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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Looks fine. Except the default for the search features is set to "Any Date" currently. So the 30-days-thingy probably doesn't apply. *Mode=Andy Rooney* Now, I'm not trying to be insulting or mean, but I find it silly that we need to have a FAQ just to know how to search. You think in this day-and-age, with Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc., that people know how to search for stuff on the 'Net. How hard is it to search? Which is why I revert to my previous comment: People are lazy. We just had a user post a thread looking for answers to M0. Just 2 posts down, someone linked to multiple threads we have had to the topic. Obviously, the user (and many just like this individual previously) did not look past the 1st page of topics. In a section of nearly 1500 topics with almost 40,000 replies and 3 years of being around, there is a chance that we have talked about it. Maybe the better thing to do is post a very large comment box at the top of each section telling everybody, A) to use the search feature, B) to read our rules before posting, C) to read the the TOS agreement again. I've seen other sites with this. It consumes enough space to force people to scroll down before they even are able to read anything. Maybe then, people wouldn't be so lazy. */Mode*
  2. Click on "Search". Fill in the field "Search by Keywords". Pick which forum you want to search in "Search Where". Click on "Perform the Search". How is this hard for people to understand? Or are people that lazy that we need a page like Google? Just fill in the field and click "Search/I'm Feelin Lucky"?
  3. From Gunota: Plamo Radiocon 2006 pics (there's even a SDF-01 Macross there) http://happy.ap.teacup.com/runchickens/ http://www6.ocn.ne.jp/~midori-b/midori-g/seisaku001.htm Boxart for MG S-Freedom Kerberos BuCUE edit: updated list, article link: http://aeug.blogspot.com/2006_10_01_aeug_a...122956961753148
  4. I was going to get this game to hold me off till Quake Wars, but frankly...this is just adding more reasons why I should just skip this game. Here's a few workarounds: http://www.totalbf2142.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4490 My hosts file is already thick enough...I heard about the ads but I thought they would be hard-coded ads...I'm already disappointed by the unranked gameplay already, now I have to have ad banners when I'm fragging? Quake Wars can't come soon enough. Time to shell out money for Half-Life 2 Episode 1. At least that will be more worth my time. I feel sorry for the people who bought it through EA Downloader. For those who got it....start adding to that host file.
  5. After many years of painting panel lines on Gunpla with a liner brush...my eyes can't do it anymore. So I was recommended The Detailer through a few modelling comrades. Heard it works really well on aircraft kits.
  6. As long as no one attempts to dress as Man-Faye, I won't complain or make any attempts at assasination.
  7. Who let all these mother f*ckin zombies on the mother f*ckin plane?
  8. Tried it tonite... I'm seeing balancing issues with just the standard weapons. In BF2, the unlocks gave users an alternative to the standard weapons. There were times I preferred an AK over the G3 or a M4/AKS-74U over the G36C...I don't feel this way with 2142. You need to unlock the stabilzer or the guns drift too much. The standard AT missiles don't do enough damage. I want people to fear AT missiles, not shrug them off. I like the SMG though. I'll find other things as I play more.
  9. I would consider you tailor your sniper toward a Spec Ops from BF2 (Recon in BF2142 = BF2 Sniper + Spec Ops). It might help to use that class as such. BF2 has always had balancing issues. I imagine they will carry over to BF2142.
  10. No widescreen support = bad. I'll probably end up getting it for gaming's sake, but I find the lack of widescreen support a bad choice. Which is why Quake Wars is looking better.
  11. Well, if people have nothing to ask or comment about, then yes, this thread will slowly die. But to bring the conversation here.... Cory, if the screen you are looking at has 1080p...then you should be set for a while. And if it has the inputs and such, then you should be set. The way I see it, if you want it, get it. Otherwise, you'll be stuck asking yourself should I get this or that for a while...And by that time, someone will put out something better, or prices will go down making this question trivial.
  12. From Gunota: Bandai will be releasing 2 version for the first batch. The Special Option Ver. will contain an original booklet, special option, and the MG kit. It will be priced at 7000 yen.
  13. Magazine scans: 1/144 HG Stargazer 1/144 HGUC RGM-79FP GM Striker MG F91 Harrison Custom MG GM Sniper MG Strike Freedom (looks like it's based off the 1/60 edition)
  14. Please keep all this HD-talk related to your Xbox please. Thank you.
  15. MG Strike Freedom... Figured they would...It's been #1 on the charts for months now. edit: And I'm almost done modding the 1/100 S-Freedom...
  16. Word is, they aren't going to focus too much on his addictions in the first movie. That would pick up after the first movie since this is mostly an origin tale.
  17. Exactly. Again, HG is hyping up this pilot under questionable circumstances. Showing the flick to a close audience at the Cannes Marketplace doesn't equal rave reviews (for those of you who don't know, the Cannes Marketplace is a venue for potential distributors to pick up various independent films during the Cannes Film Festival. Films in the Marketplace are not necessarily nor normally part of the actual Film Festival). And here we are again...winning an award when you happen to be the only film in that award category.
  18. Hummm...that was back in 2003...
  19. Lineart for 1/100 Saviour I've been happy with BEE-Craft so far, but this is one of those times where I disagree with the reproportioning. Especially the wings. They appear sweeped back far enough to make it apear stubby in MA mode (Also looks like they are stubby). Guess I should consider extending the wings... http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed-destiny/zgmf-x23s.htm
  20. Yes. Have we ever seen them used? No.
  21. The Titans-color Mk. II swiveling waist was in response to the AEUG-color Mk. II. Who screwed with the design or the mold is anybody's guess. It's not bug...it's a feature.
  22. Those of you who want more out of your GP03... 1/144 GP03D + Neue Ziel Boxset
  23. Who said anything about milking it? They have problems to fix from the first release of F91.
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