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Everything posted by azrael

  1. This is part of DC's Future State story line going across all titles next year. Luke Fox would have been a better choice since that character is established, unless they wanted to keep him as Batwing.
  2. Likely because he will be featured prominently in the show. Maybe Vader will be helmet-less while "conversing" with Obi-Wan through the Force. I think we're getting Head-Anakin but there's some concept drawings showing the former friends fighting again. Wonder if we'll get a live-action Satine...
  3. We encourage new users to look at and post in sections other than the For Sale sections. You may find some other topics here are worth your time. If you feel this is unfair, perhaps eBay is a better platform for your sales.
  4. Correct. https://web.archive.org/web/20191227143521/https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/08/12/star-wars-rebels-season-4-finale-clone-wars-final-season-revival-disney-dave-filoni Rex did fight at the Battle of Endor. 'Just never specified where he was.
  5. This was a good action episode. Ties up a B-story from earlier in the season. Yes, a random California location to serve as backdrop of this episode, but hey, filming on location is expensive and they have to conserve funds for the finale. So might as well use a fairly un-original locale.
  6. Just as a FYI, B&H Photo Video has it in stock now (Amazon lists it as out of stock until late December at time of posting) https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1457456-REG/lg_27ul550_w_27_ultra_hd_color.html
  7. That's what it's looking like. I would like to do some upgrades during Xmas but with virtually no stock on major components (or ridiculous prices on the 2nd market), that ain't happening.
  8. The 3060 "launched"? Really? Another paper launch? Which no one can get anyways cuz bots are scoping up any stock for mining...
  9. You can always use it as a external drive. Speaking of which, since I missed the sale on a Crucial NVMe, I'll pick up this one. *Add to Cart*
  10. Luke is safe amongst the New Republic. But as that rebel pilot noted is Chapter 12 (last week's episode), the New Republic is still not fully aware of what is happening outside the core worlds. They're still blind out in the farther reaches of the galaxy.
  11. As far as they were concerned, they were the only 2 Jedi left. Obi-wan and Yoda knew there were others but searching for them would be foolish and dangerous. Better for them to all go underground. Don't search for each other. It's been much more imaginative than the entire sequel trilogy for sure. Best not to think of the sequel trilogy. I'm sure Faveru and Filoni aren't.
  12. While I should transition my SSDs to all NVMe (already using NVMe for boot) I’m debating holding off switching until I move to Ryzen. SSDs for my NAS is still a little out of my price range for TB/$$$.
  13. Lots of SSDs, flash drives or other solid-state media on sale this Black Friday...
  14. Speaking of Wookiepedia... https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jeans_Guy (I know, it's deleted, but still.. )
  15. Yeh, I don't mind it when the voice actor actually plays their character in live-action, assuming they look the part or can be made to look like it that is (in this particular case, yes this person does).
  16. Feels like an evolution of the Sv-262.
  17. iPadOS should be fine since Safari acts like the desktop version. It's on iOS where the problem comes up. And with no BBCode support, options are limited for mobile phone users.
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