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Everything posted by azrael

  1. You really can't compare anything to Stellar when she's in Destroy. Destroy leveled 3 cities on it's own. That thing is also quite big and has lots of barrels... Cagalli was on street level blocking civilians for Destroy's attacks. So I don't think this round counts. Also...Shinn you're so misguided...I bet he's gonna blame Freedom for all of his problems. The only thing in his mind is vengence. (I only say this because Kira is only gonna cause him more problems in S-Freedom, and Athrun in I-Justice). I bet he's gonna mention his family (not Kira's fault, they were caught in a crossfire), Heine (not Kira's fault, Heine should have been paying attention), and then Stellar (not Kira's fault, Shinn was the one who gave her back to EA in the first place, thereby condemning her to her fate). If it wasn't for Kira, Destroy would have made Shinn as toasty as Anakin. And the girl is a psycho, Kira did everybody a favor by taking her out. But, most likely, Shinn won't see it that way. I only say this because I know what's going to happen and with S-Freedom and I-Justice coming, it's not hard to see. Athrun warned Shinn and he didn't listen. Now look where we are. Take a wild guess on how Kira knows it's Mu.... Actually, they've been using the beam-saber-blocks-beams since SEED...Kira seems to be the only one who's crazy enough to do it.
  2. Did I not say those Murasame pilots were good? They did a number on Minerva and now they took out Chaos. Even Kira diabled Chaos in 1 stroke. Athrun just isn't in his groove and he faced him twice? It was an example for what it was worth. But take for example, Minerva on Earth. Archangel in GS had a point when they were on Earth; get to Alaska. Minerva is just hooping around from base to base without any real purpose in mind. Hence, this arc is being dragged out. But that's 1 possible reason for GSD's low ratings.
  3. Six? More like two. Yeah that's right. I'm thinking of the gap between ZZ to V (which was 6). F91 was suppose to fill that gap but never made it.
  4. I think when you hit the 2000-2500 posts mark, you can place a bid for your custom member title if you want one. Then a few people on the board can come up with your custom title. If you don't want one, don't ask for it, but the option remains for you to have a custom title since you've posted so much. Let's say I hit 2000 posts but I don't want a custom title and I don't ask for it. Fine, no problem. Later when I hit 3000, I finally decide that I want a custom title. I then throw my name in the bag for one and other people get to decide.
  5. F-91 was supposed to be the pilot for a TV series that just never happened. Umm....F91 wasn't really a pilot. It's actually the combination of the first 12...13 scripts of the TV series. F91 was suppose to be a 50+ episode series. But something happened during the pre-production and work stopped. Everything was retooled to fit into a movie format. The hope would have been to make a TV series out of it. But that's all it was, a hope. It took 6 years to bring back Gundam to the TV screen.
  6. $100 says someone will come along, ignore the pinned topic and create a topic "Stealth, anybody seen it?"
  8. 2) Bingo. 3) In addition, the RX-78 was mass-produced as the RGM-79 GM. Gundam MS have always been 1 suit, usually a prototype. Unless you're a MS buff at the time, most people don't remember the name, Gundam. History has a tendency to record events on the whole rather than on the individual scale. 4) F-90 was destroyed more that 10 years before F-91. As stated, Silhouette Formula was part of a model kit series/MSV. So those don't count. Also, due to the length of F-91, you cannot fit a crap load of MSs in a 90-minute show.
  9. From what I've heard, the fans on 2ch are Shinn fans. Although the drop in ratings might be due to the fact that there hasn't been any clear direction for this series. Certain arcs have been dragged out too long, things are just now coming into the light, Impulse's sales have been low, the producers are trying too hard, lack of viewer interest, etc. Artist interpretation of the events. Try not to analyze it that much. In the magazine pic of episode 14 (?), it showed Freedom fighting lots of Murasames. On screen, he only took down 2.
