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Everything posted by azrael

  1. He may be planning something for the 25th anniversary (which would be 2 years from now), but we'll just have to wait. As for BW pushing to the states....well, we know the trouble with that.....*cough* HG */cough*. Bandai really isn't playing a large role other than marketing and distribution. It's really BW that's the driving studio behind Macross.
  2. We never saw the Hawkins team. It was another group like Creuset's team, or in GSD, the Joule (Yzak's) team. Heine was at Jachin Due but we never saw him according to his bios (cuz he wasn't the focus). Just because we didn't see them last time, didn't mean they were there. Jachin Due was a big battle. Lots of people who show up in this series could have been there. Heine is good enough to get his own ZAKU Phantom and now a GOUF Ignited.
  3. The 2 will be jumping around and it's kinda hard to do that with normal people, especially if it's their force jumping. The lightsaber fight will be much like the fight in Episode 1. They did not speed up the footage, it's all done in real-time (i.e. their moving that fast). The guys trained before the filming started and once they started, they trained even more. I can imagine many people will be watching this fight in slow-motion when the DVD comes out.
  4. I don't think it's a clone...Just a red shirt.... edit: And jedi only wear the headsets. They don't wear helmets.
  5. Probably not. What's suppose to happen in the 3rd season (or Volume 2) is suppose to take place directly before Episode 3. So when the season finishes, the movie picks up right where the season leaves off.
  6. The sad part about that is, Macross was a spinoff of all of the sci-fi/mech series of the time. Since Kawamori & co. were a bunch of anime/manga fans who loved sci-fi and mechs......well the end result was Macross.
  7. From the listing on the official site, Boba Fett doesn't appear to be in ep. 3 (When you think about it, he won't fit in). That doesn't mean they will bring Daniel Logan in under an extra/cameo appearence. The producers made a cameo in Ep. 1. Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best played extras in Ep. 2. Temuera Morrison is coming back to play his cloned self and I doubt we'll see him without the helmet for more than a minute. Heck, word on the street says even Lucas will do a cameo appearence in episode 3. So don't rule out a cameo/extra part.
  8. Cuz Lunamaria is right outside...... When Andy needs to back-up Kira and Cagalli..... i.e. probably not often. In any case, Archangel makes it's return next episode. Probably at the end. And from Gunota, the official title of the 3rd ending theme is "I Wanna Go To A Place...". The Murasame is fairly new and from ORB, not a prototype but it's enough. And anyways...it's Andy.
  9. That tells you how much faith Obi-wan had in his apprentice.
  10. That's wishful thinking..... Emphasis on the "years". Just because he does a complete work, doesn't mean he'll come back to Macross. Again, it's wishful thinking. Not that there's anything bad about that, but I prefer to look at it objectively.
  11. Prolly because the Actor has gotten old in the past 20 years... Ummm....Ian McDiarmid is actually just wearing heavy clothes. In that pick, he's wearing the cloak over his Senate robes/costume. He's got a gut but in that particular pic, they layered the cloak over and the costume underneath has puffy shoulders. So of course he'll look bigger.
  12. Honestly, we don't know that. He may have other ideas that he didn't want to pitch to execs at the time. You can't say that once he's done with a series, that he'll go back to Macross. He may have other ideas that he wants to do that don't fit in Macross.
  13. Hyperspace members now have the trailer and is avaliable on the official site. For the rest of us..... hunt it down unless you wanna wait till the weekend.
  14. I wonderif the Nu Freedom an the Destiny is being rushed up to boost the tv rating.... GSD has unfortunately suffered from low ratings. Especially the block from episode 10-20. But as we have seen, not much has happened during that block. When the story moves along, then perhaps we will see a raise in ratings. However, judging by the DVD releases (word is, there will be 12-13 volumes), this series will last for the 50+ episode mark. Oh, and Nu-Freedom's name seems to have been lifted from Cyber Formula..... http://www.sunrise21.jp/contents/cyber_rte...car_t01_01.html
  15. It might. The main body definitely won't change (if the ED theme silhoutte holds true). The HiMAT system will still be there, may look different but it's still the same. The railguns look like they'll stay. I'm leaning on funnels, though.
  16. The problem with Destiny, like SEED, is the fan service and other details that would piss off the censors (hence you should just buy the DVDs and get it uncut so you can quit whining). One thing did pop up about SEED doing horrible during the normal time slots on CN (then pushed to the late night slots). It did well but not well enough to warrent it staying on a earlier time slot. And you know CN will edit it so why bother watching it on CN? I do think they will try to get Destiny out by the end of the year. Although, we may get more details as the conventions come up. If the master copies of GSD come over as the Japanese production crew finishes them, then we will definitely see them "soon". The only thing to account for is how anal Sunrise is with the copies for the R1 release. I've been watching it raw since day 1.....so meh. And like SEED, when the R1s come out, they'll go on my shelf.
