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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yes. Disney thought they could replicate the Marvel formula by tossing 2-4 movies out every year. But when Solo flopped at the box office and TLJ met with some serious backlash, that plan got crushed. With the success of The Mandalorian, it appears they want to leverage Disney+.
  2. Why does Rey need a staff if she has a blaster AND a lightsaber? Freakin' hanging onto that thing like a security blanket. *insert obligatory face palm meme here*
  3. Could’ve. Would’ve. Didn’t. This is a problem I have with modern Western cinematic storytelling. The idea that we have to follow a character from cradle to grave. This is one reason why Solo was such a bad idea.
  4. I will still never understand the rationale behind removing those scenes.
  5. I think people forget that by the time of the Dominion War, Mirandas, Excelsiors and their offshots were already pushing 100 years old and you can only push refits so far before you run up to the limitations of the original design. These designs were based around environments in the Alpha & Beta quadrants and threats like Klingons & Romulans. And by the end of the 24th century, the Federation had already grown beyond those threats.
  6. I suspect episode 1 & 2 were originally storied to be one episode before scripting. Basically a 1-hour pilot episode. Ep 1: 39 min Ep 2: 31 min Ep 3: 37 min
  7. Don't know what the FTC's smack on Youtube has to do with it (FTC fined Google for the whole child porn on Youtube-incident, therefore, Google altered the TOS). Youtube is just changing their TOS...again. Youtube's language is vague so creators are getting nervous again, just like when the Ad-poclypse happened.
  8. It's likely the same species as Yoda & Yaddle. The production crew, unfortunately, gave it the nickname, "Baby Yoda". Fer shizzle. You could almost see "WASTED" plastered on-screen when he goes down.
  9. Yes it's hearsay so it's best to take it with a bottle of salt. I will say they are hell-bent on making Rey a Disney princess or whatever. And considering they are bringing Palps back, that completely negates Anakin's role and everything that stemmed from that (Luke, Leia, hell all of RotJ).
  10. That's a double-edge sword. You can only string your audience for so long before they decide not to take the bait.
  11. One thing I'm not terribly fond of is how Jedi Fallen Order feels like Uncharted with a lightsaber.
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