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Everything posted by azrael

  1. The glossy screen is fine for indoors. Outdoors is not a good place for glossy. Considering you don't have a desktop, I would really suggest the MBP. The 13" MB is more of a supplement computer to a desktop. The MBPs are what I would consider a desktop replacement unless your usage really doesn't warrant a MBP. But yes, the MB will handle CS3 and GarageBand just fine. Although, I would bump up the RAM to 2GB. But this can be done on your own.
  2. The main reason for the switch from the VF-4 to the VF-5000 was primarily costs. The entries for the VF-4 or VF-5000 do not indicate that atmospheric performance was an issue. As such, it would be prudent to say that performance was NOT an issue between the VF-4 and VF-5000. The entry for the VF-5000 clearly indicates that cost of production and maintenance was the deciding factor to the VF-5000's introduction. Not really... The VF/VA-14's role was delegated more toward colonial and specialized fleets. It wasn't a primary-fleet VF. That role went to the VF-4/VF-5000/VF-11. VF-14 VF-5000 VF-4
  3. I will soon, mostly because I get a nice, near half-off discount for the OS. Macs have changed a bit since you used them, but you should be able to get around. If anything, dual-boot Windows on it and you'll be fine. As for which one...The MB is perfect for 'net, regular office work (word processing, spreadsheets, etc), a DVD or two, some quick Photoshop, and other everyday day tasks. The plus here is the screen-size. At 13", it's just big enough to fit and carry without too much trouble. The MBP is more for the Pro who needs screen size (15" or 17") on-the-go, gamers, and people who need the horse-power to drive some apps (like Photoshop for hours at a time). Here's a good thread: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=354287 If you have a desktop that can do the heavy stuff, you'll probably want to stick with the MB. You can bump up the ram on the MB and it should handle Photoshop just fine. The down side of using Photoshop on a MB is the 13" screen.
  4. It's all about the sunglasses. You know it.
  5. MG Unicorn from this month's Dengeki Hobby
  6. The blonde hair is a tip-off ya know.... There may be a space battleship, but that might not come about till later. Right now, it's too early.
  7. And for the sake of comparison (shamelessly borrowed courtesy of MAHQ), Fz-109 Az-130 Again, the silhouettes of the VF-14(M3) and the Fz-109 are very similar, almost identical. This leads me to believe that the silhouettes of Az-130 and the VA-14 (also from the Compendium's description) would also share very similar qualities like the wings, the bulk, etc.
  8. I doubt they'll take questions from people in the States... The pessimistic side of me will suspect that any mention of the new series will just be a 5-10 second blurb with more details to come later.
  9. Now for some lineart. That's Graham's "tweaked" Flag on the second page. It's the black/dark grey Flag we saw in the episode 2 prologue, btw. And some neat pics:
  10. I'm not sure. It probably started with RPG stats. It was noted that the VF-14 was the basis for the Az-130 but that was incorrect; it should have been the VA-14. So when that was corrected, we were left with a right sketch drawing that was noted as a VF-14. So when we got the note that the sketch was not the "true" VF-14, people then associated it with the VA-14. And then M3 came and the true VF-14 appeared and that kinda settled the old design in the VA-14 slot. But the problem is, it's not a VA-14, it's a VF-14. Which brings us to now.
  11. If you want more viral marketing, go to Why So Serious. Burning candle is burning down to some day...say Halloween...expect some more fun. hehehehehehe...hahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
  12. Exia was fighting the AEU in episode 1. He was trashing a brand spanking new Enact and a bunch of Hellions. The Flag is a Union mech. The Union (Americas) is different from the AEU (Europe). It was even commented that the Enact is a rip-off of the Flag. Nope. Graham engaged Exia out of the blue and for the hell of it. He lost his weapons and almost got his mech trashed so that's why he has some explaining to do. The fact that what's-his-scientist-face said that he should have just thrown away his whole MS at Exia alludes to the fact that the lost of one Flag is nothing compared to the data they could get from taking on a Gundam.
  13. No. The DYRL? re-release is R2 only. It is due out Dec. 21, 2007.
  14. Actually the Flag is a grunt unit. And it's not an advanced Prototype. Just the current Union MS. Yeh...MSVs...starting on those already. On the manga side, i.e. Gundam 00P, we got those coming as well. GNY-001 Gundam Astraea (yes, proto to Exia) And more MSV Exia: Here's the specs and details from Gunota: http://aeug.blogspot.com/2007_10_01_archiv...800020046956360
  15. She must be the most time-consuming to draw....3-sets of clothes in 3 episodes... If the animators have to draw a new set of clothes for her in every episode...
  16. Spring schedule eh? Sounds reasonable.
  17. Too bad they didn't couldn't make things a bit more retro. The pilots and uniformed people are fine, but the marines and flight crews look too modern. It would have been nice if they gave them a WWII-look to those guys. It would be nice if they made the flight crews wear the old olive-drabs than the highlighter jumpsuits. Like these guys working in the background. If the marines were wearing Vietnam-era olive drabs with a FAMAS, then that would have felt retro. I'm a nitpicker, sorry. I can hear RDM now saying there wasn't enough money....
  18. This sequence alludes to her saying good-bye to her old life and a look back at each defining moment of her life. If you notice that some of the flashbacks were of her leaving her parents. Much of the sequence seeing Minmay's life through her POV, i.e. we see things through Minmay's eyes. What we see is that Minmay has always had to leave a bit of herself behind to move forward. She grows up a little bit each time. It's how she moves forward. The sequence is more figurative than literal.
  19. Not that I know of, but we are trying to save ourselves any potential headaches. Section IV (trades/sales section) took us the longest....
  20. The VA-14 is listed as the precursor to the Az-130 so it's not "likely"; it is. And I won't be surprised if the silhouette of a VA-14 is almost identical to the silhouette of a Az-130. Shape of the wings, size of the engines, etc.
  21. The VFs in the M+ ep. 3 pic look like VF-14s. From description of the VA-14 (linky), the frame and bulk is greater than the VF-14. There is also a redesigned wing. The Az-130 seems to correspond to this. Those pictured don't appear to have the bulk that is described. They look like a what we've seen and correspond to the VF-14. So, my point to this is, we've never really seen a VA-14.
  22. That issue uses the M7+ version of the VF-14 (is also labeled). I have that issue.
  23. Neither. We never see a VA-14. All we know is that the Az-130 is based off the VA-14 from production notes.
  24. Little spoiler from Sy-Fy Portal Now...
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