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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I'm inclined to agree with this statement. Most of the Macross AMVs I've seen (this is back in the day though) were unoriginal and kinda dull. They all used M+ and all had that same theme (fighters and planes). The first was okay, then when all of them started to look the same..... 323351[/snapback] I was thinking the other direction. People think Top Gun misic has to have jets, and MacPlus has the best jets. 323420[/snapback] I wasn't referring to Top Gun music with M+ footage, just Macross AMVs in general. I have yet to find a decent Macross AMV...but I stopped looking years ago.
  2. I'm inclined to agree with this statement. Most of the Macross AMVs I've seen (this is back in the day though) were unoriginal and kinda dull. They all used M+ and all had that same theme (fighters and planes). The first was okay, then when all of them started to look the same.....
  3. Absolutely nothing. Besides redesigns on the hands, cockpit, using the Strike pack instead of the Super pack, and lots more detail, there is no difference between the 2 versions.
  4. You should really save this for the Newbie thread. Variable winged? I think you mean VG (Variable Geometry) wings. It refers to the fact that the wings can be swept back or forward or change its "shape" (not like a morphing effect or MAW), changing the geometry of the wings, hence variable geometry wings.
  5. Well first off, the official site is updated in the character and mech sections. http://www.gundam-seed-d.net Magazine Z spoilers. Nothing new, just a few notes. Thanks to the guys at Seed-Forum. Yeh well, tough.
  6. In all the copies I've seen, it's not in widescreen format.
  7. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf1/index.html
  8. Good find on the Mk II ver. 2. Definitely looks like their taking the cleaner/updated look from the movie. Looks like they also took some ideas from the OYW MGs as well. There's that moving shoulder joint and the articulation in the legs.
  9. Weakness is relative. Just because it has limitations and isn't as advanced as say a VF-22, is relative to it's time. Also, the VF-0 was the first (although limited in production) VF. Of course it is weaker than all VFs that came after it. Why don't I just compare a P-51 Mustang to a F-15 Eagle? Of course the P-51 sucks. It's almost 40 years older than a F-15. Sheesh....
  10. USPS: Never had a problem. If I need to go to the post office, I go there knowing exactly what I want. I don't make my label there, I don't ask extra questions, I pack and fill out my stuff BEFORE I get into line. Makes me want to go postal on that person who decides to do everything at the counter. I just sent some DVDs out last week. I spent a total of 2 minutes at the counter. Weighed it, paid for it, got my change and receipt and off I went. Okay...enough ranting. UPS: Delievers at really inconsistent times. Sometimes late mornings, sometimes after 5PM, sometimes at mid-afternoon. I could take a day off work, wait at home, and UPS would still not deliever until almost 5 or 6 PM. I try to avoid shipping by UPS. Fedex: Somewhat consistent delievery times. Either late morning after the priority stuff get's passed out or during the afternoon. Otherwise, no probs. Hate the shipping prices though. I feel like stabbing myself everytime I see shipping prices greater than or equal to the amount of tax I paid for the order. DHL: I don't use them much.
  11. Akatsuki's sepcs: See image from last post. * http://www.isejingu.or.jp/english/myth/mybody4.htm Sorry, lots of terminology that was done quickly from the place I got it from.
  12. A few more random notes (these are from a magazine but we will have to wait and see on it) I knew there was something fishy about that pack Akatsuki has it the opening. http://img302.imageshack.us/my.php?image=a...dragoons6hi.jpg
  13. You say it like it wasn't a truthful observation. Cute how the Archangel gang witness the deaths of millions, yet can't even bring themselves to really care. A madman just committed one of the greatest attrocities the Cosmic Era has ever seen, but all they do is take a minute to be gloomy then they're back to their vendetta against the Chairman, listening to Lacus' wild guesses and assumptions and high-fiving each other at the prospect of going after Dullindal. Dullindal didn't seem to care as well, if you didn't notice. Considering how 2 people she's known for 2 years almost killed her, her own government wanted her dead with Athrun, even she understands more of what is at stake. They probably do grieve for the lost of innocent life, but then they realize there is more at stake. All of ZAFT is going to be acting on revenge. This is exactly what happened after "Break the World". Acting on revenge won't solve anything. Eventually, more innocent lives will be lost and then there will be no innocents left. Everyone will be to blame.
