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Everything posted by azrael

  1. At least Exia isn't completely without some form of ranged weaponry.
  2. Graham has an NDA next to his name. He would probably say Yamato...but then he would have to kill you.... Really. Repeat after me, Dark Lord of the Sith.
  3. One must remember that the hype-machine for Gundam 00 is a much larger machine. Also Sunrise's Gundam animation plate has been clean since earlier this year after cleaning up GSD. So they've had plenty of time to work on episodes. The only thing that would slow them down is whether marketing is gonna interfere with the writers room.... In terms of marketing, Gundam will always win over Macross. So just because we don't hear as much, doesn't mean they aren't doing anything. It's just being drowned out by that other mecha show. We still don't have a confirmed broadcast date for this series among a missing video.
  4. According to ANN, this is the additional credits from the concert: Series Script Editor: Hiroyuki Yoshino Music: Yoko Kanno Character Designer: Mikan Ehime, Yƻichi Takahashi Production: Satelight Director: Yasuhito Kikuchi Executive Director: Shoji Kawamori Kikuchi is also listed as the director of Saint Seiya, and Gunbuster for those of you who care. Still waiting for a video....
  5. Let me clarify myself, he must like cable cars from San Francisco, CA, USA. Cuz that would be the 2nd time he's used them. compared to these: http://www.sfcablecar.com/images/plaque.gif
  6. Guess Kawamori loves cable cars... The VF definitely retains that VF-5000-look from the production drawings. The colony reminds me of the Gundam space colonies but with a more Macross-feel. Where in M7, we saw different shapes, we see all identical shapes here. I would still prefer a video.
  7. I'm with March, I need to actually see it before I'll comment. The blog postings sound vague.
  8. Could someone please translate the Japanese text? I'd rather we not go through "lost in translation" syndrome by translating from Japanese to Chinese to whatever. -Whoa, 5000 people applied for the job...That's a big pool. -2070... 2045+25 = 2070...... cute....
  9. Probably lighting and Photoshop. Just like how the batsuit in BB is black but looked dark grey in the movie and stills. I'm not going to worry about the batsuit. And yes, the Joker's "make-up" is make-up. I'm interested to see how Ledger's Joker turns out since it's somewhere in-between the original 1940s mass-murdering Joker and the Killing Joke Joker.
  10. Again, I shall repeat myself and the original announcement, one did not have to be tied to any particular studio to audition for the role. This means that anybody could have auditioned for the role, including established names (like Ms. Akiyama). kresphy, you may be the victim of a joke. We will not know until tomorrow.
  11. At time of posting, it is about 2PM in Tokyo on a Friday afternoon. The concert is not till 6PM, Saturday.
  12. October is the big start of the Fall season. I find the lack of info on a character designer somewhat disconcerting. They have one from the pre-production pics but who is it? How about show director? Kawamori is executive director and exec producer, but what about a show runner? And then what about a broadcaster? They can keep the details close but things like this are details I'm looking for. The only 2 details we have are Kawamori is head of the project and Satelight is doing the animation. They can afford to leak a little more than that unless this production is so hush-hush that they can't even say that. Assuming a series will be on this year.
  13. At this point, I'm doubting anything substantial will come out of the concert, except the voice actress announcement (unless they pull this out of nowhere, I expect no trailer to be shown). No magazine-related info has popped up since the last one. No domains registered. No blog has said anything (not even from MoonPhase either). Unless something is said, I'm not going to look for any new series until 2008.
  14. Episode 5, not 4.
  15. From the on-set footage that's out there, there is a real physical red/gold suit just as the Mark I suit is real.
  16. Time for more promotional artwork:
  17. If I had a dime anytime someone posted a rumor on a forum...I'd be collecting on myself at times...
  18. Very little has changed since '05. IMO, I find the Raptor drives to be a waste of money. I'd rather spend the money on a larger hard drive.
  19. Official stats: Macross Compendium
  20. *looks at clock* How long do you plan on waiting?
  21. Whiplash.....lovely. It doesn't sound like she needs immediate surgery (although it could get worst if not looked after). The steroids are probably for the inflammation. She'll probably be making graceful movements at her concerts...no fancy head movements.
  22. I mirrored the images on ImageShack.
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