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Everything posted by azrael

  1. If there is nothing else that you think could be causing any problems, it might be the speaker. Have you tried a different speaker for the center speaker? It could also be the sound system.
  2. No. Just be sure your motherboard supports a C2D. *cough*....Dear god no.
  3. The 2ch people actually called it right.
  4. Maybe we should consider these people spammers?
  5. Performance aside...Those prices doesn't help sell them either since the 640MB version of the 8800GTS is marked $40-50 less.
  6. They'll probably explore his dad's powers next season. Wielding a sword is most likely a skill....not a power.
  7. From Variety:
  8. Actually, he does have a gun. I've seen shots of Megs with a gun...Looks more like a long rifle attached to his hand/arm, but he does have a gun. TFW2005.com has images.
  9. Hi Res shots of the bots http://www.michaelbay.com/blog/files/d5881...e4ae054-74.html
  10. I liked it. It ends on a good note. I would like to see them take some time off before doing any more though. But that's not to say it wasn't without it's faults. I do feel it was too much and that Venom and the symbiote didn't get enough screen-time. They could have stretched it to 2 movies. I didn't feel much for Sandman as with Doc Oc in the last movie. This is probably due to the lack of screen time for the villains and secondary characters. Gwen was underused. If there is an extended cut of this, they should put that one out. Walking out, I felt the story only touched the surface of what was needed.
  11. Nothing at the moment. It sounds as if there will be no major announcement till summer. Probably not. We don't know yet. A flyer/ad for the new series went out related to the casting call for a voice actor/singer for the female protagonist role. But that ended a month ago and word is, they have selected an individual, but the announcement will come when they announce the series.
  12. Hi Res pics:
  13. From Favreau's MySpace posting:
  14. Here's CD Japan's description of the M+ HD release: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-3048
  15. Ummm EXO... ->-> -> My post above yours
  16. I would say it was a time and money issue. If the new series is a TV series, then time has to be spent there. If it's an OAV, then they have to spend money. I don't think Kawamori has the time to do both. I would pick this up as well, but I have other purchases this year which will require my time and money be spent more important things.
  17. Jon Favreau has asked Downey time and again, "Are you sure you want to wear that suit?". To which Downey has replied that he wants to wear it so.... Christian Bale complained that the Bat-suit was hot, gave him a headache, etc, but he used that for the character. I don't know if I can say the same for the Iron Man suit.
  18. First look at the Iron Man red/gold suit courtesy of EW.com: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20037509,00.html
  19. I'm not aware of video cards that can accept a HD signal, only output an HD signal.
  20. Yes, the M+ remaster will have all editions (OAV + movie). DYRL? might fair better for an HD remaster, but SDFM probably would suffer. The best for SDFM would be updated sound.
  21. Kresphy, you do not need to link back to this very thread. You know....I'm putting this in the rumor pile. No source and lots of speculation. Almost as good as saying KISSDUM is a test for a new Macross, which I call BS now that it's on the airwaves.
  22. At least we know what those 2 are capable of. Makes up for that miserable fight last week.
  23. From what I've heard, this will be based-on but not a direct (i.e. word-for-word) adaption of the "Death of Superman/Reign of the Supermen" series. This will probably not have the JLA or too many other things (like Supergirl/Matrix).
  24. And as a point of reference, The "classic" version of Carnage:
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