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Everything posted by azrael

  1. http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=33169 Bonbon Magazine has previews for ep. 30-34. Spoilers, highlight to read: It doesn't say whether it will be a talking or action episode. Guess we'll have to wait for Newtype or Gundam Ace for more details.
  2. White Dingos was the group you played in.....*digs through files in brain* MS Gundam Side Story:0079 Rise from the Ashes for DC.
  3. I also have my increasing doubts since someone over at Seed Forums brought up a point about the ZAKU entry. In rebuttal: I'm inclined to agree that the entry for the ZAKU Warrior doesn't sound right. And just to add more, Heine's ZAKU Phantom came with a Blaze pack. We saw a purple ZAKU Phantom with a Blaze pack. So this entry does confuse things since we have rarely seen a ZAKU without a Wizard pack. The only other time we have seen a ZAKU without a pack is when Rey and Luna fought Auel underwater, where the packs are quite useless. There may be some truth in them but until we actually find a source, this should go into the rumor pile.
  4. Don't fall into the same trap that Seed Forums and Animesuki did. These are unconfirmed and rumors from various boards. Also, names change like Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice. This was actual posted in the morning but since there's no source, we can't confirm it (there are also specs on the weapons in that thread but there's no source), which is why I didn't post it this morning. If they are true, Looks like we get a Destroy Mk. II cuz Stellar's was GFAS-X1, this one is GFAS-X1S. Infinite Justice could be piloted by Neo, but that's because one of the magazines mentioned there was no pilot listed for IJ, implying Athrun might not pilot IJ. Also, if Neo is piloting I-Justice, does he give Kira S-Freedom? Stealing all these Gundams is kinda ridiculous...
  5. Anyways, the scene in the Special editions on Yavin filled enough to let you know that Biggs and Luke knew each other beforehand.
  6. http://www.janet.org/janet_little_tokyo/ja_little_tokyo.html Most places were mentioned but there are also lots of little shops and resturants in the Little Tokyo/Japantown area. There are also a few dozen indoor shops which you can browse. They don't have many hobby/toy shops in the area (or I wasn't looking) but there are lots of bookstores and media (audio/video) shops for your anime needs. I'd suggest getting it online then go to the car rental agencies out of the airport. Sometimes, you can get a cheaper price online than right there.
  7. So you don't hurt anybody with the tip of the blade. It's like a fencing tip. You don't need it but you don't want to poke anybody with it. $200-300/saber, minus shipping. Hilts come with blade color of your choice.
  8. Rey? I don't think so. I think with Rey, it seemed more of a mental trama. As far as we know, Rey is not under any medication so there's no drug problems. He seems to be physically fit and the situation wasn't physically stressful like a battle situation (and he's been in tight spots so he doesn't seem to suffer. So with Rey, I'm thinking mental trama. That may be from his "imprisonment". I don't think PLANT/ZAFT had much to do with it. I think this was all Le Creuset. As a geneticist, Dullindal had access to lots of stuff. Who knows what those 2 might have done. I bring that up because Talia came to Dullindal to help her have a baby. The question is "why". Some people on Animesuki's forums brought up the Coordinator birthrate again. All I can say is "what does this all mean?". As I said, Ep. 29 just adds to the confusion. edit: We know Le Creuset is a Newtype thanks to daddy Flaga, who was a Natural. But could he have had any enhancements done to him when he met Dullindal? We don't know. Also, did Mr. Flaga want his clone(s) to be coordinators? We don't know.
  9. He's a Natural Coordinator. They never address what he is, really. He could be a Coordinator (Flaga could have mdae his clones into Coordinators) judging from what he said in SEED. We don't know what those pills are. But it appears to have a calming effect so I'm wonder if those problems occur in stressful situations (like fighting Mu and Kira in the research facility). The growth acceleration probably causes all the symptoms and the pills probably control those symptoms.
