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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Old rules and regs. We're still in the process of cleaning up the new one.
  2. You could have said it had variable phase-shift armor and gotten the same effect you know.....
  3. GSD had at least a roadmap at the beginning. I'm not sure if Kissdum had one to begin with.
  4. I was underwhelmed by that fight. The rest was fine.
  5. Just hit the "Report" button on the post and well take care of it.
  6. Satelight isn't the problem. They're just caught in the middle. They are pushing out the episodes on-time. The problem is at the head. This is suppose to be Yasuchika Nagaoka's show. He's suppose to know where this project goes. If the rumor is true that he pulled out and left everybody else out to dry, then this is his fault. Kawamori did the designs and he came through. Sushio came through with character designs. Bandai pulled in sponsors and a great theme from Two-Mix. But then, what's the man-in-charge doing? On his blog, he reported around March that the early episodes were finished and proceeding with the voice recording. Yet, his first post in Feb. stated that the entire project was restarted. I get the feeling that Nagaoka had the idea, butted heads with the people backing him, scrapped the idea making a bunch of people pissed, then came back to his idea and tried to salvage it.
  7. See, told ya this wasn't Kawamori's idea.
  8. I would stick with the 550W Thermaltake that you picked out in that case. All of those fans doesn't leave you with a lot of head-room with a 430W.
  9. Well....It could be the 2012-2030 time period because that doesn't have any 11, 19 or 21/22. Or it could be the 2050+ period, with no 11, 19, 21/22s. Or it could be set in an established time-period, but have a completely different focus and not have any of the VFs that we know about.
  10. Some quick googling shows this one: http://www.trustedreviews.com/peripherals/...ooth-Headset/p1 What other components do you have in your system? A 430W should be able to handle it, but I would bump up to a 500W minimum just be on the safe side. That PSU in your previous post is a good deal for what you get. They have a Thermaltake 500W PSU for about $4 more, so 550W at the price listed is a good deal.
  11. This has never been addressed. Sorry.
  12. Guess that means RX-78-2 ver. 2 gets knocked off my list of guesses.
  13. I see nothing wrong with this setup under that budget. If you have to make cuts, I would look at the video card. A 7950-series or 8600-series (if you are looking at DX10) would be a cheaper option. Another cut is the motherboard. I have this motherboard (link) spec'd for a budget box I'm working on. It might be a good alternative to the Asus board.
  14. IIRC, you can only run RAM at one voltage (all or nothing). So you can't run your 1.8V RAM at 2.2V and run your 2.2V stuff at 1.8V. Doesn't work that way. They either have to run at 1.8V or 2.2V. Now, if the 2.2V RAM can be ran at 1.8V (or alternatively, can the 1.8V stuff run at 2.2V), then you shouldn't have a problem. But if it does need 2.2V, then you can only have 1 set of RAM in there, Either the 1.8V sticks or the 2.2V sticks. Another question is, can you adjust or can the motherboard adjust the voltage? edit...I seriously need coffee in the morning.
  15. I would suggest shopping online for acrylics then. Image Anime.com, Ehobbies.com, or HLJ, PlaJapan.com has supplies of Tamiya and Gunze Sangyo acrylic paints. I use acrylics. Clean-up is easier and I don't need a fume hood just to paint a small piece. I have used enamels but the smell of the paint and solvents eventually drove me to acrylics.
  16. I prefer painting. But that's due to having a slight background in painting. Also, I prefer doing things with a certain look or with a certain personal touch so that usually involves some painting.
  17. If we had any news to report...we'd let ya know.
  18. Me. I use a USB keyboard at work and I've never had any problems with MW.
  19. Kinda misleading when they say "The Final 5 Chapters"....
  20. This probably won't be a good time to remind you that they plan on 2 suits in this movie. The original gray suit, for the first part and then the red/gold suit for the rest of the movie.
  21. 1. It is a Mk I. SDFM Monsters are considered Mk. II. http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...wr00/index.html 2. In battroid mode? The head is the primary location for cameras and other sensors. Additionally, there are various sensors throughout the body.
  22. *tap* Points at registration form */tap* It's already there. The problem is that spammers have already cracked many of these security code schemes. IPB 2.2 uses a new one yet sooner or later, that one will be cracked as well. And like David, I spend virtually every morning hunting down accounts and any rogue posts. In fact, I come to the boards without reading any new posts and go straight to the member lists to find spammers. I'm probably responsible for banning most of the ISPs in our filters.
  23. Ah...the original grey suit. Certainly has that slap-together feel to it.
  24. You can disable Email notifications for the board so that you don't get them, reducing the times you need to check your phone.
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