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Everything posted by azrael

  1. From the webcast: Confirmed list: Autobots: Optimus Prime Bumblebee Jazz Ratchet Ironhide Decepticons: Megatron Starscream Brawl Bonecrusher Barricade Scorponok Frenzy (was initially going to be Soundwave) Blackout They said they had problems with Soundwave's size with his design so they opted to just change him to Frenzy and have a scout-classed Decepticon instead of Soundwave. To note, they said they had lots of design issues which is why Bumblebee is not a Volkswagon Beetle.
  2. Yes they work. Fix your quotes gawd dang it. For starters I see a few extra "/quote".
  3. http://www.cinescape.com/0/editorial.asp?a...38&obj_id=52024 Stay tuned!
  4. This is why we have 2 flavors of lineart, the animated "clean" version and the "detailed" version which we see in close-ups and instances where the mechs are being repaired. Kawamori isn't being lazy, he's being nice to his animators. Imagine drawing panel lines for 50+ episodes...Thankfully, we have CG these days.
  5. Didn't he eat that steak when they got to Earth? Wasn't it in the same episode where he died?
  6. It's been years since I saw Yawara!. I never finished it either....
  7. Found it. /* This works only when looking at the forum with the current skin. This color does not work in the post preview but will work when browsing the forum. */ Spoiler (highlight to read)[color=#EEF2F7] <Insert Spoiler text here> [/color](End spoiler) I knew it was hiding around here somewhere. The problem is that unless you make note of it, one can very easily overlook the spoilers. Here's a good example. Sally sold seashells by the sea shore. : "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Edit: Find the spoilers and you will understand why this is not ideal especially if you do not make it clear to the reader that there are spoilers. It also hides text which could cause problems for the mods...
  8. You mean the Spiritia absorption gunpod. Because they got that idea after the folks returned from Operation Stargazer with a ship and some fighters. The Sound Boosters was an idea that Chiba got only after he completed the Sound Energy System. Which goes all the way back to his Sound Energy theory...
  9. Today's lesson: Stop thinking so hard about something that occurs in fiction. It is a leading cause of brain damage. How about hot mayors in swimsuits? Or hot biker chicks possessed by hot Spiritia hungry life forms that want to make out with you?
  10. Word on the street says Ryan Phillippe may have landed the role of Harvey Dent. Yes, Reese Witherspoon's husband. This is still unconfirmed.
  11. To each his own... Those green glowing thingies on the standard VF-19 are most likely sensors, not some fancy OTEC gizmos. They probably function as programmable buttons and/or sensors which read finger movement and translate that into more precise control in GERWALK or Battroid modes or whatever they may be programmed to do.
  12. azrael

    Minmay Gaurd

    There is no backstory.... It was just a paint scheme someone did. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10692
  13. David Goyer spoke once when BB2 was still just talk-of-the-town that Harvey Dent would not be Two-face in this movie. So we are not expecting Two-Face to show. Harvey Dent? Yes. Two-Face? No (but don't discount the court room accident at the end of the movie).
  14. There is no spoiler tag. The recommended way is to just quotes and the color tags: (Spoiler, highlight to read) [quote][color=white]<Insert spoiler>[/color][/quote] I did figure out which color to blend text with the background color of boards, but A) it's not as effective has just using block quotes and B) the post with it was deleted from the Test forum already. I'll try to find a post where I used that method.
  15. What Ray meant was, "place the slider into position 52". The neck of the guitar stick is a mode-select where the slider unit is the selection-unit. Position 52 happens to be the option for using the missiles.
  16. Ummm....mmkay...
  17. I'm not talking about if this is a Japanese poll or not. I haven't even mentioned that nor have I cared. By looking at most of the series listed, the first thing that popped in my head was, these are all roughly current popular series. As I said, popular culture. What's in season now.
  18. So the HG panels at the cons this summer are only showing 7-10 minutes of footage? That's not surprising. And unfortunately, I don't count 7-10 minutes of footage as watching the whole thing.
  19. Yes, you would think that a series like RK would be on the list considering it has 20-some volumes of manga, 90+ episodes, 2 OAV series, and loads of artwork would have made it to the list...blame popular culture.
  20. No direct sunlight. Slow down the oxidation as much as you can.
  21. To be a "Top <something> of all time", means that we have to start all the way from the beginning. That probably means when Astro Boy was still black-and-white. So this poll is too influenced by popular culture and too narrow. I just saw on Gamespot an article praising FF7 as the all-time game...which is certainly not true. That belongs to Astroids or Pacman, certainly not FF7. FF7 is good, but all-time good? I'll disagree to that.
  22. *Yawn* More present day nonsense. Or should I say popular culture nonsense.
  23. For more information: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=6412
  24. I think that's what they want. This OAV is meant to be a pilot for a new series...But the problem is, pilots are suppose to draw them in. If people are feeling respulsed by it, then we have a problem...
  25. What a retard! Don't he know that their melons are big to hold extra protoculture? 424626[/snapback] I'm sorry, were you saying something? I was breast...busy reading the article. The review tit...touched on some good points. It's nice to know that someone has actually seen this f*ck...flick. Now we can ass..all stop complaining about who has seen it. Can't say I wasn't ejaculating...expecting that kind of review though. The hype aroused...around this flick from the HG realm has been quite high. I won't expect people's hopes to be penis..put down in the end though.
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