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Everything posted by azrael

  1. He always played a tough character in the roles I've seen him in and I'll miss that. His other roles: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0441537/ P.S. - This is off-topic even though he has been in many sci-fi roles, but I'll leave it open till Sunday night so you can express any comments about Mr. Katsulas.
  2. It won't be all new. Most of the action sequences will be. After watching movie II and the direction they are taking it, it's hard to use the old stuff.
  3. You do know we ban and torture people for posting Man-Faye right?
  4. I have to agree. It may just serve as reference for the actual valks themselves since those profiles are similar in shape. 371029[/snapback] As I said, place holders.....
  5. It's the canards that remind me of the X-29. The canards on a VF-9 are closer to a triangle-shape. Those canards are more trapezoidal or due to size (the only thing that had those distinguishable canards, in my memory is the X-29)...like the X-29, which is why it reminded me of it. But you're right, it does look like a VF-9, minus the canards.
  6. It looked like a young girl, might have been. Hmmm you may be on to something there. 370933[/snapback] I'm sure Kate would be older than that picture but anybody remember who played her army father?
  7. Cute...they're place holders. That "YF-19" actually looks like the X-29 with some large engine blocks on it....
  8. At least they happen.
  9. So Graham....anymore updates?
  10. I don't think they were going that fast.
  11. Some of here have to work you know and would appreciate some peace and quiet.... And A1, seriously...stop spamming threads. It's gone from funny to just damn annoying.
  12. I won't be too worried about quality. There's a lot more new animation, but it really doesn't help the story since there's too much jumping from location to location. I think a bit too much happens in this movie.
  13. It's a screener sample. Worst than a VHS rip. But i don't think it suppose to be a high quality raw. I think the writing is actually Chinese, not Japanese. The font style looks more like Chinese. If you want a HQ raw, go buy the DVD. I did glance at it last night. It jumps from location to location. It's quite annoying for the story to keep moving like that. They jump from being in the air, to Victoria, to Hong Kong, then to another air battle, then to space, then to the moon, then back into space, then ends... That's a bit too much jumping.
  14. Or you can always try a 1GB (or 2x512MB) memory stick.... I think I saw some on sale in the Sunday ads. But otherwise, just use winrar or winzip and compress and/or break-up the file.
  15. The only company Kawamori is actively a part of is Satelight (studio behind Aquarion, M0, Geneshaft, Noein). As the Wiki article says, Emotion is Bandai's anime/Toku distribution label in Japan. Any studio that uses Bandai (Japan) to distribute their anime/Tokusatsu shows will come under the Emotion label. Every Macross series since SDFM has come under that label. Escaflowne, Outlaw Star, the entire Gundam line, Ghost in the Shell.... the list goes on and on. These days, we just call them Bandai Visual. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...mpany.php?id=18
  16. I think he got the wrong thread.... Sorry, no QT trailer...yet
  17. Well, placing Yoko Kanno that high up is a matter of opinion. Modern musical, maybe, but overall....that would be quite a long reach.
  18. And this all relates to why you love Macross, how? You know, I don't even touch any of my Macross DVDs/VHS/toys these days. I still love it, but with my backlog and other things, it just serves as nostalgia. SDFM is nostalgia. DYRL? is also nostalgia. Flashback? Clip show. I just skip to the end, even when I first watched it. MII, nice music. Spotty animation. M+, nice music, nice visuals, predictable story. M7? Finally a change. Broke the singing idol mold finally. Animation is lower...but then I remember it was a weekly TV show, just like SDFM. M0? At least we aren't repeating the same formula. It was nice to see some other themes in Macross. Hope the creators continue mixing things.
  19. Most are dead. And I doubt any are up anymore.
  20. Don't you just love forums.....
  21. Because it didn't match the VF anymore. 368188[/snapback] Ah, but it does match her VF-11 (which unfortunately she doesn't have with her at this point in the series, but was quite awesome in the Top Gamlin short). 368476[/snapback] Touché. Clearly she should've kept 2 flightsuits, and worn the vintage-style one with the J and the modern one in the 11. 368613[/snapback] Maybe that one didn't quite fit her figure anymore....I mean, she did have 7 kids....Those hips probably aren't quite the same as 30 years ago, not to mention other body parts....
  22. Just upload a non-animated avatar and let Roy or the mods know and they'll change it. That's all you have to do.
  23. What I've heard is, they are going with the Eddie Brock from Ultimate Spider-man, not the original character-origin. This makes Eddie a child-hood friend of Peter's. (Google the story, since I don't really want to). This would potentially make it easier to tell Venom's origin as oppose to a symbiote from space that attaches to Spidey.
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