  10. It was medication to slow down the growth acceleration that Le Creuset was put through. Accroding to what's been said, he was altered with growth acceleration to catch up to Mu's age. In later years, they would try to stop this but failed and the side effect was sharp intense pain developed (kinda like he was having a heart attack) which he would have to take medication for. My guess is that stuff acted like a relaxer/blood pressure medication/fentanyl (this is a powerful pain killer), stuff to keep him from Apparently, Dullindal was the one who supplied Rau with the drugs.
  11. After watching episode 29.... I can't tell. His connection to Crueset makes it questionable. He thinks it fate that all these things are happening. Ugh...this is getting confusing.
  12. One of the kids over at Animesuki finally translated the preview of ep. 33 (I've already posted 30-32) Comments: Poor Anakin...I mean Shinn. Have you considered Lunamaria or Meyrin? Now, does Kira use Freedom as a instant bomb or does he show us his l33t skillz to take Destroy out of the fight? And Stellar.....a pretty and adorable Four-wannabe....Is Mu, I mean Neo going to make the impossible possible?
  13. Yeh, but Minerva has ports to dock at to get repaired. AA was on their own every time. Of course, circumstances were different.... I agree. And we got episode previews for ep 30-33. Still waiting on a confirmed/literal translation so: (Spoilers, highlight to read) Kira will kill Stellar and Shinn gets pissed at Freedom. When someone actually translates it, I'll repost here. http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=32952 edit: Forgot this: Yet another sign of recycling themes: Impulse Rouge/Impulse- Lunamaria custom. (yes this is fan art)
  14. The MGs are really for people who like details. Being the owner of a 1/100 HG Freedom and a MG Freedom, the MG Freedom is much better. MGs are also produced on a lower production scale compared to a HG (of course, when you talk about millions of units, the line gets blurry). Lately, Bandai has been making MGs based on popularity to generate sales. The UC line (like the OYW line) is the popular one so there will more of those. But with the others, only ones that have that popularity will make it to MG status. Ones that do better earn PG status (like Strike). There might be a MG of Impulse but as I said, sales for Impulse are slow (the ZAKUs are doing well). Destiny, maybe, depending on how well it is received when it shows. Only HG 1/144 at the moment. And only in Heine Westenfluss colors. No word on a 1/100. I'm debating on Chaos. The ZAKU Warrior Blaze/Gunner set is definitely on my list, though.
  15. Sales of Impulse have been slow from what I've heard since it's too damn similar to Strike. Destiny, Freedom II and Justice II have yet to appear so no one knows how well those will sell.
  16. Don't know yet. Right now, the work is focused on the PG Sky Grasper and the HG Destiny models. Depending on which model sells well, we might have a chance at MG versions of those kits. But as of now, nothing has been announced.
  17. I'll stick with the games, thank you very much.
  18. Well....a Surefire and a lightsaber both have a similar warnings...don't look directly at the light source....
  19. There is nothing you can do to prevent it. Trust me. The best method is to make backups. And make 'em often.
  20. Meh....seen it.
  21. Can you still mount the drive? Is it making any noises? You may wish to try a Linux to see if you can recover files from that hard drive before you reformat it. I suggest you download a copy Knoppix (http://www.knoppix.com/) and see if you can read anything off the drive. If you can, that would probably save you some grief. And no hard drive is ever safe, especially from physical problems.
  22. No, the licensing was officially announced in March. But considering the fact that it will come out by Autumn/Winter of this year, they had the secured the license probably at the end of last year. Jerry Chu has even said on many occasions, all Gundam will come over, it's just a matter of when.
  23. Corollary 1: If a character is named Athrun Zala and this character pilots a Gundam and has his Gundam destroyed by self-infliction or by other means, then it is beyond repair. We're on ep. 128 already? Crap. Seed Destiny is licensed. Please don't ask for it or link to it. If you really want it, you will use Google to find a certain Gundam Seed forum. There, your answers will you find.
  24. He might be. Sting is the only one with his head screwed on even slightly correct. Auel was a loud mouth but that doesn't matter since he met his watery grave. Stellar is just plain nuts....oh wait, she has "issues". So yeah, Sting might be the only one to last long enough to the end.
  25. Can't speak for the Clone Wars series. But yes, that was Qui Gon in Episode 2. So yes, his presence still exists.
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