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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Although, you have to hope the splash damage from those other missiles don't do much damage. It's like wearing protective gear. Let's say you wear the knee pads, elbow pads, helmet, and gloves (ah heck, let's throw in the crotch guard) and those would be like your PPB system. Let's say a missile storm is like a Homer Simpson-style injury. Obviously you can't protect it all and something is going to affect another and we have a cascading injury effect. It's not good for anybody in the blast radius. Imagine you and your wingmen pinned down in an area like...<insert financial district/busy area of your city here>. That part of the city plus anybody left there, is going to be gone if a ODB system overloads.
  2. If you face the infamous missile storm, and your VF only can generate.. maybe 15-20 barrier discs (lets say each can only cover an area with a 3..3.5 ft diameter) at maximum power, I don't know if doing it manual or computer-control with a flood of missiles coming would be a good idea. Heck, I would just launch decoys and run if that was coming at me. Forget the PPB, must go faster.
  3. After check the R2s, yeah, you need a better source cuz those FAST packs are there. Also I decided to double checked that clipping problem. Unless you freeze frame it, you won't notice that. It's nit-picking worthy but unless you wanna watch it frame by frame, it's not a big problem. Something like that doesn't stand out like Shin's disappearing and reappearing FAST packs since it happens really fast (the clipping instance goes by in a second) compared to a slow dramatic shot. Good eyes though. However, I don't know if you wanna watch every Macross episode frame-by-frame.
  4. As I said earlier, if I was mistaken about your earlier post's intention, I am very sorry if I misunderstood you and I didn't mean rub you the wrong way. But obviously I must have hit a nerve or otherwise we would not be at this point. And for that, I apologize, no offense. (This would be the 2nd time I've apologized). But since you insist on being confrontational with me, I don't know if will carry any weight. You've even implied I was lying when I thought through the internal pallets for the VF-22 were for the gunpods, 3rd internal hardpoint(s) and for the mini-missiles while you thought they were completely seperate. So why should I not had said what I have said? You can go and continue this but it's silly and detracts from the thread.
  5. Yet they stopped it 20 years later because they found out they were increasing hereditary diseases. That's iffy. We start getting into genetic traits and social learning (Mylene could have been a good pilot from hanging around mom and dad a lot, so it get's iffy). What I was getting at was, you can have your special groups and all but you don't want to over specialize them. But you don't want to hold them back too much either. The tricky thing is finding that middle spot where you can still do general functions and specialize functions without one being a burden to the other. Well that's politics for ya. I won't go into that.
  6. Yes, those are FAST packs/conformal fuel tanks. They also have micro missile launchers. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf0/index.html Actually, those things go all the way back to ep. 1. If ya missed it, watch it again. Actually, they are on it. There is a discoloration on the legs which would be the FAST packs. Perhaps you should look for a new source, those screenshots are quite grainy....
  7. You were the one who asked why can't the VF-22 have this or that which Egan has noted from the creators is not possible and then continued it. And then you go on to tell "VF-19 advocates" to shut-up about things that were removed (however, FSWs were not removed so that's wrong). Of course, you keep jumping from YF to VF so I can't tell what you're talking about since you wanted this to be a VF to VF comparison. But if you don't think it's whining/fanboy-ism, then it's not. I think the key there is if it is a known type. Otherwise, it's hit the decoys, run like hell and/or switch modes and pray you can shot it down. The problem there is that you become dependent on that group. In a tight spot, you need backups, and reliable ones. If you've watch Aquarion (or even Evangelion), the concept of your idea comes up. A select group of individuals controlling devices. If one person goes down, the reserve pool is much smaller to choose from whereas if you were to not implement such a system, the reserve pool becomes larger and more diverse. Over-specalize and you breed weakness. So you can only implement the idea so far as they don't create problems.
