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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Just say you were buying it for someone in the States and you didn't have time to drop it off where you were staying.
  2. They probably won't be renewing licenses for any titles any time soon, if they have any that are expiring...
  3. Not when we have Wolverine and Magneto spinoffs being talked about....
  4. 4000 yen?. I would have totally taken that gamble. Hell, even if it was damaged, it would be worth it for the spare parts. 404135[/snapback] 4000 yen = about $35-40 US. I agree with Mechmaniac...I would have grabbed it and modded it.
  5. Saw it tonight. I was falling asleep during the last sequence. I guess for the average viewer, it was okay. I'm sure a lot was cut out of the movie. I'm still puzzled the jump from Wolvie leaving the mansion to him being in the forest, but I can live with it not to mention a few other jumps. I do believe this was rushed. But that's my overall opinion of the whole franchise. Lots of characters had potential but were under used throughout the whole franchise. I did like what they did with Kitty Pride and Iceman. It was nice to see a good character flow among those 2 (combined with the other movies). Beast was good. Kelsey Grammer was a great casting choice. Now for the gripes....Now consider that I'm looking at this on the whole (all 3 movies). -Cyclops....I'll give James Marsden the benefit of doubt since he was filming Supes at the same time but overall....there's a goldmine of potential with that character. What I saw with tonight left me with a half full cup. Marsden has done a good job with Cyclops, but I wasn't satisfied with what's been done. -Rogue...A good chance to make her shine, but with this movie....I was disappointed in her treatment. It was a nice closure to her character, but I wanted her to use her abilities, not be afraid of them. -Too much Wolverine. This is probably why the movies don't appeal to me. There's more than 1 character. There's a team of them. It was nice to see more Storm compared to the last but there are more characters in this world, and it's a catch-22. You have lots of characters to work with, but at the same time, you can't cram them all in at once. Now for the mutants-of-the-week characters... -Angel....one of the few X-men I like. Wasted.....It would have been nice to have establish him as a former X-man. For the context of the movie, I can understand, but give him a reason to be at the mansion. He just appears there out of nowhere. How does he know he would be safe there? -Callisto. Her "new" ability to detect mutants seems to vary in range...I didn't quite get the feel of that. Give her at least a domino eye (you don't need an eye-patch) or some scars. In the comics, her appearence is not pretty. The movie kinda disappointed me with that. -Juggernaut. He doesn't really have much going for him. I think he's just the strong arm of the faction. Well....they probably could have done without him. -Moria McTaggert...Eye candy and something for Xavier to connect with, but otherwise wasted. She could have been in the room with the rest of them when they were discussing the future of the school. Here's a character who knew Xavier better than most of the X-men...and yet she only shows up in 3 spots, and only saying a few lines in 2 of the 3. -Colossus...That's it? Again, we have the problem of too much in too little. That's my gripe..I mean opinion. I have more, but I'll save that for later.As much as I'm looking forward to Supes in a month....part of me is looking at that movie with cautious optimism after watching X3.
  6. Topher Grace is playing Eddie Brock. There are a few threads on SuperHeroHype.com with some set shots of Topher on set. He's got the look of Brock down pretty well. More set shots: http://www.lighthousenews.us/ As for Venom....
  7. http://www.savingfaceforum.com/index.php?showtopic=21218 Set pics. Nice to see they changed Maguire's appearence when he has the symbiote on him. He looks kinda goth when he's in black.
  8. Avi Arad came out to say, there will definitely not be an X-4. The Wolverine spinoff should be considered X-4 (same with the Magneto spinoff). Considering the current cast was contracted for the 1st 3 movies only, there's definitely no plans right now for X-4. But we have spinoff hell now...
  9. Shouldn't it have only four fingers? 403692[/snapback] Someone actually did it???? Here's the original pic: And some more magazine scans:
  10. sketchley, JB0.....i don't need you 2 screaming when I'm having my morning coffee. Take your translation complaints elsewhere.
  11. It happens with nearly all shows that air weekly. Due to time an budgetary constraints, studios can only animate so many scenes at any given time. So, the animation is farmed out to other animation groups (domestic or overseas). This leads to the varying quality of weekly TV shows. The opposite is true for OAVs and movies. OAVs and movies rely on 1 group of animators, so quality control is much tighter. Since time constraints are much more relaxed with OAVs and movies, they don't need to use other animation studios. TV shows can get around this problem by reducing the length of the show or, air episodes on a scattered format (like 2 episodes/month).
  12. Let me guess..a actual trailer and an actual release date?
  13. As Ron Moore said... "Frak" is as close as we can get to having the F-word on TV (or in this case, a forum. I don't know about you, but I find myself cussing less and less these days.
  14. We attempt to maintain a PG-rating/work-friendly place around here.
  15. Do you want us to lock it??? A 120MB file....even at work that would take a while....
  16. Skull looks more Texeira or Garney than McFarlane to me, and I hope that isn't supposed to be the cowboy ghost rider, since it would be horribly inaccurate considering he never had supernatural powers. 402264[/snapback] Looks like they mixed in the Old West GR for the movie.
  17. Okay.....ummm, so....is that how their gonna leave us this season? I don't get it....was that the season finale? Not much of a cliff-hanger...
  18. I'm with Graham....something about that skull don't look right... Otherwise...the international trailer is better. I still don't plan to watch it....
  19. How about the actual teaser and international trailers.... http://www.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/ghostrider/ Enjoy.
  20. Small nitpick... It's just VF-5000. No "Star Mirage". http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...5000/index.html 401557[/snapback] Not according to the Macross Design Works book, page 20... "starmirage" 401568[/snapback] Yes, I know. But it's still a nickname, not its official designation.
  21. Small nitpick... It's just VF-5000. No "Star Mirage". http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...5000/index.html
  22. Scans for 1/100 Gold Frame Amatu, HGUC GP02, and MG F91 Re-uploaded scan of MG F91. Try now.
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