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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Oh the humanity! PLEASE!! Won't somebody think of the children! In all honesty though, Fukuda as director means this is going to suck like a kid with a lollipop. Enough, stop beating the dead horse, SEED is as dead as Star Trek right now. 397588[/snapback] Running by the 1st 10 episodes of GSD, where they had time and weren't making last minute changes to the script....I have no problem with Fukada as director.
  2. No amount of alcohol is gonna make me understand what Phalanx said....
  3. Saw it. Better than the 2nd movie but still wasn't quite there. Abrams did a good job with this even with Cruise...yuck. It felt like Mission: Impossible during the Vatican sequence...the rest was meh.
  4. Thou shall consult thy holy book: http://macross.anime.net/mecha/anti_un/var...sv51/index.html http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...vf19/index.html Yes, the lasers are available in all modes. Whether or not they are used, is up to the VF-19's pilot. Nope.
  5. Yelling at people because they are unable to help you isn't a way to get help. Someone already suggested you should contact Krylon directly for an European distributor. Something else you can do is see what Krylon or Plastikote uses and see if someone in Europe produces a similar product. You don't have to use these specific brand. If there is something similar somewhere else, you are welcomed to use that. People only mention what they use since these products produce the results they want. They don't want to mention other products since they are unsure of the results. Saying things like this will not help you: At this point, I see no reason to keep this thread open as long as you keep posting like this.
  6. Whatever Michael did (kill or free Henry), he did it for Walt. He'd do anything to see his boy back. I think this kind of reinforces the fact. The only parts I will believe is that he found one of them, followed them back to camp. After that, he got caught. As for AL being dead. TV Guide confirmed it today. The character of Ana Lucia was only suppose to last this season. http://community.tvguide.com/forum.jspa?forumID=700000049 As for Libby....Cynthia Watros appears to be scheduled to appear in the finale (spoiler) in a flashback sequence. Ain't I evil? (/spoiler)
  7. In a sense...they're all connected... Whether AL or Libby are alive....I guess well find out next week. Otherwise...we'll only see them in flashbacks. As for Michael, I'm guessing he was "traded". He wants to be with his son, he'll get his chance if he allows Henry to return. I don't think he was planning on killing Libby or Ana Lucia but that's how it turned out. nothing much more to say about that. So I'm guessing he is working with the Others now, as an arrangement to see his son. The bull*hit he fed them about them living in tents....yeh sure...if they're living in tents, why do they have a boat? I guess we'll hear about whether Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Watros will be returning next season within the next 2 weeks.
  8. Now, I normally don't spend much time in this section....Of course I see this and well...appears I need to spend some time here. deadboy, we've answered your questions as best we can. Many users on this forum don't live in Europe, therefore, don't know the area. I suggest you visit a modeling forum for more detailed answers. We can only help you so much. You need to look around yourself, or do some research on your own in another forum/site or on the streets of where you live.
  9. I'm sure the next time Kawamori comes to the States...I'm gonna hear someone say that question. His response will be "He likes this..., but he also likes....." and then the list goes on.
  10. That was in the Hobby Japan I got a month ago... I think it was a custom. 396368[/snapback] It's a repaint of the MG ver. 2 kit. Nice one...but the purple is kinda dull. Blends in a tad too much to the grey.
  11. And Trailer 2 is out. http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/supermanreturns/trailer2/ Enjoy.
  12. Yes. Just finished watching..... I thought something was missing....*looks at Gunota*...yeah, I'm missing another 45 minutes. Part 2 of GSD:SE I airs tonight and tomorrow (Weds and Thursday). Which is why I don't see it on my other torrent sites....they're waiting for part 2 to air...
  13. Yeah good for you. Do me a favor..... Use the FREAKIN SEARCH BUTTON. And for your information.... The VF-17 was inspired by the F-117.
  14. Please...someone give the boy a dictionary...and throw in a few grammar lessons.
  15. As the first poster in the talkback on the article said....
  16. Well, do the boxes look like these: http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/4818.php http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/4978.php http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/5220.php If they do, then yes, these are the ADV versions and do have the English dub. If the boxes don't look like those (there are only 3 volumes at the moment), then I cannot vouch for their authenticity.
  17. So you're talking about the bootleg... http://www.animeniacs.com/item/DVD1989.html Right?
  18. Guilt by association. People think we mods all sit in this room , drinkin endless quantities of beer/alcohol, smokin cigars, playing cards and laughing our asses off at everybody on the other side of the door.
  19. Oh, you kids..... Kawamori already takes a hiatus on any Macross series. You sound like we get Macross like we get Gundam. Four or 5 series is nothing compared to Gundam's 20-something shows. Heck, Kawamori was responsible for one of those Gundam shows. Miyatake already does things on his own...*cough*Orguss*/cough* ? Oh and lets not forget that Miyatake is responsible for all the ships and creatures in Macross. So I think he's a little busy.
  20. I'm an semi-active poster at Gundam Evolution (formally Gundam Watch). Besides that....I read lots of news sites and their related forums....
  21. Gawd dammit. Now you have to make me read that thread more, figure what the hell happened and who to smack. I'll be right back. *mumbles curse words out loud*
  22. I thought it meant ADV was good friends with HG. If I recall, Animeigo was explicitly denied an extension of their sublicense, which is a fairly good indication of favoritism. ... That or I'm just scraping some debris off the rumor mill again. 395395[/snapback] It probably was favoritism, I'm not going to deny that.
  23. You knew someone would bring out these comments, so you started it.... I guess you could say Macross is unique since very few people have tried to copy it's style (It's a parody of Gundam and all those other mech shows at the time). The market calls for "sub-par" anime because this is what people want. Everybody wants what's current and has all that. Very few people want the oldies since that is what it is, old. Then some comes along and decides to reimage the original deal by remaking it. Like JB0 said, you lose some of the magic of the original series. But in the end, what does the market want? They want new animation, new sounds, new VFX, all the flash and glitter. All the modern stuff. So compaines follow the market, which is how they'll make money. If people really don't want Macross...the market will say so. If ADV got the license for cheap, then that kinda says something about Macross and its potential. If someone does remake Macross with all the modern bells and whistles...what then? It will probably make money but is the something the market will want? Okay...I'm tempted to move this thread....we seem to be all over the place here....I'll probably deal with it in the morning but if anybody moves, be my guest....
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