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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Sting was a horrible pilot. He never really used Chaos well. Kira just needs Mu/Neo to teach him one more Jedi mind trick.
  2. Yes, the pic of Cagalli is fake. I think it was done by the kids on 2ch. Maybe....It's been speculated for the past 3 weeks now on AnimeSuki. A magazine talked about the upcoming limited edition of Strike Freedom and mentioned that the DRAGOON wings would be made of ABS plastic. Of course it was translated from Chinese to Japanese to Chinese to English. So we couldn't confirm it (which is why I didn't post it). Also a scratch built Strike Freedom (from an MG Freedom) labeled each wing with the names of archangels so it was thought about a lot over there. The only thing we can say is, we'll see.
  3. http://www.gundamofficial.com/worlds/ce/ba...positronblaster When you watch the scene of Minerva shooting it's positron gun, you see tiny explosions around the beam. Freedom's core only needs to be an atomic bomb when it's set to self-destruct (i.e. Justice in GS). Otherwise, when damaged, the cooling system goes out and the damn thing melts out of Freedom. Chernobyl comes to mind... If it blew like a A-bomb, at that range, Shinn would have been vaporized along with Kira.
  4. As I said earlier, I don't think Freedom went nova. The blast seemed to have been caused by Minerva's positron gun hitting the water (matter/anti-matter reaction). Archangel was already in the water. Considering what they were facing, as soon as they submerged, they probably changed their angle of decent and dove rapidly (I could imagine the crew started to feel quite horrible after doing that). So Minerva missed. The blast consumed Impulse and Freedom. Impulse's sword was most likely snapped and Freedom fell into the water. If Freedom exploded, not even Phase-shift would protect the pilot at that range. It looks like "Mission Accomplished" for Minerva. But we know it was actually "Mission Accomplished" for Archangel instead. They got away with all crew and Freedom (Who cares if Freedom is damaged, Kira is the important one and well Freedom...it's seen worst, heck Le Crueset blew off more). What Panon said.... Characterizations, yes. Story...hell no.
  5. To Shinn and Athrun, Freedom is destroyed, period. Either Kira used the flash and pulled away from the sword or was knocked off from the sword. Either way, Kira got away (Imagine Shinn finding out he didn't destroy Freedom. ) and pulls a Jedi move. I swear, Kira taught Mu how to come back even after it looks like you've been killed...or Mu taught Kira how to make the impossible possible. Both of those guys have had their MS/MA shot at, shredded, or destroyed, and they still survive. Heck, they've even been shot at outside their MS and they still lived... Nowhere in the Jedi manual does it say you can survive all of that....
  6. That was only 2 weeks It's almost like clockwork....
  7. Now that I've slept on it...Someone needs to tell the Minerva crew that a positron gun isn't the first resort weapon. It's an anti-matter weapon. Water = matter. What happens when the 2 come in contact...*bangs head on table* Now to some spoilers (Same spoilers, from Bon Bon magazine, pay attention to ep. 38): Also, some one on Anime-on-DVD's forums posted something about Dullindal. Take a look (Rumor-mill, possible spoilers ahead): If this true, then this is quite bizarre yet interesting.
  8. That's how they're designed. Why do VFs have faces? That's how they're designed (even a mouth-less eye(s) only look is still a face).
  9. We may never know. Shinn needs to be disciplined. He needs to be put into a situation where he pays for his actions. Where no one will support him or justify his actions. Death would be the easy way. He needs a Camille-style punishment. Kinda like a vegtable. A suitable punishment, IMO, would be he lives but is forever locked in a state where he fears that everything he does is the wrong thing. Eternal guilt. One thing I noticed, Kira recalled Shinn's presence during fight. He felt it was the same persona as the one he met at the ORB memorial. More Newtype stuff. Well, he rolled about 90 degrees but he did it really quick and it was a hard roll. It was just funny because Minerva's crew just stared as they passed right by them. ZAFT tried to trap AA, but that failed. When they serve the plot. Impulse's shield uses a system similar to Forbidden's "Geschmeidig Panzer" when it is expanded. The Shinn fanboys would eat you alive. Tactically, Impulse did have the advantage. The funny thing is, It wasn't Shinn who came up with the idea to use Kira's no-kill policy against him. Rey was the one who told Shinn about it. Maybe... It probably does have a slight battery-backup to power the additional systems. If it works, use it. It may be cheap but that's what Impulse can do so why not? You're right, this fight wasn't like Strike vs. Aegis. Kira and Athrun went head-in back then. Shinn had a plan so he had the edge. But Shinn won't have that advantage next time. Destiny doesn't use the core-block system. So he can't scream at Meyrin. But hey, we got to get rid of Freedom to make way for Strike Freedom so like I said, Shinn will get his ass-whoopin.
  10. And you wonder why I call him Anakin...There is still good in him, but he's been manipulated by Dullindal and Rey. Twisted by the Dark side, young Shinn has been. In the end, he'll redeem himself. But that should be after his ass-whoopin. Obi-Wan...I mean Athrun, should cut of his legs and arms just to make him think. And Destiny doesn't use a core-block system so Shinn can't scream at Meyrin for more parts. The old crew has had their ass handed to them many times, so this wouldn't have been the first. Outside Orb, At Alaska...By Dominion... They were running so they didn't care who was in front of them. Heck, Neumann (Archangel's helmsman) just rolled and went around Minerva. Minerva wasn't expecting that... Personally, I don't think Shinn needs to die. But a serious ass-whoopin, now we're talkin. As Chris Rock would say, "Ain't no one above an ass-whoopin." It seems as if the writers are setting him up to fall from grace hard. And I'll be there to laugh. Shinn only looks at things that affect him. He doesn't see the bigger picture. Athrun tried to teach him that, but Shinn obviously didn't listen. Also, someone on AnimeSuki's boards notice the fact that Shinn has never been disiplined. Someone has always been there to justify him. The 1 time Shinn was disiplined was by Athrun and that was a slap on the wrist. Beyond that, nothing. That feeds his arrogant behavior. If everytime, someone says your right, imagine what would happen to your ego. That's Shinn's problem. No one has ever said he was wrong. When finally you do wrong, it doesn't hit you. Shinn never learned from his mistakes because no one was ever there to tell him he made a mistake. All the reinforcement Shinn has had has been positive. He's never had disipline or any negative reinforcement. And that should be his undoing. When he makes a mistake, he needs to have some reinforcement to back up the idea he made a mistake. And until that happens, he will keep acting like a jerk.
