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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Use the other thread please.... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=17069
  2. Batman Begains wasn't a remake. What they were doing was restarting the franchise. They didn't throw it out of what was already done in the current movies (yet), they just took it back to the beginning to see how it all started. Remaking would mean redoing the original work, with modern flair. King Kong (Peter Jackson's) was a remake. Love Affair was a remake of An Affair to Remember, Planet of the Apes etc..... So the questions that come is -How is Roy going to die this time? He's been shot at, crushed and blow up.... -How are Max and Milia going to meet this time? -blah blah blah... It seems as long as Kawamori is in control, he never wants to do what Sunrise does to Gundam (i.e. throw the same situation out every season). The problem is, no one wants to sit there and come up with a new storyline. Everybody and their mother wants to rehash ideas over and over adding their own little touches here and there and it makes money....cuz no one wants to watch a dated show anymore. Hell, I have Masked Rider: The First sitting on my hard drive...do I have any intention of watching the original series? No. I really don't feel like watching the series.
  3. Well, if he didn't before, he will now. It can be. Provided PG can recover from this, it could be. But if it goes back to business as usual, well, what can I say...
  4. Dang it....can't merge with the BSG thread..... *shakes fist at Roy* Agreed. RDM and Eick are going to be splitting time between this and BSG...so pray quality doesn't drop with BSG (not to mention the budget). I'm not happy with the idea of a spin-off this early in BSG's life....If Season 3 does bad....the people upstairs would probably look down on a spin-off.
  5. I say cut your loses or cut back.....badly, to the point where it might be a very very very small operation. I don't know if even donations would help.
  6. I won't say that....It seems as if the Zentradi aren't scared of the Protodevlin, but get more aggitated with their presence. Millia put quite a bit of effort to restraining herself from pulling out her gun and start shooting. She didn't run into a corner and hide. Another Zentradi rammed the car in front of his upon seeing Sivil and the look on his face was one that said "I'll kill you!!!!!".
  7. I think I can explain the IP change. Rackshack.net (MW's hosting service) seems to have entered into a trademark issue with someone else a while back. They have changed their name to EV1servers.net. A whois seems to reflect that: This may explain earlier outages. In any case, welcome to EV1Servers.net...formally Rackshack.net. Some light reading for you: http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=...&entry=78177155 http://groups.google.com/group/alt.www.web...d36c03e6b49f004
  8. Little from column A, little from column B. There are still lots of Zentradi out there. Sometimes the UN runs into them, says hi, only to be shot at. They could be part of some Anti-UN group. They could be part of another fleet. No one knows. The only 1 constant is that a lot of them are shooting at the UN fleets. IIRC, what happened was the M7 fleet hailed them with no response. Next thing they knew, they were launching power suits and moving into attack formation, hence where the episode starts. Zentradi don't desire to attack miclones, but the M7 fleet was broadcasting an with unknown ID (read: unfriendly), and none of the M7 ships matched any known Zentradi/Meltrandi ships. So they preceed with extreme caution (read: kill them).
  9. The cannon shot can be dispersed as seen in by Macross-13 in VF-X 2. Zolans. By MD7's time, many planetary security forces use VFs. Depending on how deep your wallet is and how back-water your planet is, figures into the VFs you can get.
  10. Please...someone fire the scribe and find a new writer. Please. Even Moriarty's comments couldn't help me digest this junk.
  11. Uh what does this mean? There was a live-action project that never got off the ground? 393845[/snapback] Probably. I have no clue how this will turn out....
  12. Agreed. Something doesn't sound right here....
  13. Which is why I was hesitant about bankruptcy. I think getting a lawyer and shutting up would fall under the same category. Perhaps he should look into getting a lawyer. Unless he's asking for donations to pay legal fees. Even if he does get the money, what then?
  14. Really. http://macross.anime.net//mecha/united_nat...randCannon.html
  15. I'm tempted to say perhaps he should file for bankruptcy if this sounds like a bailout, but I'm not sure if his case would apply. If fans want to keep him alive, perhaps they should examine if it's worth to keep this boat from sinking.
  16. One possible explaination which I remember talking about is the scope of M0 was much smaller. The MiM 31 and the F-203 Dragon II may not have been used in the Pacific, hence the reason they never showed up. The same goes for the other vehicles. The Commanchero appears to be geared toward anti-infantry and anti-armor, which would have seen little action in the Pacific Ocean. But as I said, the scope of M0 was very small. Considering what was covered in the OAV, I don't really see a need to have those vehicles in the story except for the "Hey look, something from SDFM"-factor.
  17. Yes, well...have fun on your quest to correct everybody. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun doing it. BTW...I thought this thread was about appreciating MII (and in some cases, why you didn't like it or in comparison to other Macross titles), not about correcting translations or people.
  18. I stopped reading when this whole "I want Roy's attention" thing started....
  19. There is a chance they may bring out 1 MG...like maybe a MG Gundam X for the sake of just putting out a new model...but who knows when that will happen. Look at F91...we finally see signs of a MG now...
  20. Besides pulling down your pants? Wait till they stop milking Seed, Zeta and Igloo.
  21. Word is, Berman is not attached so be thankful.
  22. Today's scans: ____ HGUC EMS-10 Zudah HG Akatsuki w/Oowashi pack
  23. Ummm....the VF-11's design inspiration came from various Sukhoi designs (primarily the Su-27 and variants), if you didn't know. http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...vf11/index.html
  24. Even looking at the side views, I still don't see anything really close between a VF-1 and a F/A-18. The F-14 and the F/A-18 share the same maker which may influence thinking but I don't see much. Sorry. BTW...car makers always copy each other so I don't see how that works in this.
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