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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Not really. The AEUG was more of a resistance group against the corruption of the Titans. The AEUG is more along the lines of rebellion rather than peace. The AEUG is the opposing force against the Titans. It sounds as if Celestial Being is putting itself between 2 opposing forces and bringing about a forced peace. This is similar to the FMP-concept of Mithril or the Gundam pilots from Wing, or the Three-Ship Alliance in SEED (not GSD). It's a clear 3rd party who is stepping in between 2 opposing sides.
  2. The label "Macross 25" is probably the working title/generic title until the official announcement (like "Batman Begins 2", or "Rocky VI"). If I start hearing people call it Macross 25... Mecha Designer...like no one saw that coming. Kawamori being Executive Producer is no big deal, somewhat expected actually. Hopefully, we have a good director coming on board.
  3. Some info from Newtype (via AnimeSuki.com): I sense a blend of the Wing boys here. The translated name of his Gundam is Gundam Excia. Mithril? I'm getting that Wing and Mithril-feeling. One group of people seem to have the best toys.... Here's our Minovsky drives. Minovsky particles. Sounds like we'll be lite on space colonies...
  4. Kunio doesn't really do much design these days. A few suits here and there. He just makes them more Gundam-ish. Most of the principal work is done by a different artist. And this is starting to feel more Wing/X/FMP-ish. I can see at the end that it will be 2 large groups fighting and the Gundams getting into the middle of it all.
  5. Among having a weird backpack design, beam saber sockets on the shoulder armor, some people have noticed that the V-fin appears to lower, covering the eyes and reveal what appears to be a independent targeting camera in place of the regular head camera. So yes, lots of weird "thingies" in this show. As long as the higher-ups stay out of trying to influence the story, anything is possible.
  6. Hey, this is what kids go for these days. This show isn't targeting UC fans or SEED fans, but middle school/freshman high schoolers of today.
  7. They're not abandoning Seed. The movie is in the works. Their looking at a 2008 release.
  8. Sounds very FMP-ish. Group of people going around the world to stop conflicts. Although I have nothing wrong with peace through superior fire power.
  9. I would say it the RX-78-looking mech like a Turn A-ish Strike. Whatever the hell that means.... Looks like a beam saber attached at the back side of the shoulder armor. Something new to waste money on.
  10. Where have you been? There is a new Macross TV series in the works. We expect to hear an official announcement within the next few months. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21926
  11. We already knew about it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=485688 Should there be? These are R2 releases and Bandai is not doing a simultaneous R1 release so I don't see any reason for them to sub it.
  12. The way "Anima Spiritia" is implied in the series, it's in the plural sense or special group/category.
  13. As sketchley, has said, Egan does have a life outside Macross. And normally, Egan only updates when he has some real news. Otherwise, the Compendium goes without updates. It's normal for the Compendium to go without updates for periods of time. And as said, Egan does have ties to Big West. Legal ties. Whatever Egan knows, he is most likely under a NDA which bars him from officially commenting on many issues. Graham is under a similar agreement with Yamato so it's not uncommon here to have members who cannot, legally, say anything.
  14. It's not working for me either, but I have e-mail notifications turned off and I haven't had time to test it. You may wish to check your settings. My Controls->E-mail settings-> Enable 'Email Notification' by default?
  15. The Japanese blogger? Not sure. ToysDaily is a large Chinese toy/hobby model community site who just posted the link.
  16. Rumor A post from ToysDaily (which is pointing to a Japanese blogger) is saying that MG #101 will be Destiny. Link: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...;extra=page%3D1
  17. The price tag is $5,000 - 10,000. For the average user, this is beyond luxury, which is why average users are not the target, yet. For the consumer, I can see this going toward the home entertainment market. A coffee table replacement with some applications for the TV. I'll give it about 3 years before we see it coming to the consumer level.
  18. I have never used those things so I won't know. I imagine they are as good the PCI counterpart in terms of sound quality, which, by these days isn't much. Low-end motherboard audio probably outclasses the SB Live these days. Reading some of the reviews make me suspect that since it is using an USB-interface, it will be prone to data bandwidth problems, i.e. don't run anything complicated and expect hiccups.
  19. You can use a PCIMA card in there, but there aren't too many cards on the market these days. Consider going with a USB sound card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16829102174
  20. Brand loyalty is highly over-rated. I go with whatever works for what I plan to do. In my case, Intel was better so I went Intel for my personal box. My budget-box, which I use for testing, doesn't need much. And heck, it's a budget-box, so AMD is my choice for that. As for ATI vs. Nvidia...I've had marginal success with ATI drivers. I think I've only had problems with Nvidia drivers once so that left an impression with me. It shouldn't be slow....specs please?
  21. Well, we don't use vBulletin here. We use IPB.
  22. That's not how IPB nor any forum software as I am aware of, works.
  23. A few bugs and exploits in the wild that have never been fixed from what I hear. Optimization on Titan mode is still lacking from what I hear. Although, I never got into BF2142 since I see it as a mod of BF2 so I don't know how much has changed since I played the beta. I only play BF2 these days since I need something to fill the time for ET:Quake Wars.
  24. Here's a related article about the concert: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-...e-held-in-tokyo And just to clarify what kresphy mentioned, the new series will be a TV series.
  25. I find Dell easier when looking for drivers (just enter in your service tag and the list of drivers for that series of laptop is there). Otherwise, both are about the same in my book.
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