  14. Nope. Apollo and Helo met during Galactica's decommisioning ceremony.
  15. Neither do I but I just find it interesting that this issue was brought up.
  16. It's a trig problem. If it's off by only little, that can mean a lot. Yzak's group probably only knocked the relay point by no more than a few degrees but that was enough to alter the end results (Think trig and how to measure a height of a tall building with a broomstick, like this one http://science.howstuffworks.com/question379.htm). Edit: Although I can understand that everyone is in a state of shock on Minerva, but, I'm surprised that no one has questioned how Rey knew exactly how Requiem works (He even refers to Geschmeidig Panzer reflection armor directly) only after a short time after the incident. We as the viewers know, but it hasn't clicked in anybody's head on that boat. Not even Yzak or Dearka knew and they were at the relay point.
  17. http://www.anime.net/macross/ Seriously....use the Newbie thread.
  18. First off, it sounds like you have a bootleg. I suggest you pick up a copy of the series when ADV re-releases it. Or you can hunt for the Animeigo set. You'll thank us for it later. You don't like how it ended? Do a fan-fic. The creators of Macross intentionally leave us with open endings. This gives the impression that the there are more stories to tell, and they don't have to be about everybody's favorite Hikaru/Misa/Minmay. In fact, the creators have done 3 series with those 3. They went off into the unknown and have never been heard of since. End of story. Do we need more details? Heck no. There is more Macross than just Hikaru/Misa/Minmay. And as we know, there are more characters than just those 3.
  19. Just to note a few things... -The base Dullindal was in is called "Messiah". And yes, he does have his "Emperor's chair" in there. -The intended target was Aprilius, home of the Supreme Council. -The PLANTs that were hit were Janarius 1- 4, December 7-8. -"Destiny Plan" appears to be a way to pre-determine everyone's life according to their genes. Kinda like making everybody into Ultimate Coordinators, except their lives are pre-set for them, unlike Kira who grew into his world. Kinda like "Gattaca". Naturals get wiped out, Coordinators get eliminated as well because many of them are born with imperfections or don't follow what was mainipulated in their genes. Everybody comes out perfect and fills the choosen role. You can't grow beyond your role in life. So if you're made to be a bum on the street, you will be a bum on the street for life. You can't grow out of that role since it's not in your genes. - Requiem uses abandon/old/hollowed out colonies with some special equipment as reflectors. And from the data Rey got, they can shoot anywhere, even Earth. -All of this comes almost too well for Dullindal. Hence his acting, his smirks, everything. Almost as if he planned it all out.
  20. It's only special due to the round it fires, the 5.7x28mm SS190 round. This is the same round used in the FN P90. The round itself is designed to penetrate infantry armor vests (bullet-resistant vests) for support troops. It looks like a smaller version of the 5.56 NATO round.
  21. Djibril didn't need to be on the moon. He just wanted the pleasure of pulling the trigger himself. Unfortunately it is a catch-22 case with Kira/Athrun/Lacus/Cagalli. Let thousands of civilians be caught in the crossfire at ORB or let thousands of people die on PLANT. It's best not to play the numbers-game. As the viewer, we see things from a larger perspective than the characters in the series. Did anybody know that EA had one more weapon? No. We, as the omnipotent viewers, did. The characters, however, did not. We can make that judgement that they screwed up. The characters in the show can't until it happens. So you can't say someone screwed up since your perspective is a all-knowing viewer. Concerning the "Destiny Plan". Looks like we guessed right. It does involve evolution. Dullindal wants to force evolution's hand. Eliminate the bad parts (people and all). He wants to create an ideal world where everybody can be what they want to be and everybody is happy. Your life becomes pre-determined, in essense. And if you don't follow the plan, you're eliminated. Also, someone noticed when PLANT is destroyed, Gilbert is acting. He looks around first then plays role and making everyone believe he's pissed. Good eye...
  22. Talk about a lot of bad press about this... http://aeug.blogspot.com/2005_08_01_aeug_a...450542143458737 Tomino is gonna need to do some damage control. BTW, is Four gonna die in Movie II or is that reserved for Movie III? Cuz there's still a chance to remedy this...well maybe. Of course, he could always fire Mr. Fujino....
  23. Roy was so distraught after Aries' death, he decided to do the manly thing and grow a mullet. Someone forgot to tell him that they go on the back of your head. 321396[/snapback] Not mention his excessive drinking after her death prior to meeting claudia. "He once bragged about shooting down ten fighters while flying with a raging hangover" Claudia LaSalle ep. 1 Boobytrap 321632[/snapback] He was a drunkard before Aries died.....(M0, ep. 2)
  24. Lucy Lawless will guest star in an episode airing Sept. 9th. http://www.cinescape.com/0/editorial.asp?a...55&obj_id=49442 Spoiler (Highlight to read) She may be a recurring character...who knows.
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