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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yeh, nice. But off topic.
  2. Fine, I'll tease you guys... http://www.themovieblog.com/archives/2006/...racter_art.html
  3. We don't know how many rounds a VF-11's gunpod holds. All we do know is that it is a 30mm 6-barrel unit. So it may carry more rounds compared to the GU-11, but it makes up for the large round with (most likely) a greater rate-of-fire.
  4. From what I've heard, the story behind the Sandman being Uncle Ben's killer is suppose to be Spoiler (highlight to read) he was the accomplice to the other guy. But at the last minute, the 2 split to avoid the cops. Good olde Spidey just happen to have gone after the guy who took the car and whom everybody saw and actually noticed, not the actual shooter. (End spoiler) As for Harry in the Goblin gear, the writers I've heard, have tried to make it a point that it's neither Hobgoblin or Green Goblin 2. It's just Harry using the gear. I suspect that's why he's using a simplified glider and just a face shield and not the Goblin mask. It's just Harry.
  5. It's a contrast to Kabuto's fighting style. Gatack "street-fighting" style is an offensive style, i.e. just rush in. Kabuto is more of a defensive style, i.e. you attack first and I counter that. In previous generations, the Rider-show would last as long as it could, i.e. as long as they are profitable. These days they only last 1 year (roughly 48-50 episodes). Yes, a year is 52 weeks, but they have to allow for preemptions like big sports games or other already scheduled programs. So Kabuto will end in January of 2007, where it will be replaced by the next Rider show (It's called the Superhero Hour in Japan. That's the time block for the Masked Rider and Sentai series).
  6. They are manufactured by the Varauta. Take the original variable fighters, strip them of everything except their skeleton and vital organs (that being the engine and a few related sub-systems) and then remake them into their Varauta counterparts.
  7. The finishing moves are a bit more natural. After years of seeing jumping drop kicks, the move feels bland, especially among the non-Hopper riders. That's what I like about Kabuto. Kabuto's is a simple roundhouse kick, while Gatack has to build forward momentum for his jumping roundhouse kick.
  8. The VF-14 that appears in M7 was a rough design based of the Fz-109. Kawamori never finalized the design until M3. For reference though, we use that early design as a basis for the VA-14 (although there will probably need to be a few changes) for visualizing that variable fighter.
  9. That point can be subjected to debate. The Fz-109 is a (Varauta) modified version of the VF-14. The Az-130 is a modified version of the VA-14. Both the VF-14 and VA-14 share structural similarities and transformations. Both share close development times. The Az-130 doesn't carry many substantial changes from the Fz-109 beyond looks. The Az-130 inherited a stronger engine, redesigned wing and more mass from the VA-14.
  10. 1) Wrong Section. 2) Please search before you post: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=19053
  11. 555 has a good story but it ends rather abruptly, which kinda ruined it for me. Characters were so-so. Too much of the "I have a chip on my shoulder" ordeal. I haven't watch the old-gen series so I can't comment on those. Kuuga is still my preferred series. Kabuto has a good story but the characters just aren't working for me. I watch the show as it comes out week by week (well...not this week since it got pre-empted) so I am current with that series. I skipped Hibiki last season so I can't comment on that. Blade had a good story and an easier set of characters to feel but they were never really fleshed out so that brought it down.
  12. Good movie? Yes. Story-pacing....horrible. I watch most of my toku raw so I saw this as soon as someone ripped the DVD. The jump to the story about Cobra and Snake...that ruined the pace. I started skipping those scenes and jumped to the story on Hongo and Inchimonji.
  13. Production design of '74 and '07 Camero Bumblebee + weapons
  14. Merging topics
  15. Gundam Base has some images. ( http://www.gundambase.com/community/news_v...mp;news_idx=412 )
  16. Oh Space Gundam V....how you continue to amaze us ...
  17. Roy flew his VF-0 in battroid mode in M0....
  18. Both are worth it. The 2001 page is actually mislabeled. It should read Shoji Kawamori MACROSS Design Works The 2001 is Macross lineart only. Has a lot more detail as to how the current designs came to be, but it only covers up to 2000. The other Design Works book contains his most famous work up to the print date. This includes Macross (including M0), Cyber Formula, Armored Core, Aquarion, Eureka 7, etc. Macross isn't the primary focus. There is a section for it, but if you want a more complete look at Macross, get the Macross Design Works.
  19. Nope. We only have the prototype and the Plamco Show display model.
  20. Yes this has been done. All 330 replies + Poll. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=14098
  21. Most people don't understand the context of it. If we look at it as the film-within-a-film perspective, yes, they are VF-1Xs. If we view it as it's own continuity or as a retelling of the original series, then they are their respective models (VF-1S, VF-1A, VF-1J, etc). Since we jump around the 2 POVs without thinking about it, the confusion pops up. For the sake of ending this, let's just consider them as their respective models and leave the VF-1X for any mention of M7/VF-X/VF-X 2 era VF-1s.
  22. Neither of the Kawamori Design Works books has the VF-11B gunpod. I have both and neither have it. TheLoneWolf's 1st guess may have it. This copy of This is Animation does not have it. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/plus_tia.htm These might. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/...plusperfect.htm http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/plus_movie_tia.htm If neither of these have it, then you'll need to do magazine hunting.
  23. Probably...just a matter of when.
  24. Meh....I'm still gonna repaint the gold-plated parts with Tamiya Gold Leaf, so meh.
  25. If both of you are done, let's keep the talk civil in this thread.
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