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Everything posted by azrael

  1. *Watch this space* over the next few months. I think there will be some TM amendments made. My take is this is essentially a "stay-in-your-lane" agreement. Nothing changes with SDFM and DYRL?. FASA? SDFM and DYRL? merch? No change. Those are done deals. RT live action movie? BW will not file any lawsuit as soon as it places a foot on Japanese soil. Likewise, HG will not make a move on II, Plus, 7, Zero, Frontier, Delta, maybe even VF-X games, etc. touching US soil. As long as there is some money changing hands (likely). BW can finally get some sweet-sweet US money into their pockets. We can finally get Macross by shelling out moderate amounts of money on it instead of paying ridiculous import prices, which honestly puts money directly into BW’s pocket than paying a US distributor which somehow be funneled to BW. RT can now firmly continue to exist. My stance on RT , however, continues to be the same. They need to create their own IP, designs and all and be free from paying money to someone else. Until that happens, they will continue to be the ugly spawn-of-the-devil idea that's been milking that teat way past the cadaver stage. Oh, and Delta is still and will forever be Zoomer trash. 7 is BOMBA! Search your feelings. You know it's true.
  2. As a dead guy Lost on an island once said, “The most...important part of your life, was the time that you spent with these people. That's why all of you are here. ” That’s as good of any reason why I don’t need to see these characters again.
  3. That shot reminded me of Shin Godzilla when we first see the atomic breath.
  4. Since Joel Edgerton and Bonnie Piesse are coming back, I guess we'll see Uncle Owen objecting to Obi-wan trying to give papa's lightsaber to Luke to avoid going on "some damn fool idealistic crusade". Probably just a wild dream, but Indira Varma has the shape of Satine's face in that cover shot.
  5. Every “director’s cut” will always be longer or different because it’s closer to what the director wants. Now that I have watched this, yes it is significantly better than the Whedon-cut. I would have walked out of the theater much happier with the Synder-cut. It’s not without its flaws, but I came out more satisfied than with the Whedon-cut.
  6. This seems like more of a standard espionage thriller. Kind of a shift from the past 8 weeks of girl-be-cray-cray, but workable. I don't think this will earn as many marks as WandaVision. It will be good, but more run-of-the-mill.
  7. Really...we’re arguing the same thing just from different directions. Companies sue each other all the time, but then end up working with one another. In tech, this happens a lot. Why? Cuz it makes money-sense. It’s cheaper or one stands to gain more out of that partnership than lose. And they may keep that relationship going until it no longer is financially sound. Case in point, Apple v. Samsung or your favorite automotive company. Not saying there is a right or wrong answer, but there is precedent.
  8. Enough. Jeez. We're really just arguing the same thing here. Just different way of saying it. "terrorists"...I won't put it in such terms. More like "wrong stake holders". TokyoPop got the OK from HG to release in NA, but M7 Trash is not HG's property so that opens a door to who owns what, what's trademarked, what's copyrighted...blah blah blah.
  9. Intel Core i7-11700K Review: Blasting Off with Rocket Lake (Anandtech) I expect Intel will now be cleaning house on its distribution and supply chain team. And I expect more non-NDA 11700k reviews to start popping up. Considering that Ryzen 7 5800X are now starting to show up AND at MSRP this might harder sell for Intel. But there are more stick for Intel parts...
  10. It's probably a matter of "when", not "if". 4K output? Sure, but what's the framerate? Probably 30fps(?). I imagine they're going to push the low-point of battery life to somewhere in the 6-hour range.
  11. In more hardware-related news this week... Nintendo Plans Switch Model With Bigger Samsung OLED Display (Bloomberg) New Nintendo Switch production to begin in June, will be 4K when docked (Ars Technica)
  12. An HD re-release of a GBA game I have no plan on getting for my Switch. M.E.H.
  13. More specifically, this show is supposed to lead into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which is, as the title suggests, deals with the Marvel multiverse. Ms. Olsen has been casted into that movie so take what you will of that tidbit.
  14. Obviously this conversation is going off the rails so should any one of you bring this up again, we're just going to ban you.
  15. RTX 3060 are not now available. Let's check prices...$100 mark up. Ugh...
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