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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Degenki Hobby Magazine got episode previews for episode 17-19. Here ya go (courtesy of Animesuki.com) (Spoilers, highlight to read). (BTW, Meer Campbell seems to be the closer translation..not Mia, and after listening to her introduce herself to Athrun repeatedly...I'm inclined to agree) Some thoughts: (spoilers, highlight to read) Overall... it's a good thing the focus is on Minerva. Some good character development can happen with Shinn and co.. Ep. 17- This feels like a low-action episode. Ep. 18 - You know....those energy weapons are slowly becoming useless with those positron deflector shields .... Now they got a deflector and a positron cannon all rolled into 1 system... great. And it's probably mounted new MA.....lovely.... Ep. 19 - With Meer comin down....you know Lunamaria is gonna be jealous. All we need now is Lacus to show up and kick that fangirl's ass.....
  2. Yes.... http://www.robotech.com/store/viewcategory.php?id=14 http://www.tmpanime.com/ http://www.digitaleyes.net/ http://www.rightstuf.com/ http://www.animenation.com/dvd-anime-dvd--...m--macross.html
  3. Unfortunately....he wasn't aiming for the twins.... This was a talking episode. Next week we get a break (recap episode). Lunamaria definitely has that school-girl crush feel with Athrun. And we got a new acronym.... FAITH = Fast Acting Integrated Tactical Headquarters Really, all these acronyms are starting to get to me....For all we know, it's GOUF Ignited instead Gouf Ignited.....
  4. If you had to animate the transformations, won't you be happy if they made it an easy transformation? Dang...anybody wanna scan the next page? From the looks of it, the next page has the Gouf Ignited lineart......BTW, the image is from the current issue of Hobby Japan. There's also some info on Haine Westenfluss in the issue (spoiler, highlight to read) Haine Westenfluss - A resourceful pilot assigned to Faith - Fought in the Battle of Yakin Due as a part of the Hawkins Squad - Piloted the Orange-colored Zaku Phantom in Ep 9 (I guess this confirms it) - Pilots a newly rolled-out orange-colored Gouf Ignited and is assigned to the Minerva
  5. See, now was that so hard to answer? If you wanted to know if it was a legit set, all you had to do was say so. Using disc size is a horrible method of determining what you have. As Opus said, look on the underside of the disc and look at the codes. You could have given us those codes to verify. You could have e-mailed Animeigo and asked the same thing.
  6. I think the answer(s) to this is probably best found in ROTJ. Listen to the conversation from Yoda and Obi-wan. The answers and conclusions you can draw are in those 2 conversations.
  7. Concerning when Vader appears, I believe Lucas said something more along the lines of (spoiler, highlight to read) Anakin will become Darth Vader before he puts on the suit. From that, I gather that the suit is just a symbol, a stepping stone. In the trailer, you see Anakin's eyes have changed. At that moment, he is Darth Vader, not when he puts on the suit. It just completes the image. The clothes don't make the man. When Anakin and Obi-wan fight, it's not Anakin that Obi-wan is fighting, it's Vader. Does that make sense?
  8. How? By getting in the way of his firing zone...twice? And instead of just knocking the enemy off the other guy, he blows them up as his wingman barely gets out of the way. That may be good piloting, but that's reckless endangerment. When Max did his thing, his wingmen were not in his way. Max put the risk all on himself than to place it on himself and everyone around him.
  9. The areas covered in gold are the white/grey areas on a regular Murasame. Those areas are unfortunately out of camera range. What we do see is the front of the shield (mostly red), the chest/cockpit (black) and the front side of the wing (black as well). Right as then pan down to floor-view, you can see just a bit of gold color (probably the leg area)
  10. Both of these are true. Specific audiences are much harder to target then the general audience. DYRL? would, unfortunately, be audience-specific. So there would be little to gain from this situation. Also, the general American audience is more in tune with Disney and Warner Bros. cartoons. Pokemon movies have quietly slipped below the general radar in the States. The last movie to come to the states was quietly marketed unlike the first movie that came out. The audience became too specific. There would be a bunch of other reasons but I could go on and on and on....
  11. (it's Waltfeld btw...) But yes, the "Desert Tiger" is piloting the gold Murasame. Besides him dying a hero's death...what can go wrong? He already lost 1 arm....and an eye....
