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Everything posted by azrael

  1. The only destroids we know that were around were the: Cheyenne and Monster Mk I
  2. Well, it is a almost 40-year timespan for this series. Things in episode 3 are suppose to lean toward an industrial look, more closer to episode 4.
  3. Shouldn't he not have legs?
  4. Well there is this... (possible spoilers, highlight to view) This is probably a false summary but the title is correct from what I hear. The new image of Nu Freedom also indicates that a new Justice Gundam will come back. (More spoilers) What may happen is Kira might fight Shinn and get owned. Or Athrun may disable Kira and get himself owned by Shinn. Kira and Athrun had their fight so I'm not sure we want to see them fighting, again. As I said earlier, maybe Andy and Lacus bring back some goodies from ZAFT for Kira.
  5. It is Aries... http://www.anime.net/macross/characters/t/...ries/index.html Now that's a bunch of......Who are you to say that? Just because you've never seen it in Macross doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's got VFs. That alone makes it Macross.
  6. So they are railguns. Talk about different artist's renditions.... The wings look better in the closed position on Freedom. Nu Freedom's wings look better in the open position. At least it can still pull of it's 5-shot attack, assuming it has the dual beam rifles. Not to happy about the chest gun though.... I still say those things on the arms are reflectors. Freedom is the only MS that has the capacity to use that kind of weapon. The frame still looks the same. It could be an upgrade. Maybe Shinn vents his rage on Freedom....
  7. Focker was referring to all the older planes (F-14s, F/A-18s, etc). You might have a bad sub though. Focker was referring to how the VF-0 handles compared to the normal planes (i.e. it transforms, it's all-environment, etc)
  8. The Invid Overlord (aka Gosamu) Oh you know, the anime-nazi kind who can't get over themselves.....they'll be the ones that are angry. Didn't we criticize that thing a year ago?
  9. I'm sure they cleaned him up. What you see is when they immediately bring him back from his near barbeque grave.
  10. From the other pics...it just looks like a vent.
  11. Destiny is just filled with stuff from other series... (from 4chan)
  12. Dang...u can't store the beam axe in the shield..... The main body frame is the same. Obviously parts of the armor have changed (shoulders are slightly different, hip armor/railgun assembly is different, the forarms are modified and the HiMAT system is redesigned, just to name the obvious), but the actual main body is still the same. Yeah, we need a better view. What we need is lineart that shows the hips bare without the beam rifles attach at the hip armor.
  13. Word is, yes. However, since we won't see a fully armored Vader until the very end (like the last 5 minutes of the movie)...don't expect a whole bunch of lines. In fact, he might only have 3... maybe 5 lines at most....
  14. Something doesn't look right about those railguns....
  15. That would be scary if it was real....(it's from 2ch, and a lot that stuff is fan art). If it is real.....eep. Shinn's knows another blonde...and their sharing the same room....
  16. That's it huh? Guess I didn't miss anything.....With that new pic, I started to disect Nu Freedom. From the looks of it, it doesn't have funnels. A psycommu or psychframe would be useful but Freedom's a pretty darn good suit in its vanilla form at the moment. How much can Kira really push on that MS that would require tech for a Newtype. A psycommu/psychoframe would be the only possibility but does Nu-Freedom really need it? I get the feeling that Nu-Freedom has a reflector on it. It is the only MS that can meet a reflector's power requirements at this moment (Until I get Destiny's specs, I can't say) and it would fit with Nu-Freedom. But I could be wrong about it. Damn you Fukada! I would say the DRAGOON system has an amazingly low latency or response time. The weapon pods of Chaos don't seem to react as fast as a DRAGOON or as fast as Exass' gunbarrels.
  17. Exass has wired gunbarrels (watch episode 3 and look for the wires). Chaos has wireless weapon pods. Unfortunately, there isn't enough info on Chaos to say whether or not it has the DRAGOON system. For some reason, Chaos's weapon pods don't seem to act like funnels/bits. But I could be wrong. We'll just have to wait for detailed info on Chaos.
  18. Weak people also ALWAYS complain about the complainers when the complainers point out the truth that no one wants to hear.
  19. And if you look at any poll, their not accurate since normally, they never actually take a complete sample. When you see news reports about polls saying this or that, notice that the sample group is significantly smaller when applied to the larger group. Margins of error are applied but it is still not a complete nor accurate poll.
  20. The pic that came out earlier show the 2 beam rifles stored at the hip. Nu Freedom could still have the 2 beam rifles and mount them on the hips next to the rail guns. It could still work. It just dawned on me that the parts on the arms could be reflectors, not deflection armor. This would be quite an upgrade for Freedom cuz he can literally stop a positron blast. And we've only seen MAs mount those things. If Nu-Freedom were to mount one...
  21. Hummm, besides those. I'm thinking of things besides funnels or bits (or G-bits) that might be added to Nu-Freedom. From the way it looks, Nu Freedom might not have funnels. The plasma cannons in the wings are gone. From a previous pic, Nu-Freedom will have 2 beam rifles and the rail-guns, or at least part of them will stay. Or maybe it won't have have any Newtype weapon...Moonlight Butterfly-type?
  22. Yeah, not much of an upgrade for Freedom. Unfortunately Athrun's head is blocking the rest of the hip railguns so they may not be railguns anymore. Either that or they're drawn for effect than actual lineart. But we'll see. Nu-Freedom's head is slightly different. Don't know what those things on the forearms are. They could be "Geschmeidig Panzer" armor (Forbidden). Who knows. maybe when (spoiler highlight to read) when Andy and Lacus head to PLANT, they come back with some goodies for Freedom. On a side note, are there any Newtype device besides funnels and bits that I've forgotten about?
  23. At the end, Yoda blames himself for the Jedi's downfall. Saying he was too strict, yada yada yada. If you think about it, there's a parallel between the Jedi of the prequels and the Empire. There's a strong sense of control like micromanagement. Eventually someone breaks the mold and things start breaking apart. It was. Instead of small little pieces, everything became unified and the crap in the system was removed. I don't know about that. There's no real indication if slavery was wiped out since the scoop of Tatooine in the original trilogy was more focused.
  24. To paraphrase a witty comment, there's a guy named Year 2000 outside. He says he wants his joke back...
  25. Unfortunately, history has dictated that all M7 threads end like this. edit: At one time someone posted a light hearted story about M7 and how it inspired him/her (I think is was justvinnie from the old board). Then people come along and post the same usual "it sucks" stuff. Then the pro-M7 group counters, then the anti-M7 crowd comes back, and so forth. This is why people like Keith have stopped posting in these types of threads. As part of the pro-M7 crowd, am I arguing the merits of M7? No. Why should I? It just leads to endless debate which goes nowhere. Which is why all of these threads end up the same way.
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