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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Is it me, or does that "Quote" button have a black box around it?
  2. Well it is a sorta rehash of the original series.....
  3. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN934101 Although I'm sure with a little glue and some sanding, you can get them to fit the PG Strike/Strike Rouge.
  4. I assume you mean MBF-P02 Red Frame (MBF-02 is Strike Rouge). Yes. Look at the animation for "Invoke" (GS ep. 1-12).
  5. When did you order it? Did you get the one with the stand? 327584[/snapback] I ordered in early August. I don't know if mines comes with a stand yet. I'll know in a few days.
  6. Nope. We're not sure where it came from since it has the RGX-00 designation. It has a stealth system, but it's not Mirage Colloid. As more manga comes out, we'll learn more. I'd have more faith in a WMD than those Coordinators...BTW, my HG 1/100 Strike Freedom shipped from HLJ....I guess the stock is coming in.
  7. Yeh yeh, episode 47 sucks. Fukada should die. The writers should die a horrible death...blah blah blah. Join the thousands of others. I'd say it's pretty obvious we are going to have an open ending to this one. Anyways, on to some random notes-time. Some notes from FLETS on episode 48, not previously mentioned. -Comment: So it ain't just ORB saying no. Some notes from Animage from Morita Shigeru (script writer) (courtesy of Seed Forums) Finally, some notes from Mark Simmons @ GOUF concerning Variable Phase-Shift Armor. Comments: A few people note that a red color might not mean strongest since Abyss uses its PSA to withstand pressure at great depths. Still a little iffy at the moment.
  8. Steelfalcon's owner is Dave Deitrich. He's retired from the Macross-info scene. Most RPG-based info is 98% BS. This is why we never cite it as a source. If you are playing an RPG, then it works great, because that is what RPG-based information is suppose to be used for: an RPG. It is not production notes. Dave's work on RT RPG info is was created during the time that RT was in hibernation. And frankly, RT has it's own problems. But that's for the kids at RT.com to help you with. We don't deal with that here.
  9. No, she doesn't need to strip.
  10. Concerning Destiny sales, the as stated, the DVD are doing very well. Better than Seed in fact. Music sales have also been very good with lots of top 10 sales for weeks. Models however....As stated, Impulse was doing the worst. Unlike previous models, early on, I heard reports that this one wasn't flying off the shelves. I have heard that Strike Freedom and Destiny are doing better. Unless you're shopping in Japan, most online stores I've seen have both Destiny and S-Freedom on backorder till the end of the month. In fact, I heard at Otakon that S-Freedom was on sale at the dealer's hall on the first day and sold-out after that. So there is a bright spot in this. It will probably take another 2 years to get another CE-universe sequel on TV. The network schedule is done up to next spring. By the time they set everything up again, it will probably be late 2006 with an air date by Fall 2007. At the earliest. I've heard the staff for Destiny have already been handed new assignments so if we want the same staff, it's gonna take some arm pulling at Sunrise to get them on a 3rd Seed series. The only thing we (and the folks at Sunrise) can do is wait till October 1st and see what happens. I think that turned out to be IGLOO and the Zeta movies.
  11. Huh? The SDF-1 has no connection to ASS-1 except for the fact that like the original SDFM SDF-1, was built around the original ASS-1. Gents, question and answers only. Please don't deviate from that. If you wish to post your ideas of the wreakage, bring it to the fanart area or start your own thread. Thank you. "Alus" in Marduk mythology is the relic ship that will bring culture or salavation (a peacful culture the Marduk to end their endless cycle of war in their culture) to the Marduk.
  12. Concerning Prayer.....we really don't know who's clone he is. We've seen him have flashes/visions of a Moebius Zero cockpit and then Le Crueset has mentioned that there were other clones of Al Da Flaga. The arguement works both ways so we are left with a question mark on Prayer. We know he's a clone, but that's about it.
  13. First, learn to use quotes. Secondly, you should really watch MII. Thirdly...."Sian Macross"? Are you sure it's referenced in Macross as such? I've seen it referenced in Robotech RPGs but in Macross? The RT RPGs I've seen reference it as the the equivalent of ASS-1.
  14. Random Comments and Notes:
  15. God...that show takes me back....
  16. Seriously....if you want to know what happened...write a fan-fic.
  17. We have a MPC thread for this.... I should probably note, as I said earlier, M+ and MII and productions after that, have had no involvement with Tatsunoko.
  18. I know that info I want to know how it would actualy look like and what the hell is it if my info is correct damm Bretai told the crew to ignore it since it will delay the mission damm moron . I just want to know the designs and how did it "booby-trap" thier... 325979[/snapback] JB0 is correct. We don't know how it actually looked because it had a bunch of holes blasted in it. Most likely, it was another gunboat, but we will never know. ASS is, as also stated, a generic term. It could actually have been ASS-4567890123. They never did go back but if they did they would probably be dead. The thing was probably booby-trapped. What kind of booby trap? I don't think it would be wise to know considering SDF-1's booby trap.
  19. azrael

    YF-19 two seets?

    The YF-19 only has and needs 1 seat. The second seat is completely optional (non-standard). The Yamato toy reflects the standard configuration.
  20. By the way, is it me or is next week going to be another recap episode? 325717[/snapback] From Flets, http://flets.gundam-seed-d.net/WEST/story.html Sounds like lots of reused footage but doesn't sound like a recap.
  21. Ep. 46... Part of me wants to pity Meer....
  22. Tatsunoko did IIRC, have a part in the production of those 2, specifically DYRL?. It wasn't big, but enough to claim something. Of course, no one is gonna touch DYRL? until they can figure out the license. M+ and M7 (and other later productions) are Tatsunoko-free.
  23. Anime is (majority of the time) cartoons for kids. But there's nothing wrong with watching it. Look at Graham...Married and with a child...yet he still hangs around here.... I just see it as entertainment. If I find it entertaining to watch, then I'll watch it. Even if some of it does have tentecles going up some school-girl's skirt, shirt and down her throat.....
  24. If they would try to dress up the Five-Seven like that, then I would feel better. They could also add some parts to the Cx4 Storm as well (like get rid of the scope and use something made up/non-cylindrical for a scope). More than likely, they are saving the money for Pegasus. Which is fine. The least they can do is try harder than sticking a box with a hole drilled in it on a gun.
  25. No, that's correct. Reactive armor is designed to repel anti-tank munitions. However, there is nothing stopping you from releasing or detonating the armor manually.
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