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Everything posted by azrael
They are 2 (actually 3, if you include the DVD release, but the DVD release is just the Perfect Edition on DVD) different home video releases (not theatrical releases). The original video release does not have Minmay tapping the floor. The Perfect Edition has the scene. That's the only difference between the 2 editions.
Z Gundam DVD Set Myth or reality
azrael replied to Otaku-Smeghead's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Doh, no update on my DDDVD order yet. That makes two of us...... The street date of Zeta is 12/14. There is still time. In fact, the street date for SEED vol. 4 and 5 is also 12/14, so anytime between now and next monday, you should get your shipping notice. -
Hiding his face from Mu would be one reason. One thing disturbs me, how much do we know about Mu's father? There must have been something more to helping Dr. Hibiki create the Ultimate Coordinator and getting a clone as payback. Also there is mention of another group controlling Blue Cosmos and EA from the Newtype previews (they are in AnimeSuki's and Anime on DVD's forums). I wonder if the 2 are linked (Mu's father and this other group).
Using the "search" button helps. Checking MAHQ.net helps. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...c=3606&hl=octos And using the correct spelling "Octos" also helps. Come on...does no one know how to use the search button? Show of hands?
There probably are sources however, most of them can be found in the mecha descriptions, like those found at MAHQ.net. Char most likely retreated to the Sweetwater colony after Zeta. It was there he gained his following while another Neo Zeon faction rose to the occasion. Char actually resurfaced a few months before Char's Counterattack. During the roughly 4 year gap between the end of Z to CCA, char was able to build his forces. Char enlisted Anaheim Electronics to build his MS fleet. This point was highlighted in CCA. Anaheim Electronics is a huge corporation. Char and the Londo Bell group both commisioned AE to produce mobile suits. The reason they never caught wind of each other till it was too late was due to the fact that each side got a different section of AE building MSs for them. This is how Amuro got the psycho-frame, kind of. Char intentionally leaked the psycho-frame technology to section of AE he got way back and it made it's way to Londo Bell's AE group. How did he get Axis? IIRC, he pretty much bought it. No more aggression if Earth gave up Axis and Char's fleet surrenders at Luna II. That's where Char faked them out. Earth thought he would surrender at Luna II, but he actually wiped them out and retook Axis. (this is all in CCA, buy/rent it and watch it) edit: just some corrections.
Yeah, GINNs are still being used. Most have been replaced by the GuAIZ Rs but you still see GINNs in episode 1 and 2. Most of the old ZAFT mobile suits are still being used (with the exception of the GuAIZ and the ZuOOT, most of those seem to have been replaced by the GuAIZ R and the GAZuOOT, respectively). Zakus appear limited (since they are just being rolled out) to just squad leaders (like Dearka, who appears to be part of the standard forces, not the SpecOps) and special forces at the moment. It takes time to filter shiny new equipment to the lower ranks.
I don't see much happening with Luna. With Luna, it's more of a school-girl crush. It's not every day you meet the idol/poster-boy of ZAFT's Special Forces. Fake Lacus....now there's a problem.
Alterations? It's possible. Her bloodline does play a point as to why she is the priestess of the island. Who knows what Protoculture did to her ancestors. And Basara didn't have powers. He had none. All of the effects you saw in M7 from Basara were from the Sound Energy System. And that system just reflected his emotions. There was no magic, just advanced technology at work. Sorry, I stop reading this thread after page....20-something.
The old man is Yuuna's (purple haired councilman) father. And concerning them and BC, I still say no. EA is gathering up all of the major nations for a solid alliance and they seem to be succeeding (unlike a similar instance of our era ). It looks like this time, there is very little arguement among the major nations (like between the Eurasia and the Atlantic Feds). All Jibril did was release the images of the GINNs and it seemed to have worked itself. Cagalli is being resistant to the idea of an alliance with EA while the rest of the ORB government are saying join the alliance. That's where the tension lies. ORB is the only nation, so far, that is holding out (which may change...). And in light of events, you could imagine why it is hard not to join. 2 items for the price of 1. This is based off the raw that a few of us have. There is also the Chinese fansub. EA issued an ultimatium to PLANT (which is what was what Cagalli was being told at the end). ZAFT is going to intercept that party in next week's episode (btw, anybody else notice the orange Zaku Phantom...).
It is emotion and and it only seems like magic, thanks to technology. "Any sufficient advance in technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clark's 3rd Law.
here ya go:
Doubtful any of them would be part of BC. But considering they just had a bunch of meteors land on top of them, the blame becomes all geared toward PLANT. More like, "Does it matter who did it?". Those were ZAFT GINNs. The images have spread out across the news services. People have seen the images of GINNs. Only 1 group uses GINNs; PLANT. The hate becomes more simple. Something also came up, Murrue is not using her last name "Ramius". Wonder if Andy is also not using his last name as well. Hummm... Also, the way Talia just squeezed Arthur's arm when he saw Murrue was just priceless. Also, Andy probably has a prosthetic arm. Not uncommon for people who are missing limbs. Word from the magazine previews indicate that Shinn and Kira will fight around episode 14. Shinn, being the newbie and such...he'll be 0-1 (read: 0 wins, 1 lost) for now. Something else from the previews is that Athrun will have his own faction with Minerva, considering ORB is swinging closer with EA....time for a new 3rd party. BTW, use some official translations, not the early fansubs names. http://www.gundamofficial.com/worlds/ce/ch...ters/index.html http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...nime.php?id=883 http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=2669
Yeah, you gotta wonder about that, quoting something...what are we in december...almost 4 months later.