  17. Kawamori has enough work to deal with right now. Plus he probably has other projects he wants to work on. I don't expect a follow-up until he had a chance to finish his current projects. And since his current work has yet to pop up...he'll get to Macross when he gets to it.
  18. So they finally got everything from SEED, huh? Wonder how much arm twisting they had to do with Sunrise...Actually they could do ZZ, Turn-A, V, X if they wanted to, but they might come have problems as with Zeta, plus you have Tomino and he might want to do something with ZZ or V before it comes. They could do those series while doing GSD. My guess is they will try to get GSD on CN by the end of the year and DVDs should come soon after. That's assuming their gonna get it on CN. If they don't shoot for CN this time and head straight to DVD first, then I'm thinking autumn/winter release of vol. 1. Regarding Yukikaze, I don't blame Bandai for releasing it as such. It will be almost a year since episode 4 came out on R2 DVD. They can keep waiting or just get episode 3-4 out. As soon as vol. 5 comes out in Japan, they can work on it's release (as vol. 3) in the states.
  19. Actually, as I said earlier, this episode does dive into Shinn's POV and IMO, reinforces it. As much as it was a recap, it's a recap through Shinn's eyes. And I'm more convinced of Shinn's "survivor's guilt". Although I'm probably reading into it too much, I feel it's a good discussion of what's going on in Shinn's head. Shinn started out as a normal kid. The ideals of ORB allowed him to live his life mostly without pain or suffering. And then that life was taken away from him in an instant. The ORB captain said the only thing he could and that was Shinn lived. There was nothing he could have done. And when Shinn left ORB, he left his former life. And he chose to blame Athha for the death of his family. But Athha was trying to protect the life that people, like Shinn, were living. It may have been a broken dream but it did allow Shinn to lead a normal life for a time. And Athha was right. The blame did go on him. But Shinn chose to condemn the entire Athha family for one man's faults. Shinn then goes on but never answers why his family died. The simple answer was, it happened. There was nothing he could do. And ORB was trying to protect not only Shinn's family, but everybody else. It was chance that his family was caught in the crossfire. It was a mistake and shouldn't have happened yet it did. As much as you try to prevent it or try to correct it, things still happen. Kira and Athrun realized it the hard way. Now Shinn has that power to protect the things he cares about most. But in that, he's blinded by what he felt when his family died. He dwells back onto that moment. When Shinn defeated the EA fleet outisde of ORB, I didn't see the SEED that Athrun, Kira, Cagalli or Lacus had, it was almost the same feeling that Kira had when Tolle died. And to paraphrase a few lines from SEED and ep. 17 of GSD, Shinn will keep killing and killing and killing to do what he thinks is the right thing continuing a never-ending cycle, but in the end, he will just make more Shinns. Someone will come along thinking the same thing and do the exact same thing. Athrun was trying to point that out to Shinn because at one time, Athrun was a Shinn. It's an endless cycle and Shinn just became part of it. When Shinn learns to look outside the cycle, beyond himself, then he may find his answers. Like I said, it's a good discussion to psycho-analyze.
  20. Newtype episode previews of ep. 24 and 25 (and confirmed on Gunota) (actually 21-25, but I already mentioned 21-23...) (Spoilers, highlight to read) Destiny probably pays homage to the V2/Shining designs. Still waiting for some specs though....
  21. Bah, why waste time with CN's version. Just buy the DVDs and quit complaining.
  22. Any landing you can walk away from..... After landing, that 0A pilot looked somewhat disoriented (probably due to the landing) as he was walking away. By the time he shook it off, he was already being shot at by Nora. The YF/VF-19 does not use a face curtain. Neither does the YF-21/VF-22, the VF-17, or the VF-1. Most use the middle handle. The only ones we've seen with face curtains are the VF-11 and VF-0. Obviously, you haven't seen M7. Cuz there the people in there know how to eject. The good part was, the missiles were't targeting him. The bad part was, he was in their path and got clipped by a missile. Most likely, Hikaru lost control and the rest is history.
  23. Street date: March 22, 2005. Disco beat me to it. Here's another: http://www.digitaleyes.net/Details.cfm?info=FXD025792
  24. Zeta has a similar paint scheme.
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