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Everything posted by azrael

  1. People hate his attitude/personality. I can say I'm not happy with it either. He's undisiplined and needs some serious anger management. As I said pages before, Shinn's hatred of ORB is somewhat misguided. Sure Attha was indirectly responsible for his family's death but there was nothing he could have done to have changed it. He's messed up but acting like he did isn't going to make the pain go away. He needs to learn self-control. Being slapped by Athrun,...twice, being yelled at by Talia, and he still acts like a jerk. Also we got some negative reinforcement; on one hand the crew is treating him like the next messiah and on the other hand, his superior officers are having real problems with him. In his blind hatred, probably not. In Todoka's mind, this was the best answer. With ORB gone in military strength, EA can't run to ORB for help. Sure ORB can provide manufacturing help but now, their out of the war with their naval fleet in ruins. If he met the wife and children of Todoka (if he has any), then that would be interesting. If Todoka had a kid, then you have to wonder if Shinn just created another Shinn by killing Todoka.
  2. It had to end. He told the crew to abandon ship and seek refuge on Archangel so he didn't endanger his crew. The Takemikazuchi was serverly damaged. Shinn would be along in a few moments to sink it. He was obeying his conscience. As soldiers, they obeyed their orders to take out Minerva by any means. If that meant ramming it or slamming your fighter into it, then that's what had to be done.
  3. How about Freedom II and Justice II until they figure out a dang name for those 2. Shinn is a good kid but like a certain Skywalker.... much anger I sense in him.
  4. Shinn's seed-mode is kinda wasted...but then again, so has his skills among cannon fodder. Shinn has fought those Extendeds only so many times. Every other time, he's fought cannon fodder. He hasn't really fought experienced or better trained pilots. Shinn is a good pilot but his seed-mode is like non-seed Kira. What drives Shinn is his hate/anger. His seed-mode is a berserker seed. He doesn't have the control that Kira or Athrun had. The other advantage Kira has over Shinn is that Kira is a freakin Newtype. In a few more years, some training and Kira could use funnels. If Shinn faces Neo (assuming if Neo is really Mu), Neo has an edge. Neo got the experience and he has gone up against Providence. Granted he was in a dated MS (Strike), Mu moved quite well in Strike. And in a Windam, Shinn had a hard time with Neo.
  5. See Graham, I told you it was getting better. Ep. 28 was good. Some of those Murasame pilots are pretty good...for cannon fodder. At least Saviour didn't blow up... Athrun was trying to stop Kira and AA from getting in the way, again. Athrun paid for that. He should have been helping Kira and Cagalli but no, he had to get in the way. Now his MS is in pieces. Maybe now he can stop sulking. Shinn, Shinn, Shinn.....*sigh* And yeah, Lunamaria is gonna get Impulse later...her ZAKU isn't worth fixing this time. Ep. 29 is a flashback episode. Not a recap, flashback.
  6. Hummm, Batman Begins has a PG-13 rating slapped on it. All ages...
  7. This started about a year ago. Many cable companies were finding that they had a few users that they considered to be "problems." Many of them modified their Terms of Service agreements at that time so that they actually are allowed to "discipline" customers who "over-use" their services. Yes, it's lame, but if it's part of the TOS that you signed, you're SOL. But, I too would ignore the email until they shut me off. H It isn't about speed as it is the data traveling around their network. If the amount of data travelling in their network is high and constant all the time, they will look at you. Also, there should be a clause in the TOS (Terms of Service) you signed that says that they can and will modify the TOS at anytime. This is why people say, read the fine print. Read the TOS/EULA. You are getting what you paid for. But you need to remember that you signed a TOS when you paid for their service. Ignore it for now, but if they send it to you again, they'll probably terminate your service until you call them.
  8. I'd call that being lazy, not a discrepancy....
  9. Quoted for truth. I don't think any members of a board devoted to a 20+ year old anime have much business pointing out how we're too mature for something else. What? We can't outgrow certain things yet still be a kid about others?
  10. Actually, cable companies (like Comcast) are cracking down on high-bandwidth users. People who exceed a certain bandwidth (uploading as well as downloading) ceiling are looked at by the cable company. You can have your service suspended until you call them. It's their job to make sure that the network is running smoothly for everyone and not just 1 or 2 people. You may want to consider another venue for hosting iMacross-4.
  11. Current ramblings going around point out that maybe S-Freedom and K-Justice are not made by ZAFT. It would be kinda sad if those 2 got stolen from ZAFT after 3 MSs already got stolen. Some signs are pointing to the Clyne group and/or ORB (first there are no numberings on the crests, then we have this "Others" section on the official site). I'm inclined to say Lacus learns of Destiny and Providence II while at PLANT, works her magic and bang, 2 new MSs. Rey's connection to Le Crueset and Dullindal is quite hard to deny. So the question is, who is Rey working for? Who is he loyal to? Is he working for Minerva's interests or someone elses?
