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Everything posted by azrael

  1. For those of you (like me) who ordered the Full Burst S-Freedom.... prepare for a large package... In case no one has mentioned it, it comes with both plated and non-plated gold frames, the regular stand AND the Action Base which will be available soon. This is an image from our fellow builders on 2ch.
  2. They still look too complicated to me.
  3. Hardly. It's more likely based off the Atlantis myth.
  4. This is a slight exception (as in comparing 2 series under the same name that we let slide since people "love" talking about...). We don't do cross-universe versus threads, compare apples to oranges, soup vs. salad, blah blah blah, etc. etc. etc...
  5. Artela is the Protoculture city in DYRL?.
  6. Teaser trailer 2: Dec. 20th, 2006 http://www.canmag.com/news/4/3/6067
  7. Yeh, tell me about it....
  8. *Looks at Graham's sig* The Dark Side clouds everything.....
  9. Off-topic. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=16819
  10. Mica red probably would have been best.
  11. That's because A) many of us have the Animeigo set, B) the ADV set was the one most of us have heard about after the Animeigo set went out of production and C) The repackaged Animeigo set is only being sold on RT.com. All other retailers are selling the ADV set.
  12. You know the whole "waving your hand like that...who do you think you are, a Jedi?" trick does work on Graham.... (Graham = Sith lord)
  13. Their probably just trying to get people to buy the crap....
  14. That was suppose to be an un-mentioned cameo but IIRC, it was ultimately it was removed and just left as a no-name tech.
  15. It's "Lost" most of its flare cuz they're answering lots of questions. So much of the mystery is starting to die because they're doing that. Granted it can't stay a mystery forever, but much of what made the show good really can't be dished out, especially with the direction the show is headed in. We're getting too comfortable with it. The same is happening to BSG. We're getting comfortable with the theme and style of the show. So it slowly starting to lose it's luster. I fear Heros will suffer the same if it makes it to its 3rd season. I've watched it this season but it doesn't capture my attention this season anymore. The same is happening with BSG. I wasn't really paying attention to a few episodes this season. I'm getting too comfortable in its characters and story telling.
  16. I know I have a picture of that Superior Gundam model somewhere around here. It was on a stand in front of a window. It was the size of a small child....
  17. That is incorrect. There are several different companies that currently own a license for DYRL. HG is not one of them. The chances of seeing DYRL? is currently very slim due to the fact that this production has many licensors. Please see these threads: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=19303 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=20738
  18. That first pressing? Yes. That pressing is becoming rare but not so rare that it's not impossible to find individual DVDs or mini-boxsets.
  19. It is the base from the Full Burst set....
  20. Yeh, that is interesting. It's $39.99 US...I would go with that one. If it's just a reissue of the Animeigo release, I would just get it. It's cheaper and faster than hunting for the 1st pressing on Ebay.
  21. Don't worry, they will be re-releasing a normal release of the Full-Burst parts version (no stand or extra stuff included).
  22. Nope, the SV-51 never even had a name from the start. The name "Phoenix" most likely originated from the magazines. Unfortunately, the magazines came before the final product. The DVD liner notes and Kawamori Design Works book do not carry that same information so that name has been stricken from the record and is no longer considered canon. The VF-0 is named, "VF-0" or "Zero".
  23. Hummm...so that's what I preordered....I like the boxart.
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