  8. LOL...that's a good one. That would actually be blamed on the animators. Well...you could blame it on the software (not hardware) as well. That's clipping. It happens when doing computer animation. It doesn't happen often (assuming your people pay attention) but it happens. It looks as if the animators forgot to reposition the head. If you don't move the head, the software will not pick up on it since you didn't tell it to and things like that will occur. The case here is, the software will do only what you tell it to do. If you have "The Incredibles", watch the bloopers. There's some very good examples of computer animation at it's worst. And trust me, clipping isn't as bad as other things you can screw up on.
  9. What whining? That whining. Then there's all that business of if only the VF-22 had this or that from the VF-19, blah blah blah, whatever that was... If you are referring to the two misunderstanding of your words in this rather long discussion, you have my assurance that they were not malicious attacks. I do my best to be gentlemanly and yet have a sense of humor, so please point out where you think that hasn't been the case. He's also like this at conventions. Did I run over your cat/dog/hamster/goldfish/<insert favorite pet here>? I don't think I've ever done that or used any such tactics... I've mistaken people on the forum for not being sarcastic when they were. And if I've mistake your post's intention, then I'm sorry.
  10. Wooo there partner. Calm down. Just because you think the VF-22 got short changed (which it didn't) doesn't mean you should go around, whining and bitching about it all throughout this thread. Egan is just relaying what has been said by the creators who wrote those specs. He's not advocating things, he's just telling us what the creators have said to him. What Egan said is true. The VF-19S is geared more toward being a main fighter. A "Jack-of-all-trades/Master-to-none" fighter. This is a perfect successor to the VF-11. The VF-22S matches the attributes of the VF-17 (stealth, payload, etc) so why should it not be the successor for the UN Spec Ops.
  11. He fired some missiles off. It happens very quickly but you see the smoke trail. Watch it again.
  12. More like he gave them a peep talk. The salute was out of respect for what Kira just said. Athrun had his ass handed to him by Kira. What can he do? Unfortunately, on the other end, Shinn's arrogance is raising. Path to the dark side, that is. Athrun just wasn't all there so it's no wonder Kira played surgeon with Saviour. I counted 3 of 12 Murasames that were still good....from the waist up. Every other one was missing heads, arms or other parts. Archangel probably doesn't have the resources to bring them all back up. They only have enough parts for Andy's Murasame. Destiny is suppose to be the most powerful MS there. S-Freedom and I-Justice are "trump cards" for ending the war on both sides.
  13. It's not for us to decide what stays and what gets cut. The scene was probably redundant so I don't see why it should not have been cut. It's the way film works.
  14. Someone posted the shot of the 1/144 Strike Freedom box art on AS. ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom. Whether or not that sticks......So I guess Lacus helps herself to some Gundams.....either that or underestimated the pink princess we have.
  15. Coffee? Check. Only got 4 hours of sleep. *downs coffee* Forgot about those.... ROFLMAO Sorry, lack of sleep... After pondering and rethinking this on the way home yesterday, I was wondering, did the creators note what they meant by "cartridge-less gatling gun pods"? Was it case-less ammunition or was it no removable magazine? Thanks. Perhaps they were slighty drunk when they wrote it? I think I said something similar to that....perhaps it was on the old board...
  16. A) As stated, the SV-51 uses an active stealth system. Radar lock was not possible. Why not a Sidewinder? Who knows. Maybe he knew a heat-seeker won't be as effective. B) Production-wise, perhaps Kawamori likes the side-stick controller. Story-wise. No clue. Perhaps they though the side-stick/throttle/mode-select/battroid controller system was better than having 4 sticks plus various throttles, levers, etc. C) that is from Episode 5. It might have been one of the scenes that was cut out of the final release.
