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Everything posted by azrael

  1. That may have something to do with Kira being the ultimate cooridnator, though because other Cooridnators don't exhibit that trait. I won't say annihalate, more like prematurely adjusting the numbers. The number of natural Coordinator births was declining, IIRC. Coordinators were doing the job that George Glenn envisioned, forcing humanity to evolve (as we see with Mu). The Blue Cosmos vision was a more radical/extreme concept. If the process occured naturally, Coordinators would have bred themselves out of existance. If the Coordinators were wiped out, the process of becoming newtypes would not mature as it has or the evolutionary process may even come to a halt (thereby, naturals would breed themselves to extinction).
  2. Only 6 more models to go before I have enough shelf space for that...Dang, looks like it's going to sit on the top of the shelf at my rate of model building....
  3. Now....BITCH PLEASE! *raises hand up high* Oh oh oh, I wanna bitch! 1) Funny, cuz we seem to lose a lot of VFs every episode. 2) Let see, technology gets better and is implemented in the next generation. That computer your using is probably much better than the one you had 10 years ago. What's the problem with implementing new technology? Even Robotech does it. 3) Whoever said we had to be feasible? Flying transforming robots should be the first indication that we aren't in Kansas anymore. 4) To each his own. But just so we are mutually comfortable, I sure many of us here are not happy with the RT-mecha progression, as if it ever had any. It just recycles designs with every pic we see. 5) "Transforming gimmick"? Funny, what's that I see at RT? Oh the "Invid Overlord". Guess what? It has a "transforming gimmick" too. Not that it needs one, period. 6) Well, I'm sorry if you don't like it but that's what they're designed for and that's what their going to be used for.
  4. That may be true about Newtypes. But we'll have to let it play out. As for Kira, I don't think he did. Well, if it explodes and doesn't create a blast radius the size of a small island, it probably doesn't run on a nuclear reactor. Also, the official site makes note of the energy-transfer system in Impulse.
  5. The impression I got from ep. 2 is that Rey doesn't seem to understand that feeling (that feeling being able to sense the presense of other newtypes). As for newtypes in Seed, Mu and Creuset are the only newtypes, according to the producers. If the genetic trait was more wide spread, the EA would be trying to create farms for newtypes but considering it's only limited to Mu and Creuset, you could say, it "kept in the family".
  6. Most likely the Alliance will analyse the hell out of them and end up on a par with ZAFT. Whatever new Gundams the Alliance makes will either use this tech, or they'll just say "to hell with it, build a couple of NJ Cancellers and equip some new Gundams with them." All the more reason to bring back Freedom.
  7. That looks like the 3-disc mini-box set of SDF Macross. http://www.animeigo.com/Products/MACROSS.t
  8. They are not nuclear-powered MS. The OS used to control the MS was based off the original Freedom/Justice/Providence OS, hence why the boot-up sequence is the same. However, they use a new type of system which allows them to receive power via distance. This way, they don't need to return to a port to recharge the battery.
  9. No. When Impulse (or any of the other Gundams) powers up the "Unsubdued Nuclear" part of the acronym is overwritten by "Unrestricted Network". I got the "Unsubdued Nuclear" thing from the intro, and I assumed it was the impulse since it WAS showing the impulse powering up. You do understand that those words on the screen were being written over, right? They were replaced with: Generation Unrestricted Networked Drive Assault Module The intro cuts off the when it's 2/5 of the way through the boot-up. Watch the episode, not the intro.
  10. Because they stole it? http://www.anime.net/macross/characters/i/...v_dd/index.html
  11. of course, it's slowed down so that we can watch it for once. I'm sure they'll speed things up as the series progresses. Originally, the G-Armor separation sequence (from 0079/MSG) was done slowly (like a 10 sec scene). By later episodes, the time spent on the scene was reduced. At times, it looked like it was just 5 secs. The first time is just for show. As we move on, the sequence will be shorter (cuz we've seen it already).
  12. And here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=9581
  13. My first thought. The point of transforming is the idea of a change in function. There is none here. vinnie So basically, they took a Tread, a Gurab mixed with a Iigau and a Gosu and came up with that?
  14. I would say "I would really hate if they made....." We don't know right now. In the coming weeks, the answers will come but we only have 1 of possibly 50 episodes. Between now and this time next year, anything is possible. For all we know, the producers could be playing games with the audience.
  15. Well, whatever the reason, I'd wish they would just make it easier on themselves and use the location names off the official site (Of course, it was only 1 instance where I saw that so it's no biggie). In any case, the sub that got released today went phonetic on the names (Stera instead of Stella/Stellar, Kagari instead of Cagalli) and some editing was needed. But anyways, back to the speculation.
  16. The A-K/Aone version has much better encoding of the 2. It also appears to have corrected the notable mistakes of the other release (another group put out a copy today, which I'll take a look at later). Although this would be real nitpicking, they should use the names from here for locations: http://www.gundamofficial.com/worlds/ce/ba...d/glossary.html Considering the DVDs for Seed are out, they could make it easier on themselves and use the names off the official site. But that's real nitpicking.
  17. A TV series is in production and is set to air sometime next year. The cast and production crew will be the same for the TV series as it was for the OAVs. It will be based off the manga series. There will be more details as they come.
  18. I believe one of the producers at the premiere mentioned that Athrun would have some girl-trouble if that's of any help. Also rumors among the Japanese boards are saying that our "fake" Lacus is a doppelganger, so-to-speak. This was based on the fact that Rie Tanaka (Lacus's VA) appears to have another role set for her besides Lacus (whom will see later, everntually). The "fake" Lacus is suppose to be a spy who acts, sounds like, sings like and even thinks she'sLacus (hence the reuse of Ms. Tanaka). But, this is just another rumor so you'll just have to wait and see. For all we know, she may be a clone.
  19. That fansub is *terrible*. That's AJ level subtitling. Hopefully some group that doesn't totally suck will do it soon. It wasn't bad but there were a few mistakes that I could make out, mostly with the launch of Impulse. And unless my ears are hard of hearing: Time: 18:45 I heard "Impulse, standby for takeoff. Pilot to the Core Splendor." And they called it " Silhouette sniper". Unless I'm wrong, I heard it as " Silhouette flyer". It goes with "Chest flyer" and "Leg flyer".
  20. We've never seen it in atmosphere so officially....I can't answer that. However, I'm sure that it does have equipment that would allow it to work within atmosphere.
  21. Yep. Supposedly, they used Protoculture cloning technology passed on from the Zentraedi to beef up the population for awhile, until cloning defects started to become too big of a problem. Cloning begins: May 2010 http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...2010/index.html Cloning ends: December 2030 http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...2013/index.html
  22. Considering we only have 1 episode, out of a potential 50 episode series, let's just stick to possibilities. Just cuz the 2 characters are voiced by their previous counterpart VAs, doesn't hold as voice actors can be recycled. Just look at Gilbert. He's voiced by Shuuichi Ikeda, the voice of Char Aznable. There probably is a reason for the 2 VAs return to this series and I will toy with the idea that they (Reo and Rey) are clones of Mu and Creuset. If you notice int the intro theme where those 2 are shown, the background is research facility, Now if they are clones (let's entertain this theory), the question becomes, why?
  23. Let them get to Orb first. The funny thing is, the head of Savior is shaped just like Justice and Aegis. PLANT drop?
  24. They are readily avaliable, in Japan. The target audience is Japanese, not American. The product may be designed to enter an easy transition phase to an American audience, but the design is still Japanese, and that is who they will produce for.
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