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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I'd rather he say "sempai" than try to translate an essentially untranslatable-in-one-word concept. 353266[/snapback] I'd rather they not throw in Japanese words at all. Either call him "Roy" or leave it out.
  2. I'll say a surprising 40%, pretty much the last 20 minutes is all new footage. The 2nd one should have even more new footage and the last one will have 100% new footage. 352812[/snapback] Is that actually comfirmed? 100% new footage for the 3rd movie? 353213[/snapback] Nope. Not confirmed (rumor status). So far most of the work has been on the action scenes. They have only created new animation for dialogue scenes which needs to be compressed (like the scene in Movie I where Emma sees what happened to Side 2). Unless they completely rewrite the entire arc that Movie III takes from the TV series, I doubt it would be redone 100%. (Possible spoilers, Movie II)
  3. Did I hear the VA for Hikaru say "sempai"? "Sempai"???? For the love of....Why are they mixing Engrish in there....and did I hear "Yu-chan"? Really, they don't need to mix in the Japanese. Here, have a cookie. I won't say Mari has a lisp, but her pronounciation on some words is kinda slurred. But I'll leave Mari alone since she learned English fairly later in life and some mis-pronounciation is expected.
  4. You could always put a few on Ebay....assuming they're unopened.... Zeta ver. 2 looks good. But is it me, or did they thin out the width of the shield...oh wait, it's like that on MG ver. 1 and the PG kits....
  5. Zeta ver. 2 box art
  6. Someone should've told Scirroco that then. The O is definitely saddled with tons of armor. 352613[/snapback] Meh. That didn't save him from being impaled by Zeta.
  7. Yeh, I found that kinda annoying. Makes it look like they're speaking Engrish... The Mk. II was never intended for actual combat. It was a testbed for the new toys (movable frame). Since it wasn't intended for combat, there wasn't a need to slap much on it. The Titans even realized that expensive armor was pointless in the face of beam weaponry, so why bother with it. They could add-on the extras later, but their focus was "Does the damn thing work?" Probably not. According to Gunota, (spoilers, highlight to read)
  8. 'Tis true. You don't want to be standing behind him. Graham 352515[/snapback] I suppose power goes out to his entire block when he takes a shower, too. 352532[/snapback] I hear there's a light show when that happens.
  9. If you want all the character drama and a non-shortened story, then watch the TV series first. If you want a condensed version of the story, watch the movie. Like the change between SDFM and DYRL? or Escaflowne TV vs. movie, Zeta movie tells the same story as the TV series, only with lots of shortcuts. So either one is fine.
  10. Both are good. And avaliable on DVD. You can pick up the 0080 and 0083 collector's set for cheap. http://www.digitaleyes.net/Details.cfm?info=BAN021031 http://www.digitaleyes.net/Details.cfm?info=BAN021032 There's also a 0080 & 0083-set out there. You could probably find that one as well. Didn't know there was a PG RX-79...You can save yourself time by just buying the MG RX-79(G), Ez8, or the RGM-79(G). All of those are fairly easy to find. http://www.plajapan.com http://www.hlj.com http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/
  11. They say it but I ain't holding my breath. I heard he only shows up when a new Macross-series comes out.
  12. Nope. Zakus are fairly easy to get and pretty good. The hoses can be a pain but it's nothing big to worry about (or nothing a bit of glue can't solve).
  13. They did. But the lineart shows them slightly pointed and rounded. Blame the animators.
  14. Different animation group. Her ears are slightly pointy but not really that pointy according to the lineart. Blame the animators.
  15. *Raises hand* It's out right now on R2 DVD *hugs DVD*. The R1 street date is 3/28/06. It was going to come in January but it got pushed back. Yes. Ummm, okay. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=16208
  16. girl 350445[/snapback] See Mechamaniac, that's how you get their attention.
  17. Let me guess, this guy worked a a little thing called Quantum Leap right?
  18. I don't think we needed to see that entire list.... I will say this, Ron Moore's BSG is more character-based and not so much sci-fi-ish, and I have to keep that in mind when I watch it. I'm very unsatisfied with the props of the show. There are ways to dress-up a gun and a few other things so that they look foreign. Dressing up a FN FiveSeven with a gyrojet launcher is not one of those ways. They could cut the corners off those old ship phones they use across the sets just to make it appear different. And the list goes on...
  19. Graham or myersjesse. Assuming they've tried their access.
  20. In the right-hand side, there are 3 links, "Outline, Standard, Linear". Click on "Standard" or "Linear" and that should fix your viewing.
  21. You'll find a job, don't worry... There's a Mk II ver. 2 with your name on it and it's calling you... It could be a lot worst. Jeez those MG prices are tempting...But I must save for my Rebel XT....
  22. Did I kill your pet or soemthing? Calm down, it was only a comment. There's a lot of things GSD didn't have (a decent story among others). Zakus, DOMs, and Goufs were the most memorable of MSs from MSG, not so much on the MAs. They brought those designs and names back to pay tribute. If they brought back more stuff from MSG or from anywhere else, I'd consider that plagerism. Hell, there's enough recycling in Gundam, period. Irregardless of whether they are horrible, it's nice to know they tried a new design. Heck, the Moebius Zero and Exus may not have been the best MAs, but I still see it as a decent design.
  23. Different artist, different style. Different technology (i.e. different set of rules from the producers) as well.
  24. Looks like they finally have a Danger Room sequence. The Morlocks are the bad guys. Juggernaut looks kinda fake....The muscles look like a rubber suit, I mean, it really looks like a rubber suit. It doesn't look natural, at all. BTW, found this looking for some info. Looks like their going for actual extras for Multiple Man... http://xmenfilms.proboards54.com/index.cgi...read=1126973358 The HD trailers are now on Apple's site. http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/x3/hd/
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