  12. I agree Graham, in part, I'm not a big superhero fan, but I do like Batman because he is such a human character. Also this one seems much more like the Dark Knight I was raised on by my dad, so I will definitely take him to see it. Like Graham, I too, am getting a little old for comic heroes. But Batman was a favorite of mine. I collected that particular title for what....almost 5..6 years. And I agree, Batman is a human character. One interesting thing is unlike guys like Punisher, Batman forces himself not to have the villians he faces, die by his hands. He doesn't kill these people. What Punisher does is more like revenge, an eye-for-an-eye deal. I'm sure people could go on and on argue about it all day (I'm not going to do that) but this fills in what I like about the Dark Knight. There's more of a mental battle to Batman. There are layers of Batman which are fun to explore. I'll see this movie for sure but with 4 trailers up, I'll have some cautious optimism about this movie. Either it's that good or the hype machine is working overtime.
  13. Don't forget there are women in the Jedi order, too. That means it's their all pediphiles. A bunch of guys and gals taking in little kids....wonder if they ever had child-porn problems. So it ain't just man-on-boy. We got woman-on-girl, teacher-on-student, student-on-teacher, teacher-on-teacher, etc.
  14. Smaller pics, use a image hosting site instead of MW, etc.....
  15. I'm sure if they pay him enough, he'll come back. It's better to wait till they actually start production to know if Brosnon is coming back.
  16. Nope. Not on the dvd covers. That scene probably was filmed but eventually edited from the final product.
  17. Which FAST pack/VF model? O, sorry, I was referring to the vf-1 valkyrie, and the standard fast pack from the sdf macross Officially: No response. Conjecture from toys and drawings: 2-3 missiles per HMMP-02 launcher x 4 per booster. So about 8-12 missiles per pod.
  18. Which FAST pack/VF model?
  19. Bingo. Lucas's movies are no Casablanca or Gone with the Wind. But behind the scenes is where Lucas has been most influential. Again, true. His kids were his first priority after RotJ.
  20. With the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies, Lucas has pushed technological advancements to the forefront. Lucas really pushed bluescreen work to the front. Now every movie uses bluescreen/green screen work to do those hard action shots. Like having a close-up on the actor as things are blowing up and the actor is on a moving vehicle. Or having a small number of extras then applying a green screen to make it seem like thousands of extras. He also pushed special effects into a wider range of work. With the Young Indy, he made digital editing more common place. Now digital editing is what people use. With Episode 2, Lucas made use digital filming for the entire film. Now editing is cut down since you can take the footage and go straight to editing/post-production the day you shoot the material.
  21. Be careful about Wikipedia. I think almost anyone can edit the info on it.
  22. Speaking of spoilers, (If you don't want to know, DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK) http://img164.echo.cx/my.php?image=1114366...665yn2dm3al.jpg
  23. Here's some more. Destroy this time. Now that we have a better image, it looks like the backpack folds on top of Destroy, like the Forbbidens (Forbidden, Deep Forbbiden, Forbidden Blue). The detaching arms could be interesting (looks like wireless too, looks like they did borrow something from Chaos). You can even see the beam emitters in the finger tips.
  24. Here's a complete pic of K-Justice. Beam blade from the shield. With the dual beam sabers, the beam blades in the wing edge, the beam saber in the shield, K-Justice is definitely close-quarter combat. Athrun isn't a close-quarter combat specialist...but his MSs make us think otherwise. Edit: More stuff, Super Freedom and lineart for Destiny: edit 2: A compilation of summaries of the upcoming episodes from various magazines (thanks to the folks at Animesuki for this one): comments: ep 28. - Please say Jona is going to die. If Todoka pulls a Natarle, that'll be fun. Boo to Shinn though. He kills the man who "saves" his life (some how, I had a feeling that would happen). ep. 29 - The good chairman ain't lookin too good in this one. With him getting the specs for Destroy in this week's episode, he's itching more toward the dark side. He knows about Kira as well. That's not good. People who know about Kira are either alive because they are friends or family or are dead. Dullindal's fate is probably sealed. ep. 30 - Yeh! Archangel now has backup! Opinions of Shinn will probably go way down. Poor Athrun. Archangel is looking to be a better spot. No stalkers, no crazy fangirls, no annoying kids. Plus they'll have a new red-ish Gundam for him to wreck. ep. 31 - All Cagalli needs now is Kisaka and the Kusanagi and then they can do what they want. This one sounds like it reinforces Shinn's bad personality. Poor Auel... but that's okay, Abyss ain't much use in space. ep. 32 - This sounds like Freedom's last fight. Maybe Kira pulls an Athrun and shows Shinn a thing or 2.
  25. K-Justice might be undergunned but it does make up in short-range combat. If you look at Justice, it didn't have a lot of long-range weapons either. Justice only had 3 beam cannons. The rest of it's armaments were short range (and mostly auto cannons). K-Justice has about the same amount of beam weaponry. The boomerangs are gone but now it has beam blades on the wings. A belly cannon would be nice but considering Athrun will probably destroy K-Justice..... More pics of K-Justice As for Destiny....the beam shield is located on top on the knuckle guard (that yellow patch). At least Destiny has beam sabers....even if they do double as boomerangs.... Here's a pic of how S-Freedom's beam rifles are stored:
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