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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Now that's better.
  2. from this pic,, Knight justice looks like a Windam Now that you mention it, it does look like Neo's Windam in that pic. Hehe, wasn't paying attention to the original poster of that pic. K-Justice has the beam sabers in the front edge of the wings, ala Gaia Gundam. If you look at the lineart, you'll see 2 notches/emitters at each end of the each wing. And if you look at the image I had to borrow, you'll see the front edge of the wing is glowing with a beam.
  3. Actually, it needs to be a brighter red. Like the red they used for Spider-Man. That red is near marron, not a bright red. edit: The inside of the cape is a closer red than the outside of the cape.
  4. Another pic of Knight Justice. Beam rifle and normal shield confirmed (had to borrow from Animesuki...freakin Image Satellite).
  5. Knight Justice looks interesting. It kinda looks like a cape when the wings are folded in and the backpack is flat against the back like that. Now for the rest of the notes: From Gunota: Now for the notes from Dengeki and Hobby Japan (gathered at Animesuki): -K-Justice and S-Freedom are both new models (Justice for obvious reasons, BTW, I am taking bets on it blowing up at the end of the series) -Both MSs contain new engines (probably to withstand the Neutron Stampeder) -Destiny may have a beam-type shield (still waiting on a confirm) -The 1/144 model shows that S-Freedom's railguns move to the rear (it's ass) to allow the beam rifles to be stored on the hips. So yes, the beam rifles can be stored on the hips. And now for episode spoilers (hopefully confirmed this time) from Degenki (episode names are confirmed from Hobby Japan) I'll see if I can get actual translations later. Well, let's see....Flying backpack, check. Large beam cannons on the backpack, check. CIWS? Check. Beam sabers? Check. Now what else it has? We have no clue... edit: Got a preview for episode 32 and some additional episode 31 info from Gundam Ace now.
  6. Yeah...that should the point were it picks up.... That point inbetween Archangel "kidnapping" Cagalli to about were you are is quite boring. I was actually tempted to work on my backlog of unwatched series but I found some other things to keep myself occupied. The story just doesn't really move in that 9-episode span. The only thing that gave it life was Shinn meeting Stellar. When you get to episode 26, it should start to bring some life back to the series.
  7. If there is....no one has bothered to tell us.... (as a side note, Destroid specs aren't as detailed as their VF-counterparts) The Compendium is the official source of info outside of Japan....it can't get any more official than the Compendium. However, Egan is open to typographical errors....
  8. Yoda doesn't actually suffer defeat or give up, he escapes from the battle, realizing that the Sith have become more powerful than Yoda or the Jedi order and that victory over the Darkside would have to wait until a "new" Jedi order could be created with Anakin's offspring. At least, that's what the novelization of ROTS says... I dunno about that. I sorta prefer the idea that Yoda was actually beaten by Palpatine, and had to retreat to his little swamp hovel as a cripple that could only teach. That would give added importance to Luke in ESB since that would make Yoda physically unable to take an active part in bringing down the Empire (which has been no small amount of speculation amongst the harder-core fans). I prefer the term "tactical retreat". Using retreat to gain better footing or gain the strategic advantage. Yoda was on the defensive in the Senate hall. Yoda could have continued the fight but Sidious was on the "high ground". Yoda was at a strategic disadvantage. So falling back and regrouping would have been the best solution. You could say that their best strategy was given life at the end. With the twins, they had their best advantage at fighting the Sith. Now they could get at Vader which would given the Jedi an opening to Sidious. Padme and the unborn children were Anakin's world. With children alive, they now had a way to get to Anakin. They had their trump card. Now it was just a matter of waiting to use it. So the Jedi used the Sith tactic of waiting to strike.
  9. Don't you know? Kira always gets the girls. *dodges objects being throw as another running gag is mentioned* Poor Athrun.....subject of so many jokes..... To that I say, "We don't know." We don't really know Lunamaria's fighting preference. Sure she uses the Gunner attachment, but that may be if she is to serve as long-range support for the group. As a side note, unlike Strike, Impulse's sales have been poor (due to it being Strike Mk II). Giving it to Luna may not help Impulse's sales overall. The only thing we can do is wait and see. edit: Fukada will pull another Providence out of his ass and present it on the last 2 episodes.
  10. The simple answer to all these questions is WATCH MACROSS Watch Robotech: The Macross Saga if you must but watch it first before you post anymore simple screenshots of episodes. 1) Watch episode 32. 2) Watch episode 22/23. 3) You could have used Google.... http://www.sfxb.co.uk/animated/centurions.html
  11. Lots of little jokes are in Macross. That's probably one of them. And yes, that is Minmay standing at the car. That's a composite screenshot of Ep. 31, "Satan's Dolls". Episode 32. Those shots are also found in Robotech. You can check Robotech if you must....
  12. Could be. But..... Knight Justice: Old Justice: It's kinda hard to ignore the shots of Knight Justice..Providence II has that double V-fin and that collar that is not on any image of Justice. It also appears that the beam sabers are on the hips again. Yet another running gag..... Rumor has it that Lunamaria is going to take the reigns of Impulse (kinda like Emma Sheen of Zeta). But we won't know that till Destiny shows up (which will probably be around the 30+ episode mark). Much will happen in the coming episodes so prepare for a flood of stuff to come our way.
  13. Openings have a way of really throwing us off... Rumor had it that Shinn and Kira would fight...well, we're still waiting..... and Strike Rouge with the IWSP.... we're still waiting on that too...or even Shiho (Shiho is Yzak's girl standing to Yzak's left in the new ending) in the ending...still no sign of that...etc. As I said, no one knows.... Yet.
  14. Those scenes are from the new ending credits. As for Kisaka and the Kusanagi....no one knows.
  15. You want more don't ya?
  16. The Compendium entry: http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo...ghball_missile/ A little entry in AFM: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/alt.fa...4ba8187c3c14408
  17. http://flets.gundam-seed-d.net/WEST/seed-d.html Preview of ep. 27. Comments: Well, doesn't this put even more doubt on the good chairman... That ain't that bad. How about the animated gif/avata version from Animesuki.....
  18. A few people have said it's probably "Knight" in reference to Knight Schumach (Super Freedom -> Super Asurada). BTW, can anybody find the list of cars from the Cyber Formula series plus the variations (not the games, i.e Road to Evolution, etc...). I have an annoying feeling the name for Providence II is somewhere in there....
  19. If you add 25-30 years to our blue-haired fellow, keep the haircut, yeh, does kinda look like Fuyutski. But no, I don't see it. But back to those hips... Hips? Look at those thighs...you could crush nuts in between those.
  20. Phase Shift Armor http://www.gundamofficial.com/worlds/ce/ba...gy.html#psarmor Trans-Phase Armor http://www.gundamofficial.com/worlds/ce/ba...gy.html#tparmor What you may have seen was just camera effects (i.e. they slowed down the camera for a dramatic effect). When Kira fought Yzak, Kira held back the kill shot. If Kira had moved Strike's arm a little more, Yzak would have become a Nicol. That just left Yzak confused cuz when he came back Kira got the knife out and shoved it into the hole he made with the beam saber.
  21. They're all part of Skull squadron. Roy's was the only VF that had the Jolly Rogers insignia on the plane. Numbers can mean very little.
  22. Definitely bootleg. Even legit stores can sell bootlegs.
  23. There's plenty Macross out there. Aquarion has transformable planes.
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