  12. Yeah, can we just keep this GSD-related. You can throw in a few remarks on other Gundam-series but it's hard enough to follow with another conversation on another Gundam series. I don't think we need the announcements. Most of the fansubs are coming out the day after it airs. Just stick to, "I've watched it". It's easier. What they need to do is stick with the central characters. Ensemble casts are a bad thing. Too many characters can cause problems, especially if certain characters have more popularity than others. They should keep Archangel in the background for a while and flesh out Shinn and those around him. GSD should have it's own Psycho Gundam and it would be okay for a Rick Dom or a Geloog, but beyond that would be too much. The rest can be left to the MSV, where they can load up on variations. Oh, and the character's name is is now translated as "Haine Westenfluss", which is much better play on Takanori Nishikawa's name.
  13. I don't know if I would call him great since he endangered his squadmates with that recklessness.
  14. It's for real. Saw it on some site last week. I won't say it's street legal. Parade float, yes.
  15. Unless they bring back the Rick Dom or any other old Zeon mech. Then that would be too much....but that's for Bandai's marketing people to decide.
  16. On the note about submerging...Archangel is a spaceworthy ship and a tough one as well. I sure she could submerge herself (not far though) during the war. The only adjustments they would need to make to her now would be to reinforce the ship for travelling farther down (at the depth they seem to be heading down at, it would warrent some minor modifications to withstand the amount of pressure they would be facing). Archangel could have done it during the war, but as stated above, submerging would not have been a good idea.
  17. Because they were being chased by a sub.....
  18. Actually, I liked the ending theme. I can tolerate Mika Arisaka's singing. And the song is paced well enough for the ending credits. High and Mighty Color....as I said before, I can't stand the male vocal. I've listen to the song for 3 weeks now...I still can't like the male vocal. "Ignited" was a better song than "Pride" and I though "Ignited" was okay. But that's my opinion.
  19. Nanashi took down his page for the time being. When he will bring it back up is unknown.
  20. I hear there is a image in February's Dengeki Hobby, but it might just be nothing that we can make out. "Destiny Gundam" is a cross (from what I can tell) between Freedom and Impulse. From the looks of it, it's got a HiMAT system. Yet unlike Freedom, whose wings are lined with thruster slits, this Gundam's wings are more like a GINN's main engine/backpack (similar to V2 Gundam) , hence the light/exhaust wings. It's shoulders look like they got beam boomerangs and it looks like it doesn't have beam sabers, more like a anti-ship sword on the right and a cannon/energy weapon on the left side. The shield also seems a tad smaller. Unfortunately, Fukada conviently shadows out the 2 new Gundams.....guess we have to wait for the next new opening sequence....
  21. Hummm......have you tried....the Compendium, perhaps? http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../va3/index.html
  22. I think that's a "maybe" right now. But the Aile Striker pack is there... He probably will be piloting a Gundam, but it's still quite early and Fukada may pull a Providence and have it not show up until the very end. He might pilot a Windam but we never know until it happens. Images in the opening theme are to be taken lightly and perhaps as a metaphor (Remember Astray in the opening of SEED). Think of it this way, Murre and Neo will probably meet. But it may not be under the best of circumstances. I may have been a bit premature about those beam wings. It's definitely engine exhaust, but light wings........
  23. That still can't be proven. Neo could be a clone, in which case, Murrue would still have the same reaction.
  24. It's a 5-disc with English subs. Japanese DVD-versions of Macross don't have English subs and don't come in 5-disc sets. So it's definitely a bootleg. Here's the listing on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW More to the point, RT would not exists without those 3 inidvidual series. If you get Macross, Southern Cross and Mospeada, you are getting the originals, period. If you get RT, you get the bastardized version of those 3 series, which I would consider, a waste of money. Unless you like RT, then your money would be better spent on the Complete or Remastered sets of RT.
  25. Ep. 14 was definitely a LOL episode. That is, laughing at the bride kidnap scene. Price of Cagalli's dress, $x-amount. Price of the ceremony, $y-amount. Price on Yuna's face as Cagalli get's airlifted off ORB...priceless. Andy's Murasame definitely seems like a nod to Hyaku Shiki. "Destiny Gundam" has beam wings (Victory 2 Gundam)...... Wonder if that orange ZAKU is a variant of this one... http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/destiny-msv/zgmf-x999a.htm "Pride" is gonna take it bit to get use to......I've been listening to it for 3 weeks and I still can't stand the male vocal..... edit: forgot to add...they finally fixed the pic of Justice in the background with Saviour...
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