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Everything posted by azrael

  1. You could have probably posted in the newbie thread as it won't take long to answer. The legs have nozzles for VTOL (mentioned in the lineart) and there are a series of slits for VTOL on the underfuselage where the legs were in fighter mode. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...yf21/index.html
  2. I'm sure Andy left him in charge of their space operations. If there's any arrangements that need to be done to get to or from PLANT, DaCosta's your man. Meer's expression was the best moment of this episode.
  3. Ep 26 has the new ending from Rie Fu ("I wanna go to a place..."). There's a new MS in the pics...and it looks like Providence Mk II... Oh, and the Eternal is coming back next week.
  4. Well if you were sitting there, talking to a ghost for 20 years.... He went from a big city to a freakin swamp.... the best form of entertianment is watching the moss grow. Because Luke wasn't a cripple. The joy of youth.....
  5. Palps was probably born with the potential to use the Force like all other Force users (Jedi/Sith/etc). He just happened to be found by a Sith lord. It's also a Sith weapon, who also are trained in the Jedi arts (okay, the Sith version of the Jedi arts). Palps was tempting Luke to kill him to lure him to the Dark Side.... So do the Sith, but the Sith don't make a point of being seen around a lot. He's a Sith lord.... He's also a Sith lord. Maybe his master was a Sith lord... http://www.starwars.com/databank/organizat...sith/index.html
  6. And unfortunately, with Sifo Dyas dead, you will never know why he ordered the clones. I prefer the Lucas explaination. First he's fighting an old man (who's last saber fight was 20 years ago). Then he's fighting a kid (who just got a lightsaber). Luke doesn't have the experience that Obi-Wan had. Obi-wan still has the skill but he doesn't have the stamina he had 20 years ago. He can't do a long fight like when he faced Anakin-Vader the last time (ep. 3).
  7. Weren't they watch pro-EA stuff?
  8. Because it serves the storyboards?
  9. Wasn't that same image posted like in page 25? I think some one said that a clone would necessary have the same potential in the force and it was better to have an already pissed Anakin... something like that, dunno. Actually, didn't we talk about that a few pages back? I think that was the reason for not cloning him. You have crispy Anakin with lots of rage. If Palpatine cloned him, then he would have to start from scratch. With his wife dead by his hands, his best friend/mentor leaving him to roast in his own juices, etc.... Sidious won't need to do too much. Just feed that fire.
  10. Actually, it's cuz I'm typing as your hitting the post button. Yes. Because no one has posted the screencaps when I read the post. Pointing out the answer is one thing. Making the person look at it themselves adds a whole new layer of understanding. Hopefully, then, the person will start looking for more little details.
  11. Just backin you up with some facts my boy, in case people forgot that the YF-21/VF-22 carries 2 gunpods. Guld lost his gunpod, then he pulled out his other gunpod.
  12. Perhaps they called for backup. After 2 attempts to get AFOS failed, you would think they called for backup. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...yf21/index.html Well, if Isamu ran out of ammo after only using 1 magazine, then obviously, he wasn't carrying spare magazines and could, therefore, hold the gunpod beneath the shield. Watch it in slow-motion. The gunpod is there.
  13. Dont' know about it. The running gag is Athrun always seems to have a red MS. He also always self-destructs that red MS. What color is Saviour? If there's gonna be a new Justice Gundam, what will happen to Saviour?
  14. ZAFT is waging a defensive war. They are protecting their areas of interest while letting EA go on the offensive. If Meer is exposed as a fake, then ZAFT pushes itself into a very lonely corner and mistrust builds very quickly.
  15. Watch it frame by frame, you see the legs drop for an instance then go back up. A VF-0/VF-1's legs don't need to drop all the way down to deploy the arms.
  16. Destiny is a sequel to SEED. Think of it as what Zeta was to MSG. The sad part is, Athrun is somewhat justified. They don't know all the details. No one does. The evidence is circumstancial evidence. The people who attacked Lacus were Coordinators. Their MSs were ZAFT MSs. All residents were to be killed with Lacus. That's just too damn hard to ignore. It puts a lot of weight that the good chairman is the culprit. If it isn't him, then who? Meer, the obsessed fan girl? (It could be Meer for all we know). Until we (even the audience is in the dark) figure out what is going on, all we can do is speculate.
  17. Hey, someone has to test those self-destruct devices. Oh fine. ZGMF-14A Sazabi Gundam/CHAR.
  18. Best just to wait.... Sazabi MK-II just a feeling. No no no. Sazabi Mk II would mean there was a Sazabi I in SEED. It would have to Sazabi, Ignited.
  19. That's one heck of a Gundam tree. Well, here's to blowin up Saviour.... *raises glass* Prove me wrong. Best just to wait.... Well Crueset was a red shirt at one point... Now the question is...what was Rau talking to Gilbert about when Rey was handed over to Gilbert's care? And why does the scenery look like the Mendel colony labs? Hummmm....
  20. Claudia Black (another Farscape cast member) is also coming on SG-1, except not as a main character. She'll be making a few guest appearences in the 9th season. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news04/041218b.php
  21. Great....the running gag with Athrun's MSs has made it's way here....
  22. Animators make boo-boos all the time...meh.
  23. (link)Okay, it's not definitive, but the implication is that SWAG is only used in battroid. But even if that's the case, some or all later Valks could be made of super-tough advanced materials. The implication there, as I see it is, it can be used in Fighter mode but the standard is to use it in Battroid mode. Of course, we can sit here and analyze the sentence all day...
  24. Actually, every VF, starting with the VF-0 on, has it.
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