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Everything posted by azrael

  1. http://aeug.blogspot.com/2005_08_01_aeug_a...423729809283745 It should be noted that DVD sales are actually doing very, very well. Vol. 6 has been out for a month and is still in the top 20 anime sales (according to Oricon). And the music has been doing quite well (CD Suit vol. 6 has been out for 2 months and still in the top 10). So it's still in the air.
  2. I did consider this, but then I remembered that Veffidas in comparison to Millia. Veffidas ' build is closer to a body builder than someone of Millia's size. She was a professional street fighter at one time and she did have to play with the boys who were also quite well built. So they do retain strength (imagine have 7 kids, where 2 of them were twins) but beyond a certain point, it falls to the individual, otherwise Millia should be able to do what Veffidas did, which she probably can't.
  3. This preview for next week brings a few things which haven't been mentioned. From SEED Club Mobile/Char's Blog (Spoilers, highlight to read)
  4. I don't have that problem. Oh, I see which link you're clicking on. You're clicking on the one under the "News" banner (which is the wrong one). If you click the one which says "MW Forums", then you get the right one. That's a minor issue.
  5. Exedol's form was explained. When he macronized himself, he altered his structure with a greater emphasis on his mental capabilities. 320404[/snapback] Wasn't he also worried about ther micronization/macronization process directly affecting his brain and memories, and IIRC even concerned about getting brain cancer form the process? 320468[/snapback] Not necessarily brain cancer. But he was worried about the process affecting his mental abilities. 2, technically. I don't count the macronization/micronization.
  6. The card you have to play with this is "Do the ends justify the means?"
  7. Exedol's form was explained. When he macronized himself, he altered his structure with a greater emphasis on his mental capabilities.
  8. Yes, their size has something to do with it. Zentradi were built big. Their structure is designed to withstand more and this does make them stronger. Of course, it makes them stronger for their size. The corollary of that is look at an ant. For it's size, it is capable of carrying things weighing more than it's body weight. So size isn't the only answer.
  9. Someone associated Mari Ijima with Reba West. Blasphemy.
  10. Very slow. Maybe. But when the other side uses beam weapons or anti-armor weapons....
  11. The best thing to do would be to just host it off-site. Use your own webspace, use a image hosting service (preferable), etc. This way, no one complains about the size or whatnot. And you can keep it independent of MW's server. If you want to post it on MW, then use a decent size. 640x480 or 800x600.
  12. Athrun got the right arm this time...all he needs to do is get the other 3 limbs. Athrun actually beam shielded one and beam-bladed kicked the other. I found it cute when Kira just kicked Destiny away when it was about to palm him. hehe....
  13. GSD is on at 6PM on Saturday nights. Ratings so far have been pretty steady since midseason. Most of the money comes from merchandise.
  14. Ishtar is a character from Macross II. The girl in the center of this pic:
  15. Some lovely info from the model on the DOMs from Mark Simmons (courtesy of GOUF and Seed Forums)
  16. Not to beat around the dead horse but... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4118270.stm Makes you wonder.
  17. Actually, you are wrong. Beam shields do stop physical weapons in addition to beam weapons (Freedom uses it to block missiles/explosives). An I-Field only stops beam weapons. http://www.gundamofficial.com/worlds/uc/ba...technology.html Definitely. Using colloid particles always seems to be a big plus, but a big drain on a battery (Blitz, Forbidden, etc). I'm still waiting for a good explaination to Destiny's/Legend's hybrid engine.
  18. What people have failed to notice is that the boomerang hit the joint (specifically the elbow, good throw BTW) not the armor. If it hit the armor, the beam would have scattered. Akatsuki's joints are the only parts that are unprotected by the mirror. Actually, Destiny and Legend are do run on nuclear power. It's just that we are still unsure of the nature of that system. Mark Simmons of Bandai/GOUF came up with a good idea about it, but even he wasn't too sure about it. The only thing we can say is, Destiny and Legend do not have a virtually unlimited power source, unlike Freedom and Justice.
  19. "Macross Perfect Memory" http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/series_pm.htm As it says, it's difficult to get. You should be able to find some copies if you look hard enough. I won't be able to help you since I got mine at a convention. "Misa Hayase: White Reminiscences" Search hard. I don't think you'll find that one. Talk to Shawn and see if he or whats-his-face..Seichi? can find you one.
  20. Just to note, IJ's shield since it incorporates weapons into it so this would be a poor example. A better example is Destiny's additional physical shield. (Is it me, or the proportions on that IJ off...I don't remember the beam rifle and shield being that big in the lineart...) Again, Destiny is a better example would be Destiny. Since it does run out of power, a physical shield would be a bonus. Why not give one to Legend? Well, Legend is as well armed as Destiny in melee combat. Legend can sit back and let the DRAGOONs do all the work.
  21. I wouldn't exactly trust that person who designs buildings out of their basement... It's business sense to find a cheaper way to do things. You're stupid not to. Crap is crap but if you're making money off that crap...
  22. It's never said. Sorry.
  23. Technically, both since GSD is a sequel to GS. But we focus mainly on GSD.
  24. Unlike V2's Wings of Light, Destiny's WoL do not provide any real thrust (okay, perhaps I should say no thrust). The WoL create after-images using colloid particles. Apparently, this effect drains the battery. This is probably why Destiny cannot use them that much. 319157[/snapback] I think you just said that WoL is kind of useless. Nothing more than a big sign that screams: "HERE I AM, SHOOT ME." Heh heh. Correct me if I misunderstand. I think an actual mirage colloid can be a bit more useful. 319168[/snapback] I could have sworn I saw Shinn cut a Murasame in half with the wings in the latest episode. 319191[/snapback] Nah, it was just the anti-ship sword. In GSD...yeah...the WoL are pretty much useless. Except on Destiny. I suspect Destiny has is quite the speed demon. The WoL are just another measure of deception and takes advantage of that speed (i.e. Think of the trick where you hold a pen and rock it up and down, the pen looks like it's made of rubber, this is kinda like a glorified version of it). It's just an optical effect for Destiny to use. It's more like "HERE I AM, SHOOT ME." Victim shoots. "Ha ha! You missed!" Victim gets stabbed by a BFS (Big F****** Sword).
  25. Unlike V2's Wings of Light, Destiny's WoL do not provide any real thrust (okay, perhaps I should say no thrust). The WoL create after-images using colloid particles. Apparently, this effect drains the battery. This is probably why Destiny cannot use them that much.
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