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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Would that be her standing right behind you with the club?
  2. Why M7??? Because it was the last televised series, perhaps?????? The last Macross series that aired that most people have seen is M7, so their just working off that. People who watched M7 as kids now get a chance to relive it as 20-somethings. And all it says is M7 will be rebroadcast every night starting in April. Oh, and....BOMBA!!!!!
  3. Nope. The lucky ones get saved, like Millia's. http://macross.anime.net/ SDF Macross: http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/...x.html#20090207 Macross M3: http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/...index.html#2014 Macross VF-X: http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/...x.html#20470723 Macross VF-X2: http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/...x.html#20510214
  4. Probably the same place where all other planes go to retire, a museum or to the plant to be scrapped.
  5. http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/kissdum/
  6. The popular choice for #100 on the 2ch boards is Turn A.
  7. It doesn't start airing on TV until April 3rd. After which, we shall see if it gets licensed.
  8. It will begin airing every Tuesday, starting April 3rd.
  9. Off topic.
  10. The main story occurs in UC 0096. However, they start in UC 0001. An unspecified number of events occur prior to 0096 which impact the main story in some way.
  11. It is Two-Mix....or at least their current incarnation...Two-Mix Delta
  12. I fixed the link, happy now?
  13. Judging by the link Amped posted....the movie sounds like a 2-part episode from Season 4 that got pulled from the episodes for Season 4. It sounds like plays into Season 4 but isn't necessary viewing if you have watched the previous season(s). And it definitely sounds like, what would-be flashback episode. A 2-hour flashback episode, but a flashback, nonetheless. I should remember not to look at this thread given that I haven't had a chance to watch the last 3 episodes this season....oh well, the deed is done.
  14. I get the feeling it will start with Pegasus making the blind jump and follow through until it meets Galactica.
  15. Ummm, no. The Gold-plated version of MG #100 is a limited edition and only given out to 100 people who guess the correct answer to what #100 will be. There have been other non-yellow/gold MGs, which have had that gold plated treatment (G and Master) so it is not limited to gold-colored MSs. Yes, it will be from the Gundam series.
  16. Your only choice on Dell would be limited to the 15" models (if you want a larger, cheaper and be able to get a different video card). And judging by your selection, you seem to want the portable models so I'm not sure if you really want a 15". I haven't run into too many Sony systems. They tend to be pricey and that means people avoid them.
  17. Yes, that external case will work just fine. Yes, it would be a good upgrade, but, considering your current circumstances (you sound like you are in a rush), it would be best to forgo the dvd burner and get back to it at a later time. Or get an external burner, or you can make a trip to Fry's and see if they have anything. Most retailers do no sell notebook replacement drives. They mostly sell internal desktop burners or external burners. If weight is a concern, then I would skip HP. Sonys are like the Mac laptops. Lots of power and the price to match it. They are lighter than HP, and if you have to carry it back and forth, Sony would be a good choice. If you want to do CAD and image editing, the XPS M1210 would be a better choice since you can change the video card. The Intel 950 is fine for images, but CAD would need something a bit better. The Sony does have a bigger display which would be better for work. I would go with the Sony if I could cut back on the CAD work. If you can't cut that, then the Dell would be the way to go. I would have an issue with the Dell since it does have a small screen. That might not be the best for image editing.
  18. Except we don't get to watch all the people who want get their 15-minutes-of-fame. The casting call for the lead actress doesn't have to be an unknown. The requirements list that having a contract with another recording company is ok.
  19. Probably by summer. The deadline for applications for the lead female seiyuu/singer is next Saturday (March 31st). After which, auditions for the ones who make it past the initial screening, call backs and interviews, and then hopefully, a candidate. Hopefully, by the end of April/early May, we should have a cast debut. The casting call was an open call, so we won't know how many applied until next week.
  20. That's if they factored the movie in with the TV-show budget, then of course they couldn't do it. They could always place the movie under it's own budget (I doubt it).
  21. Sorta related...More from the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2007: http://www.akibaos.com/img.php?img=20070322e07 (Yes, that signature is dated March 21st, 2007) Should any of you attempt to go to the convention center and attempt to remove that slab of drywall and door, I imagine you'll be asked some questions at Customs....
  22. azrael

    Graham's Sig

    I could....., but then Graham would just reopen it, reply to someone with a new sig causing everybody to rush back in here and start trying to interpret his sig, wash, rinse, repeat.
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