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Everything posted by azrael

  1. A bit of conjecture. The VF-19 Custom, VF-11, VF-11MAXL Custom, VF-17, and the Fz-109, all seem to note that the gunpods have a sensor on them. So it can't just be a coincidence. The lineart for the VF-5000's gunpod also points to a similar bump with what looks like the word "sensor" pointing to that bump.
  2. Well Saviour wasn't designed with the METEOR units in mind so why should it have it.....
  3. Most the the equipment stats can be found here: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/patlabor/patlabor.htm
  4. Athrun was playing babysitter. Athrun had to deal with guarding Minerva, fighting Chaos, the Windams, Neo and watching Shinn's ass. When Athrun was fighting in that ZAKU, he had good wingmen, Yzak and Dearka. With them, it was a 1-2 punch-knockout. There was no doubt among them. With Shinn, it's something else. Shinn pretty much went on his own chasing Neo down then getting caught up with Gaia. It boils down to Shinn not following orders. (Read the episode 16 discussion on AnimeSuki's forums and you will understand why it comes down to this). In the end, they couldn't save the sub. Abyss is at home in the water, Auel would have ran circles around them and then some. Shinn lacks discipline. He's implusive and in this case, ignored orders from the commanding field officer and getting himself in trouble because of it. Their objective was the hold-off the incoming targets. They weren't looking for the base (although they suspected it being there, it was not the objective). And it didn't help Shinn when he pretty much told Athrun to piss-off so he could fight Gaia. At that point, Athrun had to hold off everyone else just so Shinn could fight Gaia.
  5. *Ding ding ding ding* We have a winner. Yes, it's just a targetting sensor for the gunpod. Think of it as sights on a gun...you won't be able to shoot straight without it.
  6. From what I've seen, neither is any better than the other yet neither gain any ground above the other. In an episode of Dekaranger, the scene takes place in a relative tall building area and yet there is an industrial area virtually next door ( reference episode 23 of Dekaranger). It appears awkward. At times, there are also some effects in PR that don't quite work and appear awkward (a few instances of PR: Ninja Storm come to mind, but I'll have to dig for those scenes). So their roughly even in my book. If there are bad shots in PR I can spot, then there are bad shots in any Sentai series that I can find so that kinda justifies my take on that.
  7. Scarecrow looks good.....but he needs the hat. The sack-over-the-head just isn't enough......
  8. no no no no..... (Spoiler, Highlight to read) Ban got selected for the FireSquad so he left the group at the end of the show, obviously. That's more of the last days of filming (Toei's site, no less). On the last day of that an actor/actress needs to shot scenes the cast/crew normally present the actors with a bouquet of flowers. Some of the more interesting shots are the ones with the actors in the sentai suits. Looks like they got a chance to do their final action sequences in the suit. That rarely happens.
  9. We usually don't count those (their mostly done for fun and money....okay mostly money) as they aren't part of the continuity, hence the reason I left it out of my earlier statement.
  10. The Super-Sentai shows have no relation to one another. Each year comes a new show, new theme, and a completely new set of ideas (okay, almost a new set of ideas...Magiranger-this year's show-once again takes on the family-based ranger group).
  11. Probably not for a while. It's in Archangel's best interest to lay low for the time being. Actually, its a ship and 3 MS.
  12. Neo's Windam in action......if that's what you want... But yes Shinn deserved the slaps. Shinn is implusive. By chasing Neo, he just keep getting into more trouble. His orders were to protect the ships and he ran off on his own. And what happens, they lose a ship. I think Athrun really got pissed when Shinn told him to shut-up so he could engage Gaia.
  13. I'm guessing they'll change it every quarter (roughly every 13 episodes if this is a 50-eps series).
  14. From Gunota, for you music-lovers: At least there's no male-rap vocal....
  15. *Raises hand* That would be me. You can't please them all, so don't try. I don't think calling it an "allergy" is an appropriate wording for their reactions toward Anima Spiritia because not all of them reacted the same way and over time, a few of them did adapt.
  16. Eventually there will be a Gouf Ignited. That, however, is just a Blaze Zaku Phantom-Haine Custom. Actually, it's suppose to be Haine's (hence the pic of him next to it). In fact, it was suppose to be Haine who piloted that orange ZAKU a few episodes back. Well....it's a little more magenta than purple.....but ain't that a coincidence......
  17. That's cuz they haven't learn to get over it.
  18. In which I stated....we don't have much info on it...yet. Look at it this way....they'll be fighting something that won't go down easily... (i.e. read that image figuratively) I doubt Basara would use something that pink....Anyways...... Strike Rouge is lookin a lot better than that thing. For starters...Strike Rouge has less markings on it.
  19. We don't know yet. That could be our mech that was described above or it could be something else (most likely, it probably is if it's been announced/shown this early). There is no name to that Gundam yet. We don't even know who's gonna pilot it. It will probably show up around the half-way point in the series.
  20. Sounds very cool. Chaos kit looks very nice too. FUNNELS. Providence... redux. A pink ZAKU........
  21. Humm, So that magenta Windam is Neo's...hummm...paint scheme reminds me of Justice....
  22. Rear hinge. Yes. Meh, close enough....
  23. You know....if they keep doing fan-service shots, that number will go up... Because it's the current series perhaps? And most people who have seen the old series are a tad older now and might not be watching these days. Most people in Japan watch it on TV as well so they're not doing us a favor, it's for the millions of people watching it on TV in Japan. And anyways, the recap is not part of the episode listings. You can skip next week and jump to episode 16 the week after. DarkPhoenix is correct that there are no (well...not many, if they do rerun it, it will be on at an odd timeslot and run very quickly) re-runs in Japan. Once a show airs for the first time, don't expect to see it again for quite some time. If fact you might be old and grey the next time it comes back on broadcast TV.
  24. Anime News Network has lots of seiyuu profiles already. With pictures and links to their own hompages/fanpages (if fact, that pic of Ms. Kasahara is from a fansite listed on ANN).... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php It's all part of ANN's Encyclopedia..... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/index.php
  25. No line art yet. Also, it says it's a Mobile Armor. So I don't think this is our Gelgoog-type.
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