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Everything posted by azrael

  1. MAHQ's data is closer when it comes to Gundam and Tomino's works rather Macross (and there are issues with MAHQ and Macross). I ignore MAHQ's Macross section since we have the Compendium. And from the looks of it, even Egan Loo has had to go in there and fix some things in Wiki...
  2. Small note Please don't cite articles from Wikipedia. A place that can be edited by anyone is bound to have issues.
  3. This assumption is correct. It did have very little to do with the Sharon Apple Incident (although, it may have helped the 19, but utimately, other factors played in....I've gotten into the middle on this issue with Egan Loo). The BDI/BCS seem to work pretty well from my view. It was later found in the EVA/Pheyos Valk. Even if the BDI/BCS version of the YF-21 wasn't picked, the second YF-21 with conventional controls could have been presented. And then the morphing wings. Great idea but the materials would cost the military more money. Then we start nitpicking, etc... But, at the end of the day, a 19 would be cheaper and less resource-consuming than the YF-21. And ultimately, would be the choice of the UN. Although, this didn't stop the YF-21 from coming back as the YF-22/VF-22.
  4. I say wait... The main thing is...can he do Bond? Can he deliever the character?
  5. Yes I saw that pic. But the fact that the pod, at certain angles, doesn't look that big makes me think 4 is a more conservative number. For all we know, it may carry 8 or 12. But that's only with the HAIM-95. It could probably carry more or less depending on the missile type.
  6. I don't know.... The AIM-200As are medium range and are fairly large already. Four missiles/pod would sound about right.
  7. seconded. 335258[/snapback] Thirded. 335312[/snapback] Fourth 335320[/snapback] Pentupled? That aisde, some one asked what it was like in other countrys. Well here in the UK it's heading pretty much the same way, we are however fortunate that Guns are nowhere near so prevalent. None the less, politiocal correctness made corporal punishment a big no, no a while back and kids know this. There are some real spoilt brats around whose parents either don't care or are too afraid/ignorant to bring them up properly. I as a kid used to get bored and hit my sister, my mum always gave us both one hell of a smack and not always on the arse either. Then video games finally rolled into the UK and we all (me, my sis and my mum) liked making Sonic whiz around loops too much to get bored enough to hit each other. These days, my younger brother is even more of a games freak then I ever was but I keep in touch with the industry so my mum always asks me which games are suitable and which aren't. He wanted Killer 7 last month, I gave her a brief idea of what it included and she quickly decided against it. He got a Starwars game instead which he semed happy with. 335326[/snapback] Fourth....Pentupled....Ah to hell with it... Amen brother.
  8. Some late background info...more to come as it's translated (Courtesy of AnimeSuki) -Says among other things that Rey is a clone of Al da Fllaga, not Rau. mmmkay.....So I guess we were wrong about Rey. So how many other clones are there? (Don't know if we can count Prayer as a Flaga clone at the moment) -Akatsuki has mirror coating which gives a golden look - it isn't made of gold though but the mirror coating is very expensive. This kinda follows what Mark Simmons has noted from the Strike Rouge PG manual. -In PLANT, marriage is regulated based on people's genes The regulation seems pretty heavy actually, and people are often not able to marry for love, which is causing the birth rate to fall. It's because of those regulations that Talia left Gilbert (so she could have a child). Gilbert was actually working for Patrick Zala to try to help resolve these problems. Talk about your loveless marriges....
  9. The hospital/facility was attacked by BC extremists. Hibiki, his wife and most of the scientists perished and it was believed that the children (Kira and Cagalli) also died. In all the chaos, they would have disappeared. Later the Mendel colony was sterilized after a bio-chemical attack so no one ever thought about going back. Very few people knew about the actual Ultimate Coordinator experiment. It was a research topic when it started. The failure rate was high and produced very little results (like Carnard Pars, who was a failure of the program). When a success did come (Kira), the facility was attacked and everybody believed all the worked perished. If they did know about, then they would have thought it all went up in smoke when the facility was attacked. That's kinda what he said... It goes back to the fight. Rey believed he had no future, being a clone of Le Crueset. After Rau died, Gil told Rey that he was Rau, i.e. you are Rau in every way, that's your life. He believed his fate would be the same, i.e. he would not have a future, that there was no alternative. Kira's reply was Rey was not living Rau's life. He didn't have to do everything like Rau. Rey's life was Rey's and no one elses. When Rey said "But he [Kira]...wishes for a future...", he realized he had a future, an uncertain future. One where he didn't have to live Rau's life. Kinda....I don't know if you could consider his preserved brain as him being alive...
  10. Kira? Kira came out exactly as planned. That's what being the Ultimate Coordinator is. It's not about being the best (so to speak). But Kira was the only Coordinator in the experiment to come out exactly the way he was designed. No defects, no problems, nothing. Le Crueset was Dr. Hibiki's payment to Al Da Flaga for getting funding from him. Rey was Le Crueset's "donation" to the Ultimate Coordinator program. Rey was a test for the artificial womb. How did Kira live a normal life on Orb? Because he was raised there. Coordinators aren't just confined to PLANT. There are Coordinators all over the world. Most went to PLANT to escape the discrimination and the hatred toward Coordinators. Some moved to more isolated areas of Earth, some moved to Orb or Scandinavia since they have a more open policy toward Coordinators. Almost all people on PLANT are Coordinators, but not all Coordinators live on PLANT.
