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Everything posted by azrael

  1. So they're doing the whole "Lost Experience" thing too...
  2. Courtesy of 4chan:
  3. Well, they are, i.e. HUMMING BIRD. M7 does use lots of music from other Macross series. Which means you will have to pay those artists/song writers royalties. And given how the Japanese Recording industry is, it's like the RIAA on drugs. Once you talk to Bandai about distribution (no sweat), then you need to talk to Victor Entertainment about music (where most of the negotiations lay). Then, once you are done there, you need to come back and talk to Manga Entertainment and AnimeTrax and or JVC (I'm not sure if their license for the music has expired yet). And once that is done, then you have to deal with HG and see if they have an issue with "Macross" in the name and various elements of SDFM that appear in M7 that they may have rights to (and you know they'll complain). If you take out the music of M7, you kinda "kill" much of the feel of the series. Unless you want to suffer a song remake ala Robotech. So sketchley's point is valid. Once you finish all the motions of just licensing the thing, you'll have spent lots of time and money per episode. At that point, it may not be economically feasible to license it, especially if the projected returns are too small. The music license is a deciding factor, but IIRC at an AX panel, it boiled down to money. Just working on the 1st few episodes would cost one most of the funds.
  4. Another mag scan of Hi-Nu (courtesy of 4chan)
  5. We already have a thread... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=19053
  6. Hi-Nu is actually #95. Strike Noir is #96. So we still have 3 more till the big-100
  7. Looks like we have a possible contender for the #100 MG spot. (BTW, it's from Evolve ../A which is coming out ) http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6438/11696853844450yr.jpg MG Destiny...possible. MG Legend, MG IJ....never.
  8. mmmkay....At least we aren't starting jokes about how every VF has their nose between their legs....Anyways....
  9. That was from Nora shooting the ground, not his VF.
  10. 1/100 Akatsuki......Did I not say it? MG Strike Noir....Talk about milking Strike....Why won't they make a MG Akatsuki???? It uses a Strike frame.... Now for the solicits...
  11. Macross 2036 isn't part of the canon timeline. So we can't confirm that that was the path Komillia took.
  12. For the more regular scenes in the movie, she wore pants, shirt and jacket. Nothing revealing. I would say form-fitting would be more appropriate than revealing clothing... I think we are getting ahead of ourselves here. The meat of the article says that Production I.G. now has the rights to represent Kodansha and Masamune in any live-action production of the series. Should they find a studio, then they need a screenplay. Then a director. Then actors. Blah blah blah. Look at Evangelion's live-action movie. All we see is just concept art from WETA. And the last word out of that was back in 2005...when more sketches were put out.
  13. Also in the news, former Doctor Who Christopher Eccleston will be guest starring in several episodes this season.
  14. Iron Man suit concept drawing with comparison pic: *possible spoilers* http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/682/iro...evscomicah9.jpg
  15. Although this was to be expected: http://www.darkhorizons.com/news07/070118e.php
  16. That's a bit pricey for the Wing set. I would use DVD Price Search to find a cheaper copy. http://www.dvdpricesearch.com Which reminds me...I still need to get Wing on DVD. I have 13 VHS tapes of fansubs that need to go into the trash and DVDs are a god-send on space saving...
  17. Several of these questions can be posted in the newbie thread. I suggest you use it for any other quick questions. 1) That's an open ended question as Gamlin never approaches her and only sees her from the distance. The point of that scene basically says she moved on. I'll have to watch it again and see the lead up to it. 2) Because he's never really used that mode that much. 3) Yes. 4) That is his first name.
  18. Now before any of you go on to bash or defend RT, I would like to remind you that this topic isn't about that.
  19. Okay, found it. From here: http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/SDF%20Macros...ss%20Index.html The link at the top for Index goes to the the one I posted above which is a 404. I'm guessing it should go here: http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/M3.html or here: http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/
  20. Dead link on index page: http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/Index.htm Perhaps the best thing to do is to compact the table down to a width of 800. I'm running 1680x1050 (widescreen) and 1280x1024 (at work) so I hardly notice any formatting problems. A horizontal line to separate the subsections of the technical data would help readability (or just a blank line).
  21. It's probably a translation error (should be "Full Cross"), but the box says, "Full Cloth". Unless we are all wrong and it actually is "Full Cloth"...
  22. Other news: MG Crossbone Full Cloth
  23. Mmmkay. Kawamori only did the designs for the crab-tank and helicopters. He didn't do the firearms/small-arms drawings....
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