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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Please be very careful about posting info from the 2ch boards. The 2ch boards have a habit of posting rumor information. From the sounds of it, she's on tour, passing through fleets.
  2. Yep, sounds like a Dell. Even if it did have a fan, it would have only been blowing air at or away from the CPU. As suggested, you may want to consider an after-market GPU cooler. In your case, I doubt 1 case fan is going to help, especially when you play for a long duration. Crysis is a heavy GPU-using game. I don't know if that 1 case fan will be able to keep up. And for those of you that didn't know, normal Dells come with only 1 case fan or don't have any fans in their cases. Reduces noise greatly considering that the only fan running would be the PSU fan. Many Dell systems now come with fans, but like their predecessors, those fans are moving air to or from the CPU. The only exception to the rule are the XPS systems, which actually do have decent cooling. However, most Dell systems are likely to never see heavy gaming usage so that's the idea behind the lack of fans.
  3. That scene is probably of our protagonist in a training sim (He is in training after all). Probably a Basic Battroid Movement course he's in. Or perhaps the VF-19(main force)/VF-22(Spec Ops) became the fighter-of-choice for combat fleets. Colony fleets doesn't need expensive fighters for what would be 90%-survey missions. Look at M7. They only had VF-11s and a squad of VF-17s. It wasn't until nearly 5 months into combat with the Varauta that the VF-19 showed itself, and more than 10 months until they got a VF-22. Macross 5 only had mostly VF-11s, VA-14s (and probably VF-14s and I won't count the VAB-2 since they probably only had a handful just in case). From the article, it sounds like this particular fleet has been uneventful until we see them now. So did they even have a need for VF-19s/VF-22s? Probably not.
  4. Unfortunately, Dell limits the speed on case fans intentionally to keep the noise low. They can reeve up faster but in those cases, the entire model line was defective. The other option for you is to open the case. The last line of Dimensions and the current Inspiron line come with panels for easy access. Prior to these models, they were designed with a swivel panel design. Opening the case does ruin the whole enclosed-system air-flow, but it does allow for the hot air to leave immediately.
  5. Which Dell model do you have?
  6. All I'll say about episode 6 is (since many probably have not seen it yet), .
  7. Should have said the barrel is missing...For all we know, they could be A/B/C versions. Given the simplicity of it's design, that's actually not a far fetched idea...but we need more info. It could also be akin to the VF-9; a cheap fighter. Guess we have to wait the next few months for more info. It might be me, but I see no internal weapons palettes on that thing. No signs of mini-missile port or anything. I can't see the sides of the legs too well, but I don't see anything. Only a gunpod, a small shield, and head lasers. Now that's not to say there aren't FAST packs...but it doesn't look like the VF-25 is well armed outside the gunpod. Everything appears to be an add-on.
  8. I'm gonna say it is a VF-17. A variant VF-17, but a VF-17 nonetheless. The cockpit layout, wing span, the tail fins, position of the legs/engines, and overall shape screams VF-17. It looks different because it is a CG render. But I'll bet it's a new variant; definitely not a M7-generation variant. The lasers around the cockpit are missing for starters. The VF-17 is primarily designed for space use.
  9. I'm thinking 3-minute recap in the first episode. In fact, I expect it.
  10. They're using a New-Macross class fleet. Lovely. Nice to see the VF-17 back again. BTW, the official site is being slashdotted. If you can't view it now, please check back later.
  11. Technically...yes.
  12. And people wonder why I'm asking for a translation of the article and not the postings from 2ch boards.
  13. Could we get scans of the article? Thanks Graham!!!!
  14. There are some changes in SP2 that does affect how your computer works but you probably won't notice them. Most of the changes are security related (which is why it is important that you upgrade to SP2). Most of the complications are related to hardware or software incompatibility. Here's a list of known incompatible software (with version #) with SP2: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/884130 Some hardware (and related drivers) may also be incompatible with SP2. So while it is best that you do upgrade your system to SP2, be aware that it can also break your system should you have incompatible software or components.
  15. One thing to keep in mind is the last time they negotiated, the 'Net wasn't a big deal. The 'Net only existed as a way for colleges and corporations to have a database and it was all terminal-based stuff. Your GUI was for the most part, a splendid command prompt and a mouse-driven-windowed GUI was a tool for the people who spared no expense and 1MB of RAM was hitting the extreme end. Now, those things are museum pieces. The contract talks now, as stated since this started, are primarily due to what RDM has talked about: the digital age. Right now, writers do not get paid for DVD sales, online content, etc. This is why BSG's webisodes can exist. It's entertainment for us, but people out there are not getting paid for their work. Lots of people put together a show like BSG. And many of them are not paid appropriately for their work. And one wonders why RDM complains about his budget in virtually every frakin podcast.
  16. Technically, any group opposed to the UN is AUN. Especially post-2012 era. It could be a Pro-Human league, renegade Zentradi/Meltrandi, etc. And they may not necessarily work together like the old AUN.
  17. It's possible. The VF-25 could be new in terms of us, the viewer, since we've never seen it before. To the show, it could be an old design that they use for training that gets rushed into combat usage. We need context... It's times like this where I would like the article to be translated...
  18. Ummm, I won't think of "VF-25" too much more than a nod to the 25th anniversary. We have had the VF-5000 and the VF-3000 so I won't put too much mental effort into wondering where that number came from. Concerning the VF-25....I see a Suhkoi design in it again....Kawamori seems to like that direction.....
  19. Oh they were, but their usage was someone inconsistant between the Anime-Friend episodes and the Artland studio episodes. But these days, hopefully those inconsistencies shouldn't be that much of an issue.
  20. Taribia stood the benefit either way. But the point CB was making to the world was, they would not be anybody's puppet. Taribia's head hoped that CB would attack the Union because technically, should the Union fire on Taribia, The Union would be the aggressors. Taribia would then be under CB's protection. Thereby using CB. But CB didn't like that since it wants to view everybody as hostile, so they spanked Taribia. Nations hoping to use CB as an insurance against other nations now understand that CB doesn't roll that way.
  21. Yes. If you are using programs that were released prior to XP w/SP2, they may not work after you apply SP2 to your system. I would be less concerned with security considering the fact that SP2 might break your system, thereby making security a moot point if you don't have a functioning system.
  22. Considering that the staff listings for MF haven't been released yet, it's premature to say Miyatake isn't on board. For Gundam 00, we didn't get a more complete staff listing till about 2 month before it aired, and the cast listing didn't show up until the following month. So before we all decide to jump to conclusions, you might want to wait for more info to come out in the following months. One thing to keep in mind (and of course, has probably been lost since talk slowed down until this month) is this Macross is not really for the older generation. So should it feel like you are watching some CLAMP series, well, that's cuz this is the target audience is the same as many CLAMP series. a flight school motif hasn't been done in Macross, so again, we are exploring some new ground here.
  23. http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20158840,00.html Even Kring admits it wasn't a good start to the season... The conspiracy-side of me says maybe it's not a coincidence that this week's episode, which felt much better, just happened to land at the same time as the writers' strike.
  24. Now before anybody quotes anything else from 2ch...can we actually have someone TRANSLATE the god-damn magazine article first?
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