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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Shinn's character needs to "fall". Right now, it appears as if he's growing over-confident and his character is eating it up. I would like to see how the writing staff work his "fall from grace". And I get the feeling Kira is going to play some role in that event.
  2. Because they aren't of that class anymore. SDFs were mobile fortresses that also served as carriers. New-Macross class are fleet carriers and not mobile fortresses.
  3. Nope. Buster (from the Perfect grade Strike manual) used the same basic frame as Duel and Strike. Calamity also use the same basic frame as the previous so it shouldn't have had any number change. Little of column A, little of column B. Although, it's leaning a little heavy on column B these days (Kinda reminds me of how Tomino hates Sunrise management). The new MS's are fairly powerful for their class. Compared to the last generation, Destiny's Gundams are fairly powerful and close to the abilities of Freedom and Justice. If we ignore the fact that Freedom is nuclear powered (which is one of the major things going for it), the current Gundams can match Freedom's abilities. Saviour's armaments are farily close to Freedom's in addition to being a high-manuverability MS. The only thing that is holding it back the the battery over the nuclear reactor.
  4. Nope. Their just chemical-fuel rockets. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf1/index.html It would be best to think about the backpack as something along the lines of an afterburner. Quick burst of power but not for prolong use. So no, it would not be a good idea for the backpack to be folded up. Yep. The head lasers (when used as a CIWS) probably are controlled by an automated system (i.e. Phalanx weapon systems mounted on current naval ships ). What Roy appeared to be doing was targetting those missiles manually in his VF-0 (which I assume would be later replaced by a computerized targetting system).
  5. "Destiny" will probably be Shinn's. Freedom II might be a re-release, or the possibility that Freedom does get an update. I have noticed the shape of Freedom's HiMAT system (the wings) seems a bit different at the end credits. Either the image is symbolic in nature or the camera angle is weird or Freedom does get a slight update at some point (not that it needs it). In any case it is best to wait and see. Ep. 18 was okay. At least we get to see Shinn use the combat knives on Impulse....
  6. HA! I first watched it raw on a VHS copy made from the LD.
  7. IRC, the carrier for most of the game is the Saratoga II (CV 565). It is a Uraga class-variant (and it is quite a different variant). http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...raga/index.html
  8. http://www.millenniumfalcon.com/ If you kids really want spoilers.....(unfortunately, my home subnet appears to be banned from the site but not at work....)
  9. Yep. Kawamori simplified the design for the animators (mainly for the VF-19 Kai, which did start out with an identical silhoutte to the YF-19/VF19A). Basically, he streamlined the design to show advancement from his original design to a more smoother design and in some cases...take pity on the animators. However, for detailed work, Kawamori did do a more detailed lineart of the VF-19 (to help the animators do close-up shots). Back in the day of drawing and coloring by hand, it was easier to streamline designs to help animators save time and money. He did the reverse of this with M0. In M0, Kawamori took the VF-1 and de-streamlined it to the VF-0. This gave the VF-0 a more prototype/slap-together/non-streamlined look compared to the VF-1.
  10. Production variants are common (And I don't find them ugly, I find them functional). Secondly, please read: http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...vf19/index.html The VF-19A looked virtually identical to the YF-19 prototype. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/v...final_proto.htm The VF-19 Kai is a variant of the VF-19A, and since the VF-19P is a variant of the Kai, it too, is a variant of the A-version. However, improvements were made to the VF-19 Kai compared to the VF-19A (rudders were merged with the wing, tail stablizers were pushed out farther, the 3-vernier block was replaced by the vernier slits, shoulders were streamlined, weapons bays were redesigned to accomodate a more versatile system). The VF-19F/S version is a new variant mixed with the improvements of the VF-19 Kai. The VF-19 F/S models are optimized for space-use. However, this does not mean they cannot operate in atmosphere. Hence the redesigned wing and removal of the forward canards (replaced by the 3-verniers set). Why don't they look the same? Because improvements always happen. The F/A-22 doesn't look exactly like the YF-22 because improvements were made over time. Graham wrote up a lovely little article on the VF-19 way back which, as I see, is a completely feasible (not official mind you) piece of writing (See attached). vf19history.txt
  11. Please view the links I have posted a few pages back. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=140&st=1180 Those are great places that still have the original series in stock.
  12. Depends on where you shop...... No this hasn't been done in Macross. But there's nothing stopping you from doing it to a Yamato 1/48.
