Satelight isn't the problem. They're just caught in the middle. They are pushing out the episodes on-time. The problem is at the head. This is suppose to be Yasuchika Nagaoka's show. He's suppose to know where this project goes. If the rumor is true that he pulled out and left everybody else out to dry, then this is his fault. Kawamori did the designs and he came through. Sushio came through with character designs. Bandai pulled in sponsors and a great theme from Two-Mix. But then, what's the man-in-charge doing? On his blog, he reported around March that the early episodes were finished and proceeding with the voice recording. Yet, his first post in Feb. stated that the entire project was restarted. I get the feeling that Nagaoka had the idea, butted heads with the people backing him, scrapped the idea making a bunch of people pissed, then came back to his idea and tried to salvage it.