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Everything posted by azrael

  1. They are. AnimeSuki's forums actually need a good amount of moderation. Threads are often repeated and information seems to run rampant over there. For every good thread, there are double or triple the amount of repeat and trolling threads. The user base isn't the brightest spot either. For every good poster (translators, people who pay attention, and more objective in their posting), there's more fanboys (on either end) and more "un-intelligent" (posting nonsense, "in-crowd" posting, less constructive criticism) posters. I've also noticed Seed-Forums is under some heavy moderation, lately. Lots of nonsense going on. The mods over there have really do lots of crowd control. But I can go on and on... Yeh, Jerry Chu was a good guy for the job. Pity he left, but I'm sure he feels better at his new job.
  2. Not anymore. Lost most of my model pics when one of my hard drives' circuit board decided to die on me. I'll take some later. Probably when I start on my MG Zaku II.
  3. That would be me. The MG Re-GZ is much more stable than Zeta, for sure. The simpler transformation definitely is a bright point. Posability? Not much compared to the stuff now. It's got a standard amount of articulation. The biggest problems will come when you attach the BWS. The legs are on a special hip joint that repositions for the BWS. You may have some problems there. Another thing is the antennas. They are flexible, but not that flexible. Use caution on those when attaching the BWS. You are provided with extras thankfully, but it's best to just be careful. Since it does transform, even if it is just a little bit, that's the source of the problems.
  4. http://pam.main.jp/ Scroll down and you'll see EX Minerva.
  5. I don't think they can do much to Zeta's look. This release will probably throw in improvements from the OYW series.
  6. Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Talk to Kawamori. No. However, Pin-Point Barrier systems were added later as a field modification (most likely implemented late 2044/early 2045 to the entire fleet of VF-17s. M7's squad of VF-17s didn't receive their PPB systems until after hostilities began with the Protodevlin).
  7. The only problem I had with it was the writting (granted, it is a substantial part of the series). I didn't have any real problem with the rest of it as the series progressed. Although, I really walked into the series without expectations. This is Gundam for pete's sake. If SEED 3 happens, Okawara and Fukada can stay. Morosawa...she's got to go. She's just a bad influence. She should stay away from her husband's work, period.
  8. I don't blame Fukada for GSD (as much). For Fukada, it's a hindsight problem. Simple as that. From what I've heard, Cyber Formula GPX turned out fine. GS went smoothly. Then we got to GSD and the writing just...sucked, for a lack of better word.
  9. "Meer" would have been a better episode if (obviously) it was done earlier by an episode or 2 and if there was a little more dialog from Lacus about Meer. When Lacus cries on Kira's shoulder, I get the idea but maybe a few lines would help add to the emotion of the scene. It was a good ep, but the timing just felt off. The only way you would get #3 is if you A) make the series shorter by half or B) give more time between production of episodes (I imagine production of each episode would last about 2-2.5 weeks before they have to head into post-production, so if you want no reuse, make it 3-4 weeks/episode) or C) This is kinda B, Part II, but air each episode at 2-per-month (like GitS:SAC). But as I said, re-use can be used, if done properly.
  10. I don't know about Tomino...he'd kill everybody in the end, then we'd have no show left for a new beginning. 1. This is what happens when you work on things back-to-back. They didn't even finish GS completely (they were practically working on the movie compilations as they were doing pre-production on GSD). They should have pushed GSD to Jan. 2005 instead of Oct. 2004. That would have helped the staff get a break. It would have helped the plot as well. It okay to adjust on the episode-to-episode level, but the plot or the general direction needs to be fleshed out prior to starting. 2. I actually liked the first 2 recaps ("Past" and "Fates"). They gave some insight into the characters. Then we got to "Refrain". That was just bad. Nothing new and nothing was done to help the characters. It was done to just give the animators more time. "Meer" was okay but it could have been done better and an episode or 2 earlier. 3. Tell that to the animators and the budget office...they'd kill ya. If you're gonna re-use footage, use it properly. Be consistent. We had Impulse changing to Strike, Freedom appearing instead of S-Freedom....I don't mind the re-use, just use it properly.
