And this all relates to why you love Macross, how?
You know, I don't even touch any of my Macross DVDs/VHS/toys these days. I still love it, but with my backlog and other things, it just serves as nostalgia.
SDFM is nostalgia.
DYRL? is also nostalgia.
Flashback? Clip show. I just skip to the end, even when I first watched it.
MII, nice music. Spotty animation.
M+, nice music, nice visuals, predictable story.
M7? Finally a change. Broke the singing idol mold finally. Animation is lower...but then I remember it was a weekly TV show, just like SDFM.
M0? At least we aren't repeating the same formula. It was nice to see some other themes in Macross. Hope the creators continue mixing things.