Well, that fits into Shinn's little outburst at Cagalli. Coordinators will get the blame for allowing Junius 7 to fall. Naturals will go on the offensive (just as ZAFT did in the Bloody Valentine incident) and strike back hard. Any lingering doubt will be swept away by BC's propaganda machine. The phrase "The only good <fill in the blank> is dead <<fill in the blank>" will be felt. You know, I've been trying to find one myself. Although, if it has character designs, I could care less. So far, I can't find one with good, clean lineart, not just designs with colored lineart. The File Mechanics books are full of designs but no lineart. It's so hard to find some clean, no color, lineart.
Is he willing to? Yes. Does he want to? Probably no. He probably likes the voices he picks for his characters (who wouldn't, since he is the director) and would not change them. It's been 20 years and he didn't change the voice of Roy so... For games, yes he will use different voices (he got a new VA for Hikaru in the PS2 game) but I don't think he will for animated productions.
The Dagger-Ls are decendents of the original Daggers. The 2 cannons you see on those Dagger-Ls are striker packs, so-to-speak (mission-variable armaments). Duel's mass-produced Daggers are the Duel Daggers (or Long Daggers as the were originally called). http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/index.htm And as we move down the line, the Windams are the decendents of the Daggers. Concerning the OS, lots of stuff gets mentioned in the Astray mangas. Not to mention notes from the producers that doesn't get heard much. In fact, the treaty stuff, no N-Jammer Cancellers and nukes of any kind, that was a note from the producers. In fact, all those notes that Mark Simmons put up on the official site, that's all material from the producers. Not much of that stuff is mentioned in the series. It's a good idea if you read other forums and info sites (like Gunota) from time to time. Word from the grapevine indicates that ORB will actually be siding with EA instead of staying neutral this time.
The dots don't quite connect for "Buster to Calamity to Abyss. Blitz to Raider to Gaia and so on." It's more like Duel+Buster+Strike to Calamity to Dagger (Long Dagger, Buster Dagger, Gunbarrel Dagger) to Dagger L to Windam. Blitz to Forbidden to Forbidden Blue to Deep Forbidden. ZAFT's Gundams follow the trend from ZAFT's MS. BuCUE + LaGOWE to Gaia GOOhN + ZnO to Abyss GINN + CGUE + GuAIZ + Providence to Chaos (However, Chaos lacks the DRAGOON system and replaces that with wireless gunbarrels, which is a great improvement vs. the EA wired gunbarrels on Moebius Zero, Gunbarrel Striker, and Exus). DINN leads to Saviour. Yep. Magazine previews indicate that Saviour won't show till episode 9 or 10 (forgot which). It will be a present from Gilbert to Athrun. Also next week's episode is suppose to show that ORB has slowly been making deals with EA....If that is, ORB is playing quite a game playing both sides.
I believe the TV series and the Movies are the ones we use. Since most of the sequels are based off of the TV series/Movies, we use those.
Geez, it's gonna take a generation or 2 to remove that "VF-1D == trainer" crap. Oh, the VF-0B is official. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf0/index.html However, since the VF-0B is nothing more than a VF-0A with a second seat.... Also the VF-0D is not just for electronic warfare, it is also designed with enhanced combat in mind. Also, did it ever spark something up there that Shin was flying a VF-0D, not because he was training in it, but because that was his permanent assignment?
Actually, she shows up in this episode. No dialogue though. The dialogue we hear from Lacus this episode is from the "with Kira" Lacus. One thing about the footage of the Zala-faction GINNs. All that footage was from before Girty Lue entered the combat area. The Girty Lue did not get to Junius 7 until after Dearka and his team already set up the operation on Junius 7. Which reminded me of something from ep. 5. Jibril was quite ready to start something but the rest of the BC council decided to take a wait-and-see reaction. After they left, Jibril took that response a tad negatively. And now he has footage of the GINNs setting up Junius 7 to fall.
Hummm, isn't there something in the Hyperspace TOS that mentions something against posting Hyperspace-exclusive pics?
I think it's this guy. Watch the Ep3 game trailer. Beware of spoilers.
Blast does have a Beam Javelin (and I've seen the lineart for Blast so for sure all Silhouette packs have some sort of beam-melee weapon). And the MSiAs also have the javelins. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed-destiny/zgmf-x56sy.htm Shinn will probably have SEED mode, but he needs a reason to go into it. Shinn hasn't been placed in that situation yet. If SF State has blocked Bittorrent (Go to Animesuki.com) and all other P2P apps and other stuff, you're SOL. You're only choice after that would be newsgroups.
Eventually it will show. Speculation is pointing to by the end of the 1/4th point of the series, we will see Freedom again. Simple. Impulse is a prototype. It's designed to enter combat yet it is still a concept mech. Don't expect it to have all its bells and whistles all at once.