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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I wouldn't be so concerned unless it becomes class action lawsuit.
  2. Nightcrawler doesn't look like he will be in this one.
  3. Shinn blames the Atthas because they acted. If Uzumi Attha just handed ORB over to EA, they would have never had attacked and his family would be alive. But in the end, there was nothing he could have done. Shinn should have been thankful he was alive. His sister was the one who caused the whole family to stop. If they kept running, they might have made down the hill. They were just caught in a crossfire. Nothing more. Freedom was the last one to fire. That's why. All 3 of the share the blame but Shinn only recognizes Freedom with the blame. Neo put Stellar in Destroy because she is a weapon. That's what the Extendeds are, weapons. And in war, if you got a useful weapon, you might as well use it. Freedom was the one who did all the work of taking Destroy down. Shinn stood there trying to reason with the psycho girl. And he's the one who gave Stellar back, but that's hindsight, but he should have known better.
  4. That pic of Beast doesn't do much. It's only a hand and face shot. I can't see the rest of his body. Kelsey Grammer is fairly tall and has some bulk...but I can't see anything with that picture. I would like Angel to have a larger upper body given his body structure....He's suppose to have a bird-like body makeup (in human form). Hollow bones, more muscle to body fat, etc...When they draw his flight, it should really be bird-like and not like a airplane. Beast should move much like a gorilla if he runs. These 2 guys should move like animals given their abilities.
  5. In that case....you need to set up a portfolio. Then join an art studio/production house (like Lucasarts/ILM or WETA). That's the easy way. Another way is to start designing products. Syd Mead (of Blade Runner/Aliens/Turn A Gundam...) started as designer for Ford Motors and various other companies and ended up as a production designer. Kawamori made it by pitching his idea to Big West. And since then, he's done lots of projects, not his own. Look for jobs in designing and see where that take you. But the best thing to do would be to have a portfolio if you are seriously considering a career in design.
  6. You start drawing. Instead of drawing characters, you draw mechs.
  7. It's suppose to air on Christmas day. About 12PM EST/9AM PST on TBS. The MBS broadcast might be Dec. 26th. I'm not sure about yet. So for those of us in the US, we should see it popping up in the usual places arounnd Saturday night, if I'm reading those times correctly.
  8. Everytime I look at any of the current S-Freedom models...I find something wrong with it. Heck, I'm gonna modify my HG 1/100 S Freedom with parts from my HG 1/100 Freedom.... The only interpretation of S-Freedom I can even partially agree with is this guy's (I'm not happy with his wing proportions though, only the main body) http://f7.aaa.livedoor.jp/~mesarion/gallery/sf1/sf1.htm
  9. Any direction Burton or Peters would have taken Supes would have been the wrong one. Burton should just stick to his weird movies and never ever be mentioned for a comic-to-movie script. I can't really see Nick Cage in blue tights and a red cape but at least he was thinking the right direction with what he wanted to do with Supes. Yep. No, not really. It's a continuation of the Superman from Superman I & II. Leaves out Supes III and IV as if they never happened.... Kind of. Yes, Superman did go somewhere. The story is about Superman returning (Hence "Superman Returns") to Earth after a self-imposed exile. This is also his return to the big-screen. As I said in the other thread, this movie seems to deal with the changes in Supes' life since he's been away and how he reacts to them. We also revisit his youth (pre-Smallville) as we see him go through a somewhat abnormal puberty period...again it's a change in his life.
  10. That's what Superman Returns might have been...had the wrong people been attached to produce it.
  11. Most of it is true. I do remember most of that stuff, although I didn't really read it since it would have bored me. I can't account for the stuff that happened behind the scenes though. Now that I look back on it, Tim Burton may have brought some great imagery to Batman, but he royally f*cked the story. I don't think I want to imagine what he would have done for Supes....
  12. Friday morning? I just woke up, looked at the ads. Didn't find any deals and went on with my day. In fact, I didn't do much present shopping that day anyways.
  13. He'll get around to it....in another year or 2. It only took till now to give Graham and myersjesse new passwords....
  14. Not-official. The official line is they were exploring an area near the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Soon afterwards, all transmissions cease. Maybe they all died, maybe they got sucked into a black "plot" hole....no one knows. Hence, when we last asked Kawamori about it, his response was, "They're fate is in the hands of God now/Only the lord knows...." BTW...this question should really be for the newbie thread....In fact, we've answered it a few times.
  15. The console might be running fine, but how about the power brick? How's that handling? This heat issue seems to be the Xbox 360's current bane.... Cuz now we got kids reporting graphical artifacts. http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EE...kFEiziJbWPk.php Maybe someone should slap a water cooler on it.... MTU=Maximum Transmission Unit. For DSL, the MTU is normally somewhere between 1400-1492. You'll need to reset your MTU. If you connect from a router, you'll need to change the setting on the router to that range.
  16. Most people I've read have either placed the console on it's side or moved the PS to a better spot and they've been running fine since. Inadequate/improper ventilation seems to be the problem, in which case, this isn't really a Microsoft issue.
  17. Looks like David was right. It is the power supply....at least for some people. http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.p...23998153&page=0
  18. Heat is an issue with the new Xbox. M$ tried to deal with it...but due to the small packaging of the console, heat is going to be an issue. Here's the same report coming from Reuters (via Cnet News) http://news.com.com/Crash+reports+hit+Xbox...ml?tag=nefd.top The pixel lines running across the screen are definitely video overheating. Although, it could be the entire system has some defective cooling. Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=wh0OSNezEEw In any case, if you have a defective Xbox 360...call up Microsoft. You would be very lucky if where ever you bought it had extras to exchange.
  19. Yes, and Neo's VA is also the voice of Gamlin of M7...Rey/Rau's VA is also Duo from Gundam Wing...and the list goes on...
  20. In light of reports of Xbox 360s crashing from what looks like a heat issue..... http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EE...kyEHasmrPqu.php Small number though of people though. If you're having problems, don't bother to return it until next week or the week after...the artificial lack-of-supply has kinda crippled things.
  21. I went undecided. Why? Well, if something happens to my Animeigo set, then I'll get the ADV. And who knows when that day will be. But really, I'll skip. I see no reason to get another set when I'm happy with my current and I don't feel like spending money on another set. I kinda enjoy all the quirks of the Animeigo sub given the creators' background. I don't watch any English-dubbed anime so the dub is kinda wasted on me.
  22. Let's just wait and see what it's about.
  23. Zeta 2.0 looks much better than the original MG. Although, I'll probably skip it anyways. I'm not a fan of transforming models. The Nemo looks good. Part of me wonders if I should get a Murasame....and mod it...
  24. From Gunota: MG Nemo.....about time we start seeing grunt suits from the Zeta-era. I'm still waiting for a Jegan..... Darn on the Akatsuki.....I kinda like the "Oowashi" sky-pack...But I guess that's too similar to the Striker and Silhouette packs....I'll take it though.
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