  10. Lot of rumbling about Shinn (the fanboys at AnimeSuki have endless threads about this), but somewhere in the back of my head, I get the feeling Fukada has set up Shinn to be a Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader-character. For all the wrong he's done, in the end, maybe he'll do something right. Shinn's ego has been eating the praise up and his attitude went sour in last week's episode (ep. 31). Being released with no charges and then talking down to a superior officer (Athrun). Then, when he fights Kira, Shinn is going to trash/pwned Freedom. And as his reward, he gets Destiny. For all it's worth, Shinn, it appears, has become the villian now. Maybe in the end though, he'll realize that he wasn't solving the problem, only contributing to it. Although I wonder if Shinn would be worth salvation at that point. If Shinn ever falls from grace, I hope it's a rough landing. With all that hate and vengence, you're right, he is a dark-side time bomb.
  11. Spoiler pic. Click to view. http://img17.echo.cx/my.php?image=gsdimpulsefreedom0sw.jpg Looks better than when he faced Le Creuset
  12. Yes, very.
  13. It's a certain point of view. We remember things depending on how we see it from our point view. For example, from ym point of view, M7 was a good show. From A1's POV, it was an abomination.
  14. Wasn't the MOD-Files a spin off of that X-Files show starring AgentONE and his quest to destroy communist computers around the globe using spyware or something?... Do I get to be naked? Think we're saving that for the DVD release... No, we aren't But let's just say the DVD will open many doors AgentOne Better than he was before Better... Stronger... Faster,..... .....Uncut? By that you mean the number of editions, right? I hear each edition has more nudity than the previous one. Of course...he runs around naked the whole damn show.....
  15. Funny, we saw that used in 2001 in the USA.
  16. But hey, look on the plus side... Stupid people are easier to manipulate. Raise an army of stupid fans and take over the world! Are we allowed Bush comments in this thread? Try indirect and vague comments that don't sound political yet are. Like this:
  17. One of the guys at Animesuki noticed this point in Episode 33 from Dengeki (spoilers, highlight to read)
  18. Lineart time! I-Justice has a beam shield on it's shield. And It's number is ZGMF-X19A. More artwork coming.
  19. Listed in preferred order, apparently... Isn't the Agent ONE-way, the wrong way, only faster*? *See reference: Simpsons episode 1013 AABF09, "Homer to the Max".
  20. Couple of other things. I-Justice's shield beam saber doubles as it's beam boomerang... S-Freedom's dual beam rifiles are something of interest. Here's Legend: And finally, a little MSV for ya. Also from Gunota: Hobby Japan's spoilers for ep. 34 and 35 (title for ep 36) (Spoilers, highlight to read) Comments: Ouch, Archangel gets a beating...meh nothing they can't handle. They've been is worsts spots. And it looks like Athrun is defecting....Finally, the boy comes to his senses. Unexpected person saves Athrun's ass...could it be our pink princess (I mean fake one)? IJ and SF are lookin like their coming from Lacus (the real one). And Dullindal is evil/Darth Sidious. One should never trust that Char-like voice. Edit: more stuff. Beats making a new post.
  21. Destroy is quite a MS/MA....Definitely more than Psycho ever was...Maybe more than Psycho II... Oh and we have a new acronym. Gigantic Unilateral Numerous Dominating AMmunition And Shinn...just cuz you got released, doesn't mean anybody agrees with you. Twisted by the dark side, young Shinn has become.
  22. Any minute now.....*stares at watch* Hummm, he must be slow today.
  23. 4th ending: Title: "Kimi Wa Boku Ni Niteiru" ("You Look Like Me") Artist: SeeSaw Release: 8/3/2005, VICL-35800 http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/m-serve/-/Inform...VICL-61555.html edit: updated with the Gunota translation. Sounds better. Okay, the TM Revolution bit is now rumor-status. Although it could still happen. I'll leave the link to the rumor. http://yannchan.blogspot.com/2005/05/oped4.html
  24. Meh. I'll wait for a 1/100 or an MG.
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