  11. Except when they switch between the old and new stuff....The difference between the 2 is just that sharply different that it hurts. And Camille really looks like a girl. The movie is good but after watching the series, I missed some of the character points that aren't present in the movies. But that what you get when you cram it all.
  12. Can you name the episode and time of the scene? If you can't, then we can't answer the question.
  13. Great....you've been sniffing too much of that flower haven't you?
  14. That's what I'm thinking but I want to be sure about it. Which is why I requested a screenshot.
  15. Well...the Compendium implies that the head laser can fire in pulses as well as single continuous beams... Although, when you think about it...it's firing so fast (and it is a laser) that it probably looks like a single beam...
  16. Ratings for GSD courtesy of Gunota http://aeug.blogspot.com/2005_10_01_aeug_a...863421083186095 So in the end, the series did about...average. It did slightly better than Zoids in the same timeslot and it's lowest rating of 3.9% was better than Fullmetal Alchemist whose lowest was 3.4%. The numbers for the most part were consistent. The change in broadcast time probably attributed to the lower rating. Compared to other Gundam shows*, GSD falls in the middle. Compared to shows in the same time slot**, the ratings do show a consistent decline at that particular timeslot. Personally, I had issues with the writting which lead to my overall negative feeling toward the show. But numbers are numbers and show people watched it and the ratings for each episode are rather consistent so there was a consistent viewer base. DVD sales were good and so was the music sales. As for my adventure into the 2ch boards, the feeling I got was about the same here (the ShinnxLuna relationship was botched, Tomino should come back, someone should kill Kira and Lacus, Shinn? wtf? etc....). The anger from the few actual meaningful posts I read (and it was quite a pain to read machine translated text) seemed to be directed at the writing staff (namely the wife). In anycase, time to move on. *Looks at backlog* Crap...now Zeta Movie 1 is in that backlog (I have previewed my TV-rip)....At this rate, I'll never NOT have a backlog. *http://aeug.blogspot.com/2004_11_01_aeug_archive.html#110060731014068978 **http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=726114&postcount=40
  17. 2 of the really great aliens from the sentinels 334642[/snapback] That's them. I would have talked the big furry thing but I couldn't find the words to describe a giant, smiling, teddy bear with guns....
  18. Screenshot please? I think I know what you're talking about but I would like to see a screenshot. Thanks.
  19. I was going to before, but after that trainwreck finale, I am in no kind of rush to throw more money at this show. 334544[/snapback] I'll just work off my current backlog before grabbing Destiny DVDs. At my speed, that will take... a year or 2.
  20. The added problem behind full costumes instead of just forehead ridges, wigs and a few spots is that they are normally uncomfortable for the actor. This was a problem on SW. Actors who were in full costume and makeup (like the Wookies) would have to take off the head dress or have hand-held fans blowing as soon as the take finished. It gets hot in there. And then let's not forget that some people are allergic to the glue and at times, the prostetic does get uncomfortable due to the glue on your face. As for the Sentinels....Didn't one of them look like a devil-like creature? I mean humaniod body with no hair and 2 horns coming off his forehead?
  21. I actually don't care what I build. I just do it for the joy of doing it. The only kits I have from GSD are S-Freedom, Destiny and the ZAKU Warrior. Those are the only ones that have some interest for me (Although I'm really reconsidering Destiny since the overall frame is kinda dull, I mean, it is just an HG kit, so I shouldn't expect much. And S-Freedom feels proportionally wrong like the HG Freedom). I'd get a Saviour...if there was a decent-looking 1/100 HG kit. I really prefer to build MGs, regardless of series assuming I like the design.
  22. What does this mean? All the bad reactions to Episode 50 have made it necessary to pump up the 40min especial so as to have a proper ending? Bandai saw that calling “special episode” another bunch of reused footage was going to spark violent reaction from fans and so cancelled it? Nothing at all? 334455[/snapback] Honestly? No one knows. It could become a feature-length OVA. It could have been removed for marketing purposes. It may have been cancelled altogether. It may have been an accidental leak from ES Toys. It may be nothing at all. No one knows, unfortunately.
  23. The numbers mean a lot in the series. It just adds to the mystery. I would also look out for the number "108", which also happens to be the sum of those numbers.
  24. All the people who worked at GundamWatch migrated to GOUF when GOUF opened. Now that GOUF is closed, they're all gonna go back to GundamWatch...probably. Funny thing is, the premiere of Destiny's last episode and GOUF's closure also corresponds to the end of the 2005 fiscal year/beginning of the 2006 fiscal year (at least for most people). Guess whe are going to see a restructuring soon since they are now Bandai-Namco.
  25. Actually, Jerry Chu was in charge or marketing, not customer service. 333871[/snapback] Sorry, head of marketting. But he still did a good job. To find the Japanese reaction, I'm gonna brave 2ch's boards. This is gonna take a while to process machine translations.
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