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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I have a feeling that the MSIA (like the 1/144) was done prior to lineart for the DRAGOONs. If they wanted to get the product on the assembly line, they would have to forgo the DRAGOONs. The HG 1/100 does have the DRAGOONs while the early products dont.
  2. But it didn't matter since EA still invaded. Other nations seem to have hearing problems when it comes to ORB. But Uzumi was in charge of ORB then. Times have changed. As the commander in the episode said, this time things are different. Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice...And as far as ZAFT is concerned, the Sarans are still in control of ORB. This is why Cagalli was making her way to ORB HQ. She cannot broadcast from Akatsuki, certainly not from Archangel, and certainly not from anywhere else. She needs to be in control of ORB at ORB. ZAFT will listen when they are off the island and chillin outside ORB territory. Why should ZAFT listen when their kicking the crap out of ORB? If someone is beating you up and winning, why would they want to listen to you? As far as they are concerned, they're right, your wrong and your losing the arguement. Why should they listen to ORB when obviously Orb didn't listen to ZAFT? Whether they attack civilians or the military, they are still attacking ORB.
  3. Time for some food for thought: http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commen...omment-opinions
  4. *feels headache* Okay, let me get this straight. Kyle becomes a hypocrite and joins the military. Minmei sleeps with Edwards. Minmei then sleeps with Wolfe. Then Edwards forces Wolfe back to Earth for sleeping with his woman. Minmei dumps him and gets banged by Rem/Zor clone #157102. She has his baby who grows up to be Zor Prime. They all get caught up in a time loop. Zor Prime then sends the SDF-3 back to Earth where it becomes the SDF-1. You're not contending it was a Predestination Paradox?* Oh. and Minmei is a WHORE. *reference Star Trek Deep Space Nine, "Trials and Tribbleations", episode 503.
  5. *Bangs head on table* I know, let's just make a game where the guy and girl are having sex with their clothes on. Would that be more appropriate? Or better yet, just black out the scene and make the character run around humping everything until it finds the girl. Then you have your pr0n and you won't offend anybody since you can't see a thing. I think we mentioned this a page or 2 back.
  6. The problem with the neutrality card is, ORB threw it away when the Sarans allied with EA. As soon as the invasion started, anything ORB would/could/should do would make it look like they were stalling for Djibril. ZAFT had no reason to listen. They allied with EA. They allowed Djibril to enter the country. They lied about his whereabouts. Would you believe it if Cagalli all of a sudden broadcasted a message tell you to cease fire? Do you love it when people fight for hopeless causes? As soon as she gained control of the government, arresting the Sarans and getting Djibril's whereabouts were the easy things. Pushing ZAFT out....that's another story.
  7. Isn't the nudity in Sims 2 just a skin patch (i.e. Mod)? It's not part of the game content, hidden or otherwise. The skins in Sims 2 are the only skins there and they have blurred out the private parts. If that's what it is... Where's my rocket launcher? I feel the need to frag a certain attorney.
  8. Probably, it would have been doubtful that ZAFT would listen. The last time Cagalli went out and broadcasted to ZAFT, the ORB fleet said that's not her. So ZAFT has no reason to believe that it is Cagalli and no reason to trust ORB. By the time Cagalli showed up, the front line collapsed (no thanks to the Sarans). So she needed to 1) kick out the trespassers (ZAFT) from her property, 2) Arrest and detain the idiotic caretakers of her property (Sarans) 3) Find and grab the unwanted house guest (Djibril). Worst off, ZAFT was makin a mess of the place. ZAFT has no reason listen to her since she is part of ORB and probably should be arrested too. As said, if ORB stopped fighting, ZAFT gets a free pass to everything on the island. That's not ORB. ORB, as a principal, doesn't like people to step all over them. And Djibril was on ORB soil, so it's ORB's problem, not ZAFT's (i.e. Cagalli's order to spank Jona and Unato until they spill the beans on Djibril). ZAFT could have fired warning shots, created a blockade, blah blah blah, but no, they decided to barge through the front door. Cagalli was only working with the situation. And I saw nothing wrong with that. How I would love it if Athrun pulls an Obi-Wan on Ana...I mean Shinn.
  9. As I said, politics. And I agree that the game should not have been re-rated based on disabled content. It's foolish and it's even worst that ma or pa buys this game for little 10-year old Timmy when it has a M rating slapped on the box. Question. Does the PC version of GTA:SA have a EULA? If there is, there should be a clause about modding/hacking/patching with unauthorized content.
  10. I think we start getting legal at this point. It can be argued that because the content was disabled in the retail version, it was not part of the game and therefore, should not be taken into account of the ESRB's rating (it should go back to a M-rating. This only way to access this stuff was through a mod/hack/3rd party. It's not playable content and should not be taken into account. The otherside is, the content is on the freakin disc making it part of the game, per se. This does undermind the ESRB's system and does make Rockstar liable. Rockstar was suppose to say what was on the disc (I'm sure there is something in writing for this) and by omitting some things, you are underminding the ESRB's system. I'm sure this will be the argument and that it will get quite specific. Rockstar has been target of lots of stuff lately. This is just adding fuel to the fire. I'm more concerned with the hardware issues GTA:SA is having than a little pr0n. Politics.