  11. After re-reading the blog and the Fukada interview translations, running it through 2 computer translations, and reading several forums (including Mark Simmons' notes), the general vibe I'm getting is, they rushed it and it caught up with them. Yes, I know it was rushed watching the animation alone but I'm looking at this from the production standpoint. This is probably why I see "I'm tired" in both the Fukada interview and Kabashima's blog. I think it's best for the production staff if they just stayed away from doing more for at least 6 months after vol. 13 comes. Kabashima's blog actually gives props to Fukada for his work (sounds like he understood Fukada's stress). But he has less than spectacular words for Fukada's wife, Chiaki Morosawa (Script writer for GSD). It sounds like she's turned in work late on a few occasions and the well-known comment, she can't write. It also seems that they (animators) had to recut scenes at the last minute and that it really frustrated him (he's complaining about the production circumstances as oppose to the plot).
  12. I don't know if there will be a 3rd Seed series at the moment. Fukada seemed quite tired going through Seed and Seed Destiny (according to an interview on Sunrise's site). It appears from that interview (from what I can gather), he was happy to take on Seed Destiny but realized (after the fact) he should have given it some time. He notes that juggling 3 main characters in GSD was not easy but it's done. * It also sounds like he wanted to do more with Neo/Mu but never got the chance. Also, Yousuke Kabashima (Character and mecha animation director) hated the reuse of animation on the series (This is from a blog, that's suppose to be his**). You'll see his work in Mai-Otome. *http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=718266&postcount=266 **http://forums.animeondvd.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=1157769&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&vc=1
  13. You know, when Neumann rolls Archangel....it's over. Despite this series' (many) shortcomings...I'm please Fukada did one thing: Not quite but close enough. I take this as my 3 (sorta) limbs. I can sleep happy.
  14. Whoa....where have you been? We've only been making Zeta references like a hundred times in this thread..... No. We'll let you know if we see one.
  15. IIRC, It's called "Dog Fight". And it can only be found on "Macross Plus ~ For Fans Only" CD. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/music/_music_cds.htm http://www.anime.net/macross/production/au...plus/index.html
  16. Oh...it's the SP demo....never mind.
  17. So their puttin a weight scale on my table.....lovely.... [accent=Willie] Shhhhhhhhhh. You want to get suuuued boy? [/accent] Why not start a thread and find out? Or you can always use the search button.
  18. From Gunota: Don't ask what the "special episode" is. No one knows (I know, it's another recap. Muhahahahahahahaha). We'll see in February.
  19. Considering how much Macross "borrowed" from Gundam, that's not the best complaint. 332865[/snapback] But the Ikazuchi was from Mospeada....
  20. Box art for MG Freedom Extra Finish Perhaps I should have bought this one instead of a second MG Freedom. Oh well.
  21. Yes it was. In fact, http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/bts/me3/3.html They are filming the water scene in this "Making of Episode 3" episode. Yes there was more of the Jedi attack. Although it was seen from the security recordings that Obi-wan and Yoda watched. The Anakin vs. Obi-wan fight was also longer. If you watch the "Making of..." episodes, you'll see a few other parts of the fight that never made it to the final cut.
  22. I do love the work this guy does with his models.
  23. RT fans have no shame. *where's that pic of that cosplay Hikaru*
  24. Absolutely nothing. "Vulcan" refers to a model of gatling gun, namely the M61 Vulcan made by General Electric. The name stuck to most electronic-motor gatling guns. But these days, almost all gatling guns are run by an electronic motor so we use the term "vulcan". But you can use "gatling gun" and we'd still know you'd be talking about the same thing. But if you are going to refer to Richard Gatling's original gatling gun, then it's just easier to differentiate between the 2 by using "vulcan".
  25. Is that what's-his-face....Edwards? Oh wait it is Destro. Wasn't Edwards' face plate suppose to be more plate (i.e. Britai) like and less like his skull? Why do I get this A-One vibe from Lick Hunter?
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