  17. "Two Stonewell/Roice B-7 standard internal pallets" From VF-22S entry: "Three standard internal pallets. Micro-missile launchers with four exit ports on the forward dorsal section to the sides of the engine nacelles. Micro-missile launchers with four exit ports on the ventral fuselage to the rear of the engine nacelles in Fighter mode or on leg storage bay cover panels in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Exclusive internal pallet(s)." The VF-22 is a bigger, heavier bird that can carry more based off its given stats. The part you quoted is where I pointed out the YF-19's are listed as that the VF-19's are listed as Little Rock launch systems and described as pallets. If they're using standardized pallets and the VF-19 is carrying two, while the VF-22 is carrying three plus a micro-missile system with its own exclusive pallets whose the more well rounded? From what I can decrypt all the VF-19 has over the VF-22S stat wise is its more powerful engines and lower mass. Maneuverability can't really be taken from them and what I do know would indicate it's close enough pilot skill is the deciding factor instead of the machine under them. The quoted internal pallets for the 19 are listed for the YF-19. Not the VF-19. So you're comparing a prototype to a production version? I thought this was comparing the VF-19 to the VF-22. The 3 internal pallets for the VF-22 might refer to the internal bays for the 2 gunpods and the one bomb-bay. The "Exclusive internal pallet(s)" might refer to the storage of the micro-missiles. Either that or those pallets are quite small..... It's 1000 kg heavier because the legs are seperate from the engines. The legs on a VF-19 are the engines. It needs room to store the legs in there, hence it's bigger.
  18. With a little filing work...yes. No, the VF-4 does not come standard with a gunpod. Although, I won't be surprised if it borrowed a VF-1's gunpod. They're just messin with you.
  19. Minerva still might have it better since they have a larger crew. More people, more resources spent to keep everybody happy. But then we come to a quality vs. quantity issue. With Archangel, since they've had a small crew and been in some tight spots where support was zero, so they are probably better at resource allocation than Minerva, whose never had to worry about supply problems. So Archangel can do a lot less stop and go unlike Minerva. Of course, that might mean Archangel would get less quantity support, but it might mean that you get more quality support. But this is Archangel we're talking about. With the stuff they've been through, they probably are pretty darn efficient. They could probably make a loaf of bread last more than 2 weeks without it growing mold....
  20. But those fighters aren't just designed for space use. Well apparently it was good enough to make it to production.... So that rating must be off.... True. But, that still doesn't excuse it from being included especially if it is suppose to be a standard issue and yet not show up throughout most of the testing.
  21. That might be due to the fact that Minerva is not as automated as Archangel. Archangel never seems to have a crew larger than 50 people (heck there are probably only 20-some ppl on Archangel in Destiny). Minerva feels like there are at least 75-100 people on that ship.
  22. Using animation alone doesn't really help. David would probably be the best source for comparison but that would be for fighter-mode. Also you're jumping around with the YF-VF notations. The prototypes don't quite use the same systems as the prototypes. Please don't mix them as it does get confusing. I imagine with the forward-swept wings and carnards, the VF-19 series would be much better at manueverability than the conventional VF-22 series. Even though the VF-22 has 3-D thrust vectoring, you are really relying on that system to move you around fast (which is not as good as an inherit design IMO). Again, I will point out that in M+, the YF-21 was flying without gunpods loaded during many tests flights. The YF-19 was flying with it's gunpod during most tests. This makes me wonder about the weight of the YF-21. A few other things to consider is a VF-19 uses a mission-variable missile system. where as the VF-22 uses a fixed missile system supplemented by another set of hardpoints. This reduces what you can use the fighter for. In a sense, this does make the VF-19 a more well-rounded fighter. As much as I like the VF-22, there are times where a VF-19 looks like a much better fighter. On paper that is (which completely disregards piloting as every pilot is different and can really mess with comparisons).
  23. Depends on the VF. Depends on the circumstances. In some instances, the gunpod will detach and the arm catches it. In some, the gunpod will move into position to be received by the hand. In some, the gunpod can be manually ejected. But this happens in a blink of the eye so it's hard to tell what goes on.
  24. Here's the full translations from Bonbon (spoilers highlight to read) Obviously more will happen than said. As I said earlier, we'll have to wait for the upcoming issues of Newtype and Gundam Ace to find out more.
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