  11. Possibly. We'll know soon though.
  12. Actually, there were at least 2 prototypes of the YF-19 and YF-21 during the Sharon Apple incident. The YF-19 was chosen but not because it was the only one to survive. Yes, the Ghost is still around. However it's controversial AI is no longer part of the package. You train with Ghosts in Macross VF-X 2.
  13. One thing I just thought about, this might further push Kira Newtype abilities. He might not even need SEED-mode after this. I think the Chairman puts people he thinks he can control in FAITH. He gave Athrun Saviour and Legend. Talia, Heine, probably more. Like his own Nazi SS. He probably thinks their nobody-vets. When you have poster-boy Athrun, then we have someone who stands out. I don't think Athrun can just waltz out the door. He'll know what Dullindal is up to and they'll have guns pointed at him. Kira will probably realize that Shinn is one of those people who deserve to be killed. He's very picky about who he kills.
  14. Don't worry about it. Kira will just come back in S-Freedom. "Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Most people are hoping for Athrun vs. Shinn/Kira vs. Rey. Once Athrun gets I-Justice, then he can slice and dice Shinn. Muhahahahaha.
  15. More info today: Spoilers (or at least some of them are) highlight to view:
  16. EA ain't worth it. They'll just drag ZAFT into a trap and Cyclops their ass. ORB vs. ZAFT is where the story seems to be heading (or I should say Eternal-group vs ZAFT). I expect Lacus to come out at Dullindal and expose him as a fraud. I expect Athrun to finally smack the crap out of Shinn in I-Justice and then Kira and-or Mu and Rey to go at each other. Shinn can gloat over his battle with Freedom. Athrun will teach the boy a good lesson. Oh and a few other spoilers have come out from various other magazines (Still not confirmed since I guess these are plot points but just some more details in the previews I posted earlier): Also some translated trivia (thanks to the kids at AnimeSuki):
  17. 1) No. 2) Yes. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_toys_yamato.htm
  18. For starters, we don't even know if they are assigned to Minerva.
  19. Has absolutely nothing to do with Plus. It is officially not officially part of the Studio Nue timeline (it is officially Macross but is not part of the official Studio Nue timeline). http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...hort/index.html http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol..._nue/index.html Also, Macross II takes place in 2080. Macross Plus takes place in 2040 so MII is well ahead of M+, from a chronological point of view.
  20. More production notes. The VAs for the 3 Dom Trooper pilots are: Yide Dorak (VA: Kazuki Yao) Hulk Stoinji (VA: Yoshikuni Dochin - one of the singers for Chemistry) Misa Kotoey (VA: Kikuko Inoue) The funny thing is, Ms. Inoue is also the VA for Kira's adoptive mother. So if ya want to know where Kira gets his god-like powers, blame Belldandy. Also, we can guess the fate of one of those DOM pilots considering he's one of the people singing the next opening theme. And unless your name is Rie Tanaka, VAs who sing theme songs for this show are destined to have their characters die (TMR-Miguel/Heine, Houko Kuwashima-Stellar/Flay/Natarle, Vivian Hsu-Aisha)
  21. Well, looks like we gotta correction around here... From Gunota: Chemistry doesn't sound that bad from their current single. Their voices are a little more smoother than TMR's and there's no annoying male rap vocal like High and Mighty Color. Their current single sounds like a theme I've heard but I can't place my finger on it. And I expect when Strike Freedom shows up, "vestige" starts playing.
  22. I would have combined the Obi-wan/Maul and the Qui-gon/Obi-wan/Maul fight since it's essentially part of the same fight.
  23. It's really not us that LOGOS is being revealed to. It's the people in the story. It's not peace through mutual agreement. It's peace through the eyes of one man, not the collective. (Note that this might differ as we have yet to go through the remaining episodes). He is turning the world against LOGOS. Many parts of the world now have a ZAFT influence. Like executing Order 66, As soon as everything is in place, they turn around and shot you. Peace is achieved, when there is no voice of opposition. My money's on the Eternal Faction and Yzak's group (like I said, I think in the end, they will bring Dullindal to justice). So I could care less about ZAFT or EA. Instead of trying to work it out, Dullindal is forcing things to go his way. His version of the way things should be. Meer Campbell? His version of Lacus. Minerva? His version of Archangel. Shinn? His version of Kira. These are things he can control. And if he controls all these elements and more, then what happens when someone disagrees with his way of things (the Rebellion)? And what if the opposition spreads? You then have a Galactic Empire and a Rebellion. Yep. He may have good intentions (ending wars, unifiying the people, peace) but is there some underlying plot to all of this? That we don't know....yet.
  24. Upcoming episodes time! (Edit: Added Animage spoilers) From Newtype, yeh they're pretty light on the info... (ep 34-38) (Thanks to the kids at Animesuki for the translation) When Gundam Ace or one of the hobby magazines come out, we should get some more meat. And the Dom Trooper! (all the way at the bottom ) http://img213.echo.cx/img213/9540/111814655519hd.jpg
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