. Why not have destroids that have heads and arms that can use beam rifles and shields. Then make them out of a extremely tough armor. then drop a 13-16 year-old pilot into the cockpit.
  2. Let me guess....on their way to explore the galaxy they encounter a mysterious force that uses VF-like weapons against them. These ships look strangely like the Gamma fighter (which happens to look like a VF-14/Fz-109).
  3. So in terms of actual licenced shows...were still no better off than we were 2 years ago. (Unless a certain company wants to release it as part of "Merchandising" which doesn't hold up IMO) *Images of a t-shirt "I licensed Macross and all I got was this stupid toy" come to mind...*
  4. http://www.valkyrie-exchange.com Kev should have all the various variations for you to look at.
  5. Let's see......I do believe it was episode 28.
  6. I think games are not totally considered canon, despite being in the chronology. FV IIRC, they thought they were VF-4s, not VF-14s. Why? Because both share the wing-mounted engine design. Also, Final Vegeta is correct. Even though you can fly a VF-14 in the M3 game, that does not necessarily mean that Max actually few one in the chronology.
  7. Yamato did a run of the Low Viz because Kawamori liked the paint scheme. Really, he liked the paint scheme. And the "Minmay Guard" is also just another paint scheme. You can dream up whatever story you want, it's just a paint scheme. http://www.tmpanime.com/product_info.php?products_id=785 http://www.valkyrie-exchange.com/Hasegawa/...inmayguard.html http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/m...stoms-148-3.htm It's just another custom.
  8. I don't believe so. It was just for the VFERR column in Character Model Magazine.... for now. Think of it as VF-EX (from the same magazine). Kawamori is just having fun with his designs.
  9. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...va14/index.html It says it there. VA-14 has heavier armor and weaponry, increased engine thrust and redesigned wings compared to the VF-14. If anything, I would say that the VA-14 probably shares a similar wing design as the Az-130.
  10. Protoculture referred to in several instances in SDF Macross. However, Protoculture is not the protoculture of Robotech. Protoculture is not the same a Overtechnology. Please read: http://protoculture.lebhead.com/ http://macross.anime.net/fallacies/errata/robotech_faq/
  11. Yes....yes it is.
  12. Bingo. The games are based on the story. They aren't the story. Example: http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...2013/index.html See the listings for the M3 missions? Those details just tell you what happened. They do not go into detail. That's the point. So what if it did? Is that of any value to the story? No. So don't get all worked up about it. If they changed Max's hair color to heavy-blue/black, would that make Max any different? No. He's still Max. Nitpicking the details gets you no where. Don't worry about it.
  13. *yawn* I was pointed to that article by my sibling. It is unfortunate that it is misinterpreted. The US pilots were intentionally handicapped while the Indians, were not. Do they list what those handicaps were? No. The whole point of that demo was to: Now tell me you don't see the bigger picture to this? The whole point was to funnel more money to the F/A-22 and JSF. Now, if the US did not have handicaps, I would say the picture would be different and would work against the funding of the F/A-22 and the JSF.
  14. It's a game....don't worry about it being canon. Because it isn't. http://www.anime.net/macross/production/software/index.html The games are just based on the story. You do not need to pull your hair out wondering why they changed Komillia's hair color.
  15. We have yet to see any.
  16. The Compendium uses "Mardook". Manga Entertainment uses "Marduk". In the series, it is pronouced ma-ru-duu-ka (or -ku, I can't tell). In either case, it is a raising "u" sound. It will depend how you pronounce that raising "u".
  17. Gents, Scroll down to the VF-11 entry note: http://www.anime.net/macross/feedback/index.html
  18. Depends on which series you want. http://www.anime.net/macross/characters/f/....html#FockerRoy SDF Macross: (specifcally Roy) CVS-101 Prometheus (SDF-1 Macross) SDF Macross DYRL?: ARMD-01 (SDF-1 Macross) The Yammie 1/48 is from DYRL?. So if you want to parallel DYRL?, put on ARMD-01. Otherwise, it's there for you to customize.
  19. IIRC, the creators of Macross played along the end-of-the-world themes, which is why we had the crash in 1999.
  20. You missed the conversation about a page back. Go read. Fuel And Sensor Tactical
  21. You can buy them 1 DVD at a time, or 3 at a time. Try to save up and get it. Sorry but the "I can't afford them/I don't have money" excuse doesn't work on me anymore.
  22. You never know.... We don't know the actual limits of PPBs or ODBs (although that one episode in SDF Macross shows us that that there are limits, nonetheless). That's never been gone into detail by the powers-that-be. The power requirements would probably make me choke...and then some. There are limits, even in Macross. I'll leave that to your fan-fic imagination.... No comment. Neither and both. Egan sums it up best: http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...2040/index.html A more detailed version is, Macross Plus is about Project Super Nova, in which the UN held a competition, between the YF-19 and the YF-21, to determine which fighter would become the next-generation main-variable fighter. Also during that time, the music idol, Sharon Apple, was able to gain control of all computers on Earth, causing an incident.
  23. Master tactician.....maybe....Walking databank/encyclopedia/glossary/thesaurus/manual/user's guide/information booth/etc... definitely.
  24. Answer to why Britai is built better than your average Zentradi: http://www.anime.net/macross/characters/k/...danik_vrlitwhai Partial answer to Exsedol: http://www.anime.net/macross/characters/f/...l#folmo_exsedol Nah, really......This is Macross territory...not Robotech. For Robotech answers, go to RT.com.
  25. Eh? ASS-1 is pre-SDF-1 Macross-designation. ASS-1 refers to SDF-1 before it was overhauled into the Earth vessel we know. M0 is taking place before SDF Macross (TV series) but well after it crashed (in fact, this is in the prologue of M0), so I don't see what the confusion is...
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