  13. Would you rather pay $250? If you coupon it, that $200 price tag could go down to $150. Now go buy it.
  14. For the most part, you should be able to be able to follow it just fine. DYRL? is a bit more of a dramatization of SDF:Macross. It is a compressed version of the original series with different twists to how some things come about. Although it would help to have watched the original series, it's not a requirement. As the old saying goes, just forget everything you remember from Robotech and watch. Dumbed it down??? Maybe. Adapted for an American audience, definitely. Certain aspects of Japanese culture don't translate well to an American audience, therefore, those references had to be removed.
  15. You mean Shinn..... It's a prototype...what do you expect....not to mention it would be painful for the animators to draw a fully assembled takeoff sequence when they can kill time by reusing old animation. Reused animation. See previous comment. Another advantage is pilot survivability. The MS now has an armed escape pod (i.e. the Core Splendor) Minerva was a designed to incorporate the designs from the EA, namely their weapons. Carrying ZAKUs, GuAIZ-Rs, and any MS designed to use the Deuterion Energy Beam system (Which would include Impulse, Saviour, Gaia, Abyss, and Chaos) was just more to the package. The main advantage in this case is the Deuterion Energy Beam system. It's been speculated that the central catapult uses less power to launch each component overall than to launch an full MS but I'll leave that to someone else to figure.
  16. I believe so. In Seed, Andy makes a comment that you can force the PS armor to go down after you hit it with enough conventional weaponry. What I'm guessing from his statement is by hitting it enough, the battery get's drained (i.e. "your energy reserves dwindle as you get shot more by projectiles"). In a case like Freedom, it would take everything, the kitchen sink, the piping, the frig, the stove, the cabinets, the toilet...etc. to take down her PS armor because of the nuclear reactor provides a virtually-unlimited supply of energy. You would have to force wear-and-tear, literally, to bring down the PS armor on Freedom. That would take forever. Athrun would be doing the right thing by shooting down the missiles. Even though he could take the punishment, he would need the battery power since Saviour runs on a battery.
  17. And Meer-fanservice...
  18. Or not. They might have gone down due to the run-off from Loki and had to take everything offline.
  19. In the old days, red = cannon fodder. As stated: In the Next gen: Gold=operations/death wish Blue=science/medicine Red=command
  20. Lunamaria is more like an older sister to Shinn. (For reference's sake) http://www.gundamofficial.com/worlds/ce/ba...gy.html#psarmor Compared to the last generation, the new Gundams out perform their predecessors.
  21. There's more here than just the forums..... http://www.macrossworld.com Again, please see the following links for answers and info about Macross: http://www.anime.net/macross/ http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=228 We also have a wonderful toy section and if you search, you'll find reviews of the Yamato 1/48 Max VF-1J in there (and plenty of pics).
  22. Well....... (possible spoilers, Highlight to read*): There's a rumor running around that Haine with meet his fate at the hands of Kira. Haine is suppose to go after Lacus (more possible evidence that Chairman Dullindal was behind the assasination attempt). Remember, Haine is part of FAITH and we know who controls FAITH. Again, this is 100% rumor. Don't believe it until some episode previews come out. Some speculation on my part is that they could be saving Haine for MSV/Destiny Astray. Miguel (Takanori Nishikawa's other role) was good enough to grant him his own custom GINN. Now they gave him 2 orange MS (an orange ZAKU Phantom and a GOUF Ignited)..... Also Mr. Nishikawa is a musician by trade so giving him a voice role would conflict with his schedule and be expensive.... (*Disclaimer: Please remember to use spoiler tags)
  23. Yep. Director Fukada likes Ryotaro Okiayu's voice so he brought him back from the dead. Yep. In fact, I bet their still plotting Seed Destiny.
  24. Panon is correct about the 50-episode thing. However, things changed during the production. Many things that were flying around were Kira was suppose to die, Flay was suppose to be the pilot of Strike Rouge, Andy was to stay dead and a few other things. In fact, around summer of the time that SEED aired, we were hearing rumors of SEED 2 (which would be Destiny). So changes in the story happen during production. When the production crew were told that Seed would continue, they probably changed the story to allow it to carry on and wrote an open ending.
  25. Well that's cuz people haven't use spoiler tags (I mentioned using "color=white" previously) and people have been posting pics, wasting forum space instead of linking to the place they got them from. Some of those pics are from places that are less caring of spoilers. But oh well....
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