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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Here's the thread on Scifi.com's boards: http://forums.scifi.com/index.php?showtopic=2263947 So the movie takes the place of half of the season. Interesting.
  2. Yes. Throughout M7, you'll see Mylene enter her VF-11's cockpit in battroid form with the seat upright. There's also the scene with Kinryu entering a Full-Armor VF-11 with the seat upright. As I see it, the seat rotates as the heat shield opens/closes or as the nose folds down/folds up. As Isamu was coming down on Guld, he was just entering fighter mode (that scene is specifically done in slow-motion) so as his heat shield opened, his seat had rotated. The rotating cockpit is fairly trivial so there's no real need to mention it.
  3. MG Strike Rouge?
  4. Here's the archived thread for reference: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=20119
  5. Yep. He was working on IGLOO.
  6. Archived -> http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=20119 We do this every so often to clean off the board of very long topics. Someone will be around to start a new one momentarily. Please stand by.
  7. TFW2005.com has a couple of new stuff. Frenzy and Ironhide renders http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=122999 Megatron's head (final rendering) http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/vbimghost.ph...&imgid=2274
  8. http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/...0000/index.html Please use the newbie thread for questions like this.
  9. Max was a was a Colonel or Major. Millia was a Captain. http://macross.anime.net/characters/j/inde...eniusMaximilian http://macross.anime.net/characters/j/inde...iusMiliaFallyna
  10. Big boobs and man-boobs....The kids are gonna run wild with these jokes for the next week. Really though....Do any of those girls have back problems or is the magic of Robotechnology supporting these girls?
  11. His last non-Ver. Ka MG was the Gyan which was just last year. So he's still there.
  12. You're one of those people. Yeh, this release probably isn't even worth downloading.
  13. Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the blocky, 2-toned CG-coloring. Of course, the shading stood out to me when I saw the screenies.
  14. See, told ya the Dark Lord knows something. Might not be related, but he knows something. Hitomi Takahashi was only 15 and in the middle of high school entrance exams when she recorded "Bokutachi no Yukue" for GSD. Some of the girls in the band Morning Musume started with the group when they were around 14 with the newest member, Aika Mitsui, turning 14, just this year. Trust me, they start them young.
  15. It's a 1/100. The label on Hobby Search is a misprint.
  16. This is probably to work around any commitments. If the girl has a family, then it makes it hard to work around. If she is a mother, then it becomes a juggling act between family and the job.
  17. Here's the Jan. 22nd, 2007 report:
  18. We only needed this part of the post: Curse IBP and it's horrible language inputs....
  19. It could be Kissdum. But they have casted the lead roles already. Unless this is for a minor/cameo character, that they want to sing.
  20. Dammit Bandai....stop taking my ideas...MG Zaku II ver. 2.....*grumbles* (This will be #97 as well). BTW, the armor is based off the anime on the Zaku II and not a Katoki design. This makes me wonder if MG RX-78-2 ver. 2 will be #100. Take all the improvements of ver. 1.5 (classic look), ver. Ka (somewhat better connections with the joints and core fighter), and ver. OYW (best articulation) and slap 'em together. Those Akatsuki pics resemble the HG 1/144s.....
  21. Victor Entertainment. They are the primary group behind the Macross music releases. Moonphase is a anime magazine/blog (Japanese only, sorry). Anybody want to press Graham about what he knows?
  22. #100 will probably be something big. Either something Amuro or Char, or the main mech of a series. Chances of those MGs... 1) Low...very low. 2) Good chance, but maybe after 100 3) Good chance. Everybody loves Zeta...or AOZ.. 4) Dear god no. 5) Low, Higher than Tallgeese..but low. 6) Just X...no Falcon. 7) Good chance Unless the Zaku is due for a version 2, we just got a OYW edition. 9) Big-O...Good chance, but people went for the Zeong when they polled them. 10) Red Frame and/or Blue Frame 2nd L. No Gold frame. I'll save the rest of my forecast for later.
  23. Blackout toy (too many images to post) http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=121991
  24. I still say length is not a big an issue as you claim it to be. As Keith stated, GaoGaiGar is a good example. A 49-episode series. Vintage is only 1997/1998. Back in the day, people feared Marmalade Boy would never get licensed as it was a 76-episode series. People said it was too long and it got licensed. So length and vintage aren't really big problems. Itemizing how many times a song appears in a show doesn't make much sense. Opening and ending themes appear in every episode. Image songs can appear in every episode. That's a headache to itemize it like that. It's much easier to itemize it by individual song, not how many times a song appears in any given show. And that would probably be covered by a larger license. If I donate to some cause several times a year, I don't report on my taxes when and how much per donation I have donated, I just report the total amount donated. The music can be M7's Achillies' heel, but not as how many times any given song appears in the show, but more as how many songs there are in the show.
  25. I don't see length or vintage as big of a problem as much as the financial projections for the series (or are just part of the bigger picture). Naruto is a young series, but it is extremely long (200+ and still going) and yet it has made it here. Inu Yasha went on for 167 episodes and is only a little older than Naruto. Same for Sailor Moon, Pokemon, blah blah blah. The bottom line is money. How much (time and money) will they have to spend on it? Who is the intended fanbase. How large are they? What are the numbers? In the end, the costs will probably outweigh any factor and that is the bottom line of any company.
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