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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Komilla - unknown Emilia - Watch M7 the movie Miracle - unknown Miranda - unknown Muse - unknown Mylene - take a wild guess Therese - unknown
  2. I would call it a lack-of-focus. As I said, the story jumps from the Riders to Cobra/Snake at unusual points. The Cobra/Snake storyline was good, but the way it was handled in relation to the whole flow of events was poor. I actually did go back and watch the movie from end to end without skipping and it was horribly paced. The Cobra/Snake storyline comes from out of the blue and the viewer is expected to figure out why they are seeing this. At the end, we know, but at the beginning, it feels very disjointed.
  3. From the looks of it, yes. But, considering it still looks like a resin cast with epoxy putty on it, I'd wait for later pics of the model.
  4. http://www.media-blasters.com/main.html
  5. Yes. If no one else...
  6. From TFW2005.com Barricade http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/vbimghost.ph...&imgid=1777 Megatron http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/vbimghost.ph...&imgid=1776
  7. Before we mark this as resolved....Anybody else have weird avatar problems that hasn't been solved by: -Clearing your browser cache -Clearing your browser cookies -Deleting your Firefox profile -Uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox or whatever browser you are using -Using a different browser -Defraging your hard drive (just kidding) -Throwing your computer out the window (not kidding)
  8. Have you tried looking at Youtube? There might be a clip for you there you can rip audio from.
  9. I'm seeing "?" in weird spots... http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/SDF%20Macros...1d-valkyrie.htm http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/SDF%20Macros...1j-valkyrie.htm http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/SDF%20Macros...1s-fastpack.htm http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/Macross%20DY...er-valkyrie.htm http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/Macross%20DY...t-1-ostrich.htm http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/Macross%20DY...1a-fastpack.htm http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/Macross%20DY...f-1s-strike.htm
  10. Yes it has aired. Word is, nothing significant was changed that wasn't changed already in GSD Final Plus, besides the added ending. There is a raw available, but not in the usual spots. No BT links have been posted yet. 2ch has a bunch of screenshots.
  11. MG The O??? Possible, but it would be as big a Sazabi (scale and box size). MG Hambrabi? Low...very very low.
  12. I had a copy of Turn A somewhere around here on VHS. The guy spent all his effort on the 1st episode on the DVD (this was back when Turn A was the first Gundam series to get a DVD release) and dies somewhere in episode 2. Episode 3 was horrible (missing subs, missing words, grammar, bad timing, etc). Episode 4 was about as bad as Episode 2. I quietly destroyed that tape. The Chinese sub I borrowed at a later time was significantly better in the subtitling job.
  13. Someone actually listed the credits for the individual DVD titles on IMDB???? Talk about a waste of space...
  14. They already have railguns.... http://macross.anime.net//mecha/united_nat...ross/index.html
  15. I should also remind you people that rationalizing the nomenclature of a fantasy series with real life nomenclature will get you nowhere as it is a fantasy; not real. Part of it is to sound cool, the other is to differentiate from the real world. They name it according to what they want...not what it should or could be. Quiet boy! Are you trying to wake Egan from his slumber!!!!???
  16. 1) http://macross.anime.net//mecha/united_nat...s/Megaroad.html 2) http://macross.anime.net//story/chronology/2013/index.html
  17. Yes. There will be a 2nd release of SF Full Burst later this year, minus the action base from what I hear.
  18. Well, if you want it....you'll have to build it yourself. But there is the book: http://ga.sbcr.jp/news/0612/069/index.html
  19. The size varies from show to show, mecha to mecha, part to part, person to person. Colors? Most common is the kite within a red circle. There is also the kite within the gray circle.
  20. I still fail to see how a defrag would help an avatar problem..... I would try Opera over IE. Also, have you tried uninstalling Firefox and deleting the your Firefox user profile? (save your bookmarks and anything important) You can find your Firefox profile in (with WinXP) C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Mozilla\ This will take out all of your settings, cache, cookies, history, blah blah blah and bookmarks ((save your bookmarks and anything important). Re-install Firefox and see if that helps.
  21. Use the newbie thread next time for quick questions.
  22. They showed the slits there? Oh well, it's been years since I've seen DYRL.
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