  11. Been there, done that, cursed the board. Aww, gundammit. I'm doing it now, too. Attention Invision! I HATE YOUR QUOTE PARSER! --^-. .-^-- Tell me about it. Seems like one broken quote command mucks all of them up in this new version of Invision. -Al But as near as I can tell, I didn't break a tag. I ran through multiple times and counted the pairs. I think it just has a limit to how many it can parse. I've had this problem on another Invision board. And I've been running out metric buttloads of quote tags for ages. 314176[/snapback] If you can boldface your way through a post, then you can use quotes.
  12. You could have used the plamodel thread.... As for your question, we don't know yet.
  13. Not really. The beam shields are a variation of the device used at Artemis. And Beam shields are not standard armaments like in F-91 or V (well in F-91, EF didn't incorporate beam shields until F-91). That scene from "Never Ending Tomorrow" sounds a lot like the 3rd Battle of Victoria. "The third Battle of Victoria. The Earth Alliance attacks the ZAFT-controlled Victoria base, deploying numerous Dagger variations and new prototype machines for combat evaluation purposes." I have that scene in my MSV promotional vids. I'll check later. Terms of the treaty I guess. And yes, EA was in a good position in the last war. EA was beating ZAFT in numbers. ZAFT was beating EA with GENESIS. There lies the stalemate. ZAFT's defense line was crumbling. If Kusanagi, Eternal Athrun, and Cagalli got through, then you can be sure that EA broke through. But what did ZAFT have? GENESIS. One more shot would have ended it for EA. One more hour would have ended it for ZAFT. In the end, it was a stalemate.
  14. Actually, Kisaka took the gold Murasame out. That would cheapen his return. To come back, only to die again. I would like to see Neo/Mu live but at the end of the series, yet still consider himself to be Neo. Maybe have bits and pieces of Mu's character in Neo but to have him remain as Neo. This way, we can say, yes, Mu is "dead". To give Murre something of a second chance with Mu, or what was Mu.
  15. At least we know it will be Zeta and SEED models for the next year. The question now is, will this new gundam be a UC-story or a UC-ish AU story.
  16. Mu's Sky Grasper was still in good shape after Alaska. Speaking of Sky Grasper...time for spoilers (Thanks to animesuki)
  17. Kira? In space. Darn. Athrun? In bed with mutiple injuries. Rats. Neo/Mu? Nothing to pilot. You have to be freakin kiddin me if he uses a Sky Grasper against Destiny. Murasames? They don't seem to be doing to well. Well, someone's got to do it. Don't you love non-stop flights?
  18. Breetai http://www.anime.net/macross/characters/k/...danik_vrlitwhai Exsedol http://www.anime.net/macross/characters/f/...l#folmo_exsedol Not sure what you mean by this. This question would probably be answered if you watch the series. Hikaru is a busy guy..... Guess what? You're in luck. ADV has the rights to the original series now and they will be re-releasing it soon. However, I'm sure you can find the Animeigo editions out there.
  19. Let the pissing match begin.....
  20. If you really have a problem with the story...blame these people: Chiaki Morosawa Hiroshi Ohnogi Hiroyuki Yoshino Kazuho Hyodo Natsuko Takahashi Shigeru Morita Yuuichi Nomura The writers.
  21. Well gents, there is a satellite version of this week's episode without the scrolling emergency announcement (which I have and should be avaliable now). The hope is, next week's clip show will try to offer something we haven't seen or addressed yet. The last 2, despite being clip shows , did offer some food for thought. Hopefully, this one can do the same. edit: According to the Gundam Ace spoilers, Guess will have to wait 2 weeks.
  22. ...But seriously, it's not a question of the weapons on the thing, it's a question of its age. Regardless of how armed it is, it was designed *years* earlier than the latest generation of MS's - so like Strike it has a slower OS, outdated engineering and mechanics, and a less efficient power source (remember it was only Zaft who came up with the anti-neutron jammer cancellers - and even if ORB had the technology back then, there's no way Cagalli's dad would want to so blatantly violate the treaty and upset the balance, bla bla). ... 313472[/snapback] Anti-neutron jammer canceller...talk about a bad contridiction.... What treaty? I don't remember ORB ever signing any treaty. I'd take DOS/command prompt over any GUI any day.
  23. Finally, Jona gets what he deserves. http://img53.imageshack.us/my.php?image=11...486474bc5qc.gif Kinda funny how Cagalli got Jona to admit to her identity. (BTW, there was an 6.0 earthquake in Japan so it will be a pain to find any clean screenshots) http://www.h-opera.com/ Apparently Kira has been teaching Cagalli some Jedi tricks. Akatsuki....No one can harm that thing...unless they get physical (i.e. melee fight, Shinn needs to perform his signature move, stab the belly with a anti-ship sword). Unlike a beam shield that absorbs the hit, the mirror coating armor reflects it right back. Not only are you wasting your shoot, you get a refund as well.
  24. IIRC, it was another SA gunboat-type. But you may wish to search the forum as we have discussed this.
  25. Don't you know? ZAFT has horrible security. It is possible that when they were loading up Gaia on the transport, that transport took a "detour". http://www.gundamofficial.com/worlds/uc/ba...html#beamshield I think that's the best answer we have for you.
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