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Everything posted by azrael

  1. So is BEECRAFT...which is funny since they do most of the Gunpla manual drawings. I won't worry too much about Okawara's lineart....the animators have a tendency to make it look better when it's not on paper.
  2. Oh dear indeed.... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=228 The English dub is just the dubbing over of the original voices. It's not exactly a word for word translation since the dub does have to match the mouth movements.
  3. Not the canards, the wings.
  4. Hey, most of us work, eat, and sleep. Except for Graham, he does all that in the opposite order from us living in HK.... And yes Phalanx, this isn't really your thread. As I explained when I locked your other thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ndpost&p=377700 This isn't your personal blog. This is a forum. Get use to people bitching, moaning, whining, people who don't like you, and all that good stuff. And if this is your first adventure into the forum world, welcome. Now, Sundown has a point, what do you want in your unofficial redesign? Give us more pictures, more ideas, something, anything....throw us a bone.
  5. Lay off the "Oriental" crap will ya. Amen.
  6. A user on another forum mentioned that the current Destiny manga-adaptation is done from Athrun's POV, so you may want to check that out and compare the style of storytelling.
  7. Phalanx...this isn't a blog. This is a forum. blog != forum. Also my boy, you are not a moderator, just a user. You do not have the right to lock topics. Users only have rights to create threads and post replies. This how most forums work. But since you asked.
  8. Why this thread hasn't been locked is beyond me. I guess the mods are also keeping it alive out of "morbid curiosity"? 377647[/snapback] Because we have a sick sense of humor??? Phalanx, as much as anybody would like to see anime designs in real life, it's still just a fantasy. The mecha designs are artworks, not real. I sure there are people in Japan who would like to see this happening, but in the end, they come to the same points we've stated, it's just not feasible, economically or in terms of engineering. If the technology is so close, why not use it? Because it costs money. Money is finite in the real world. Our economic system doesn't work like anime. People don't magically have money appear in front of them. There aren't organizations which somehow have their own large Swiss bank account to finance fighters or ships (at least, none that you hear in the news). Until the time comes where it is feasible which may be at the end or beyond our lifetime, it won't happen.
  9. JB0, that's enough. And Phalanx, calm down. Would the 2 of you like to take this to PM or what?
  10. From Gunota: C.E.73 Stargazer & DESTINY SE info People with early release of Newtype magazine are reporting the following: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E.73 Stargazer - Format: 3 episodes each 15 minutes long. Available through net streams and events. It will first appear at Shizuoka Hobby Show in May Staff: - Director: Susumu Nishizawa - Script: Shigeru Morita - Character Designer: Kenichi Ohnuki - Mecha Design: Kunio Okawara, Beecraft 2 main characters: - Sven Cal Bayan: 19 year old male natural. Phantom Pain 2nd Lt. - Selene McGriff: 28 year old female coordinator. One of the researcher of "GSX-401FW Stargazer Project" Main unit: - GAT-X105E Strike Noir - Based on Strike Gundam. (Gunpla version will come out) Article notes: Deep Space InveStigation Development organization (DSSD) According to the article, Selene is apparently apart of a group called DSSD whose main objective is the "GSX-401FW Stargazar Project." She has egocentric tendancies from time to time despite her intelligence. As for Sven, apparently his unit holds an unusual relentlessness of hatred towards Coordinators. It takes place IMMEDIATELY after the Break the World event. Stargazer is the name of an "all-white" mobile suit. The integrated performance of the 105E was redone at the Aktaion Industries (From the Astray manga). and.... SEED DESTINY Special Edition - Format: 4 part series with first one airing this Spring in widescreen format. - Story is based on Athrun's point of view. The reason behind this according to Fukuda: if this is done in Kira's POV, Shinn becomes the enemy. If this is done in Shinn's POV, Kira becomes the enemy. Meeting between Kira and Shinn will be brand new animation. It doesn't look like Fukada is doing the OAV since he's doing the Special Editions. Although, 3 15-minute OAVs isn't much...
  11. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=931 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=15981 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=3162
  12. DO NOT DIRECTLY LINK TO IMAGES ON 4CHAN. Save the file to your computer and host elsewhere.
  13. There is the saying: Art imitates life. Unfortunately, it doesn't work the other way around.
  14. Again, wth? Lets just dump the baby on some random ship? A weak idea and rather dangerous decision made by Stands with Fists it'll probably come back and bite her in the ass later. I see another assasination by Sharon in the future 377214[/snapback] According to the podcasts, they may revisit that storyline at some point, so it's not over yet. But for the sake of this season, it's done.
  15. From Gunota: (Spoilers, highlight to read, PARTIAL ARTICLE ONLY)
  16. Yes, but those 2 take place during and after the series, respectively. Something to also think about is, take the major highlights from the series and then work from there. Now, you can introduce the Varauta army and Protodevlin as unknowns, or, bypass that and jump straight in. If we allow some minor changes, like the Escaflowne movie, then let's see. I'll just name what I thought were the important events. 1) Introduction of Fire Bomber. 2) Seperation of City 7. There's a bit of character development in this 10-episode arc, so it might be nice to include it, or at least the character development from this arc. 3) Sound Force. Now, where in their development is up in the air and something you can figure. Another idea from this is character development. Mylene begins to understand why Basara sings when she's out there now. Gamlin also begins to understand why they are needed and since Mylene is out there now, he sees what the power of song is doing. 4) Planet Rax. This is key for the Protodevlin origin and from some of them, to have a change of heart (ie. the Spiritia Farm may not be the best idea). You could move this to somewhere else, say when City 7 got seperated, but the key is, we got to know who the Protodevlin are. 5) Battle in Varauta System. Operation Stargazer can be omitted because it doesn't do much or you can rework it in, but in a 2-hour setting, I would leave it out. And we don't need to revisit a planet twice in 1 movie. And you can't forget the finale. These are what I would consider the necessary things to pull out of the TV series. How you want to play with it, is up to you. Retell the story, but under a different perspective, like Escaflowne.
  17. This topic hasn't been done so I'll let it go..for now. But DYRL-ing M7....let me ask this, what would you cut out/add-in to make it into a 2-hour mark? Just to note, DYRL? cut out a bit and dropped the audience around Saturn and went from there, plus or minus. The producers dropped the post SWI-life. They squeezed Minmay into the cockpit with Hikaru at the same time the Zentradi captured their first humans. But they kept the same set of themes. So that leads back to the question, how would you rearrange the 49-episode M7 series into a 2-hour movie, and keep all the essential themes, elements, etc.
  18. Please, no more talk of the OS wars....That's an even bigger headache.
  19. Yeh, I already answered that call. *Looks at preorder*
  20. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news06/060303f.php Talk about the things companies will do to get their stuff in a movie....
  21. Then that borders on variation/updating. With the redesign of the VF-1 in DYRL?, that redesign was classified as a block upgrade, which is noted in the Compendium. The VT-1, which also made it's appearence is a redesign of the VF-1 and it's later updated version, the VT-1C (MD7) is also a redesign of the VF-1. There's also the VEER-1, the VE-1... So it looks like you want more variations of the VF-1, not a redesign.
  22. So when you say redesign, you would like to see small features be redesigned....like the cockpit layout and the hands on the VF-1 in DYRL?. You want the VF-1 to be given some extra/updated detailing?
  23. Why? Because they're fictional planes.
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