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Everything posted by azrael

  2. The VF-0D (in Shin's colors) was avaliable from Hasegawa as a 1/72 model (currently out of production). However, there are no current plans to produce a toy for that VF.
  3. Perhaps we should expand the description of that section to just. Most of the chatting in there is A) anime, B) Sci-Fi, C) TVs or movies, D) models and toys, E) Gaming consoles, F) mechanics (cars, engines, etc) and electronics, G) Computing, H) everything else that is somewhat related to the previously mentioned (i.e. geek talk). Expanding the description would probably be the best course of action if any is taken. Off-topic discussions are prone to be mindless and a waste of space so even I would say no to an off-topic section.
  4. Finally...I can add something from F91 to my collection.
  5. *raises hand* One please! I though V-E e-store was closed? 392319[/snapback] Do a member search to find his account then PM him. 392353[/snapback] Kevin did close the e-store. However, he is liquidating his stock so feel free to e-mail him or PM him and ask what he has left in-stock.
  6. Certainly. http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://macross.anime.net
  7. There's also music from MII in there as well. BTW....for questions like these...please use the newbie thread.
  8. Shinsei Industries or General Galaxy would be hard to distinguish post-2012 (In fact, General Galaxy was formed in 2017 and Shinsei Industries was a merger between Shinnakasu Industry's and Stonewell Bellcom's aircraft divisions). Companies like them would have expanded into space, given the now galactic economy. Therefore, post-2012, we can no longer say any particular company is based in any particular country nor can we say any particular fighter is tied to any one country.
  9. After checking the archive...nope, Egan hasn't changed much since then. He does list which armed forces branches use which VFs however, but not for the Destroids.
  10. I'd just expect it to be different. That's all. Throw in all you want, but make it unique and I'll be happy. Actually, this is the first time it's popped up in the past 2 years, so I'll give it some time. However, since this thread has been done...and done several times already....I'll leave it open till later tonight, in which I will close it. And BTW, I shall remind us all again, please use the search function before posting a new topic. If you suffer from an illness or have any difficulties which prevents your ability to use the search function, please report to Moderator Roy for an ass whoopin. Thank you and have a nice day. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7600 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=3369 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=2436
  11. Majority of them...yes.
  12. You want an English translation of your VCDs? Mkay......I don't think we can help you out there.... You can get the DVDs of Macross (like the ones we're talking about in this thread, which also have a dub) from most online DVD retailers. Otherwise, you can always shop around on Ebay for the older Animeigo versions which are subtitled in english. I suggest getting the current ADV DVDs.
  13. Let's see....Zentradi-style power armors (most likely Zentradi) in Macross Plus...a Meltrandi fleet on M7...yeah, they are running into them... Zola is 1 planet out of [voice=Dr. Evil] billllions [/voice]. Yeah...lots of people do that...I'm still waiting for Viper Mark 3, 4, 5, and 6 to show up in BSG, but I ain't holding my breath.... Whatever you want to do for your RPG, go ahead. Its your RPG. You are free to do what you want.
  14. Space is big....And throughout the series, we've only visited very few locations. The SA might not even been around this end of the galaxy.
  15. Funny...I've never heard that phrase....Whomever wrote that trivia must have been on something....
  16. Tell me about it....I think I've seen that one... I know I've seen that one. I thought that was the best of the bunch....which isn't saying much. BTW....please post fanworks (this includes AMVs) in the Fanworks section. I'm getting quite annoyed with moving them all the time.
  17. Both are bootlegs. FX versions from the looks of it. DYRL?....this one is iffy and may not have a definite answer as we are unsure who owns the license to it and in which countries. II and Zero are not licensed in R2-Euro/PAL. Google is a wonderful thing.... http://www.fansubs.net/fsw/general/
  18. I use to watch that show...Sadly....when Fox pre-empted it's time slot....my interest in it went with it.
  19. Nice vid. But only footage from episodes 1-3? Okay.....
  20. I think there are more than enough links on where you should look. We already have a thread on the new dub. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=16425
  21. If it involves tentacles and Breetai in a school-girl uniform....count me out.
  22. The word "and" is a generic term and apparently the Search engine doesn't like it. "And" in the programming sense, is a logical operator. When you searched for "His and Her Circumstances", the Search engine translates that to "His" AND "Her Circumstances", and such, will look for any instance of those 2 phrases and not "His and Her Circumstances" as 1 phrase. I don't know if this was fixed in IB 2.1 but you could try adjusting the search phrase. You could try looking for it under it's Japanese name (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou) or as KareKano.
  23. Moved to fanworks.
  24. More like the Bolognese-frigates.
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